Government and FONGTIL organize national conference on Social Auditing

Mon. 25 of May of 2015, 17:30h

The Office of the Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Forum NGO of Timor-Leste (Portuguese acronym: FONGTIL) organized a national conference on Social Auditing, under the theme: "More Social Auditing to ensure public participation to improve the provision of services."

The event took place on May 25th, 2015, in the Grand Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, on Coconut Beach (Portuguese name: Praia dos Coqueiros), in Díli.

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, stated that Social Auditing is an important tool for the State and the Government to bring forward the country's development process. "Supporting each other does not mean being silent when someone makes mistakes or let’s something that is not correct pass unchallenged. But that does not mean that we should criticise without presenting evidence. Regarding governance, when objectives are not met, Government and Civil Society should talk about it", added the Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo.

Furthermore, the Government must ensure that its development commitment is fulfilled and brings benefits to all the people: "These ideas must be put into practice. Now we must find ways for the Social Auditing partnership, between the Government and Civil Society, to be done responsibly by each party.

The Head of Government encouraged the Civil Society to participate more in the development process, showing that it is a partner that presents credible evidence when making criticism, in order to improve the implementation of Government programs.

On the other hand, the Executive Director of FONGTIL, Arsénio Pereira da Silva, said that Civil Society is an important pillar in all countries, with a function of social control.

"Since its inception, the FONGTIL and its members have always expressed constructive ideas about the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, contributing in various ways to national development," said Arsénio Pereira da Silva, adding "We are all proud because, in general, development is on the right track. However, there are still a few aspects where this does not happen as it should and thus we must work together to improve them. "

Representatives of the Civil Society, the private sector, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Timor-Leste, students and community leaders attended the conference.
