Timor-Leste honors the late La Sama

Fri. 05 of June of 2015, 11:48h
Lasama Parlamento

The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste has awarded Fernando La Sama de Araújo, by assigning him, posthumously, the order of Nicolau Lobato. The ceremony of recognition of his role in the struggle for National Liberation took place at the National Parliament, on June 5th, 2015.

That assignment was based on the Decree by the President of the Republic Nº. 46/2015, from June 3rd, which was read during the plenary session, by the Chairman of the Committee for Tribute, Virgílio Smith. The President of National Parliament, Vicente Guterres, presided over the plenary session, which was opened with the National Anthem "Pátria! Pátria!", following a minute of silence.

The President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak, proceeded to award, placing firstly the Medal on the urn of La Sama and - after paying bow for a few minutes before the coffin - delivering it to his son, Lily Aquino Hadomi Aguilar, accompanied by his mother, Jacqueline Siapno.

The Head of State, on his speech, referred to La Sama, as a person who has surrendered completely, since childhood, to the cause of national liberation.

"The Timorese State honours and values the achievements made by Fernando La Sama, during the 24 years of struggle against Indonesia's occupation and until the independence of Timor-Leste. After the restoration of the Independence on May 20th, 2002, Fernando La Sama kept involved in the process of reconstruction of the country, by having shown, before the people and the State, his commitment on the search of a better future for their motherland. A copy of the new generation, which deserves to be imitated by all Timorese ", praised Taur Matan Ruak.

Vicente Guterres, on his speech, spoke touched to tears: "The death of Fernando La Sama makes us recall that, since his childhood until the last moments, he devoted himself to community service. We ask him forgiveness for our faults. And, from us, we forgive him his, so that he will be accepted in heaven. "

The closure of the awarding ceremony was held with the intervention of the parliamentary parties - Frente Mudança, Partido Democrático, FRETILIN and CNRT. Each one of them paid their last respects, by praising the late Fernando La Sama de Araújo, National Liberation fighter and leader chosen amongst the new generation of Timor-Leste.
