Prime Minister opens the meeting of the CPLP Tourism Ministers, in Dili

Thu. 09 of July of 2015, 14:10h
PM abre reunião ministros turismo cplp 2015

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, opened the meeting of representatives from the Ministries of Tourism of CPLP (Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries), under the issue “Tourism and Globalization”, on July 7th, at the Dili Conventions Centre.

The Head of the Timorese Executive reminded that this meeting was aimed at debating and sharing ideas and experiences on the best practices being adopted within the Tourism strategic sector, aiming to reach economic progress in CPLP countries.

“However, for this sector to grow, it is necessary to gather efforts and attract investment on businesses, infrastructure and human resources, particularly in developing countries, turning tourism into an essential economic activity”, advanced the Prime Minister.

The Head of Government further encouraged ministerial representatives from the Tourism department to debate on the necessary answers to give to the market offer and demand, in order to be framed in the supporting policies to the Tourism sector within each country.

“By attracting national and international investors, it should be taken into account the well-being and quality of life of the populations. These should comprise our first concern, in order to avoid inequalities and to establish an inclusive and responsible tourism”, proceeded Rui Maria de Araújo.

The Prime Minister also gave emphasis to ecotourism and community tourism, by referring to environment and climate change issues, as well as the living conditions of the people.

To representatives of the CPLP, the Prime Minister requested that promotion efforts from the different countries should be well distributed, on a common space for Tourism: “The aim is the promotion and development of the economy and society of our countries.”

The Head of the Executive thanked the support provided by the World Tourism Organization regarding the development of this activity in CPLP countries.
