SoSSSEPW and Triangle Generation Humanitaire sign a MoU on domestic violence

Fri. 13 of March of 2015, 16:41h
MoU SEAPSEM TGH sobre violencia domestica_PG

The Secretariat of State for the Support and Socio-Economical Promotion of Women (SoSSSEPW) and the Triangle Generation Humanitaire signed, on March 12th, in Díli, a  Memorandum of Understanding “which aims to raise awareness on civil society aiming to protect children and women, victims of violence”.

The event counted on with the participation of the delegation from the European Union in Timor-Leste and local partners, namely Casa Vida, Rede Feto, Fokupers, APSC-TL and PRADET. The signature of this agreement aims to reinforce the good-will of the partners in maintaining a solid and significant cooperation, with the commitment to eradicate the acts of domestic violence within the Timorese community.

This idea carries full support from the Secretary of State for the Support and Socio-Economical Promotion of Women, Veneranda Lemos Martins, by further adding the importance of the sustainable strategic development and by applying, gender-based, rules related to violence.

The project implementation is included in the National Action Plan on gender-based violence, framed by the Law against Domestic Violence. In order to achieve its goals, were set two areas of intervention: the reinforcement of the organization, management and technical ability on local organization and the production of awareness campaigns near the population.

The project will be launched until the end of September 2016, in Bobonaro, Covalima, Oe-Cusse Ambeno and Dili.
