Prime Minister holds first official visit to the Municipality of Lautém

Mon. 09 of March of 2015, 17:25h
PM Lautem 6.3.2015

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, paid his first official visit to the Municipality of Lautém on March sixth, with the main purpose of delivering school furniture to local educational institutions.

Led by the Head of Government, this ceremony was organized by the Ministry of Education and was attended by the Minister of State, Coordinator for Social Affairs and Minister of Education, Fernando La Sama de Araújo, the Minister of Health  Maria da Costa, the Administrator for the Municipality of Lautém, Zeferino dos Santos Sequeira, the Chairman for the Council of Veterans from Region 1 East Side, Virgílio Smith, the Chairman for the Commission of Honour from the Municipality of Lautém, Renan Sela, and Directors of Municipal Administration.

Around 4000 tables and chairs were delivered and the local population proved to be very pleased with Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo for having held his first official visit to their district, after the swearing-in of the Sixth Constitutional Government.

After this ceremony, the Prime Minister had a meeting with the directors of municipal schools in Manatuto, Baucau, Viqueque and Lautém, under the issue "Building the Nation through a Quality Education".

During his speech, the Head of Government said that the position he took is, above all, a vote of confidence from historic leaders. "One for all and all for one" is the motto of the current government.

Despite acknowledging weaknesses on the public administration sector, the Sixth Constitutional Government adopts three principles during its term: discipline, strictness and firmness.

Malfunctions on the payment system, the inconsistencies on the curriculum evaluation process, malfunctions on the school lunch program, the need to strengthen safety in schools, the evaluation of teachers, as well as their benefits, were some of the concerns raised by the directors of the educational institutions.

The Prime Minister has expressed his concern on the pensions of teachers and said that according to the Minister of Social Solidarity, there has been, for two years, a Temporary Regime. The current government is establishing a Retirement Pensions’ Act, covering all public servants.

The Health Center of Laga and the Baucau Referral Hospital were other places that Rui Araújo visited, in order to check on the real conditions of these hospitals.
