Prime Minister faces a solution towards the issue of Veterans

Sat. 07 of March of 2015, 11:18h
IMG_8700 tratada

The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, held on March 6th a meeting with the Veterans from the Municipality of Lautém. The aim of the visit was focused on the effort from the Sixth Constitutional Government in order to solve pending issues of the Veterans and also to establish the National Council of Veterans.

 The President from the General Council for the Municipality of Lautém, Renan Sela, questioned the Government on the access to health by Veterans, an issue of which the Head of Government has shown to be currently aware of.

 “The Minister of Health has the responsibility of organizing the National Health Service, in a way for the veterans to be registered to have periodic medical examinations, in order to, if necessary, carrying a more complete assessment on their health status.”

 The Veterans have requested the Head of Government to establish a mobile team, in order to facilitate the assessment on the real health conditions of former combatants.
