Eighty seven public servants from MoSA are sworn-in

Fri. 30 of January of 2015, 18:09h

The President of the Civil Service Commission, Eng. Libório Pereira, in the presence of the Minister of State Administration, Jorge da Conceição Teme, has sworn-in87 public servants from the Ministry of State administration (MoSA), at a ceremony held on January 29th, at that Ministry’s Hall.

In his speech, Jorge da Conceição Teme referred that public servants work as a State mechanism. For this reason, he asked them to work with discipline and professionalism and to use State property in a responsible way, such as cars and motorcycles.

“Many people, from Oe-Cusse Ambeno to Tutuala, want to become public servants, but only you have made it. However, do not think that being a public servant is equivalent to receiving an award, of which you can brag about, because being a public servant is serving the people with no objection”, added the Minister.

Jorge da Conceição Teme also called on “all public servants to have a nationalism spirit, because many have lost their life fighting for national liberation. Some are still missing.”

On the same event, the President for the Civil Service Commission recalled all sworn into office that signing in the sworn-in agreement means accepting to fulfill the Statute of Public Function, to honor the Constitution and to implement Government programs.

 “Ministers can be replaced, but you, as public servants, remain. For this reason, you shall always be ready to serve the State, by fulfilling your duties such as punctuality, obeying their superiors’ orders , to keep professional secrecy and give priority to the interests of the State. All this is written on article 137th, of the Constitution of the DRTL”, added Eng. Libório Pereira

As taking part on the ceremony were the general and national directors, the heads of department and the families of those sworn-in took part in the ceremony.
