Five Timorese participate in the training course of Cenjor

Thu. 16 of July of 2015, 15:22h
CENJOR Formação 2015 tratada

During the month of July, five Timorese professionals – journalists, communication technicians and translators – take part in the course of Portuguese Language Applied to Journalism and the Train the Trainers’ course, from the Professional Training Center for Journalists (Portuguese acronym: CENJOR), in Lisbon, Portugal.

Framed by the Cooperation Protocol, signed between the State Secretariat for Media (Tetum acronym: SECOMS) and Cenjor, this project aims to promote the development of Timorese Human Resources’ skills.

The trainees Elsa Ximenes, Suzana Cardoso, José Sarito Amaral, Maria Mercês do Carmo e Janio Gusmão are the first Communication professionals from Timor-Leste, attending the course of Initial Pedagogical Training of Trainers licensed in Portugal, that will enable them with the Pedagogical Skills Certificate.

From October on, Cenjor will host another 5 Timorese trainees, for a Communication and Media Interaction Course.

Since 2012, cooperation with Timor-Leste has been increasing, due to a Cooperation Programme delegated to Portugal by the European Union. Cenjor has already concluded, this year, a 4 month’ Television Journalism course, aimed at 11 professionals from Radio and Television of Timor-Leste (RTTL), which comprised trainings at RTP, LUSA TV and SIC. On June 26th, at the RTTL facilities, has also ended a Video Editing Course.

This program, which also involves Camões – Institute for Cooperation and Language, should also contemplate the start of an on-job training course on Imaging, up until the end of 2015, in Dili.
