Government takes steps to control tobacco consumption

Mon. 01 of June of 2015, 20:31h
Autocolante No Smoking_PG_2

May 29th was dedicated, in Timor-Leste, to the control of tobacco consumption. In anticipation of the celebration of the World NoTobacco Day, set by the World Health Organization for May 31st, took place at the Ministry of Social Solidarity, in Díli, the national colloquium "The fight against tobacco and prevention of illegal trade in Timor-Leste", with the participation of the Prime Minister at the opening session. On that same day, Rui Maria de Araújo issued a regulation, announcing measures in order to monitor the consumption of tobacco within the country.

Coloquio No tabacco day_1_PGAt the Colloquium, the Head of Government said that everyone has the right to smoke. However, he added, smokers should respect non-smokers. Because the cigarette has a negative impact on the health of those who do not smoke, especially indoors, either at public buildings or at home. "Let me give you an example. Considering that, at home, the father is a smoker, mother and the children suffer the impact of cigarette smoke. This means that individual option will affect not only the individual himself, but also the entire household", explained Rui Maria de Araújo, by highlighting the "lack of logic in the attitude ".

The Prime Minister also announced some of the measures that he issued in order to control tobacco consumption in Timor-Leste.

His dispatch determines that "all members of Government shall issue internal rules in order to prohibit tobacco smoke inside public and identify, on the outside of the building, where smoking is allowed".

Apart from this general measure aimed at the Executive, three ministries are responsible for issuing regulations in order to prohibit smoking insidetheir public buildings: the Ministry of Education,in public educational institutions, the Ministry of Health, "in public institutions where health care is provided, including ambulances and patient transport vehicles "and the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications, at ports and airports.

In addition to the prohibition, the Head of the Government also launches awareness measures. The Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications "should promote awareness campaigns against tobacco, including actions of clarification" aiming to "warn on the dangers and harmful effectsof tobacco and appeal to people not to smoke inside collective passenger transport vehicles and taxis".

Commercial businesses should also be sensitized on this issue, by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment, which should appeal to them not to advertise tobacco. This Ministry is also responsible for developing awareness and information campaigns "on the need to create smoke-free spaces inside restaurants, bars, shops, places intended for playing games, sport, leisure and hotels and tourist facilities."

In order to ensuring compliance with these measures, "the Ministry of the Interior, through the National Police of Timor-Leste and the Civil Security, must ensure that, within public buildings, no one smokes". This Ministry is also responsible for promoting awareness and information campaigns.

Coloquio No tabacco day_2_PGAt the Colloquium, it was issueda challenge to the Ministry of Health, in order to, when organizing the 2016 World No-Tobacco Day, give awards to the ministries that have joinedthe status of "tobacco-free".

The Prime Minister also announced that the Government is preparing a legal framework on tobacco control in the country.
