Training on Fighting Terrorism and Cybercrime, in Dili

Sat. 16 of July of 2016, 18:40h
Formacao Combate Terrorismo e Cibercrime_2_PG

On the July 15th took place the certificate award ceremony for the Specialized Training on Fighting Terrorism and Cybercrime, at the SPCI premises, in Caicoli, Dili.

The course, which had a duration of two weeks, had the participation of 34 trainees, among them Magistrates, Criminal Investigators and Forensic Experts from SPCI, Officials from the Department of Migration, the Directorate General of Customs, the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Central Bank of Timor-Leste, as well as from the Ministry of Justice.Formacao Combate Terrorismo e Cibercrime_1_PG

The training was carried out on a technical level by a team consisting of two Criminal Investigation Chief-Inspectors – João Paulo Ventura and Jorge Duque – , specialists in these themes, both from the Judicial Police from Portugal, internationally recognized entity for the high technical quality of their agents.

This course is part of the training cycle for the period 2015-2016, which is ensuring technical training and capacity building in the areas of criminal investigation, scientific police and laboratory analyses in Timor-Leste. It is a project in the context of the Justice Component of the Programme of Support to Democratic Governance in Timor-Leste, cooperation delegated by the European Union in Portugal, in the Camões, IP. Since 2012, and in partnership with the Ministry of Justice of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and with other local authorities, it followed the creation of a highly specialised body of criminal police, a key area for the development of Justice in Timor-Leste.Formacao Combate Terrorismo e Cibercrime_3_PG

The Scientific Police for Criminal Investigation, created in 2014, is composed of 78 elements (47 Criminal Investigators and 31 Forensic Experts), all trained under the programme, a strategy that included both training in Timor-Leste and in the School of Judicial Police, in Portugal.

At the ceremony were all the trainees, and representatives from the entities responsible for ensuring the training,  namely, the Embassy of Portugal in Dili, the delegation of the European Union and the Ministry of Justice of Timor-Leste.
