Asian Development Bank supports the Government on the resolution of waste problems across Dili

Tue. 20 of January of 2015, 17:30h
MAE_ADB_Tratamento Lixo

The Minister of State Administration, Jorge Teme, met with the representative for the Asian Development Bank, Allison Woodruff, on January 19th, 2015, to talk about the support provided by the institution on the resolution of wasteproblems across the capital City. Allison Woodruff said that the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has already conducted a study on waste problems across Dili, following an agreement with the Ministry of State Administration (MoSA), concluded last year. The outcomes of the study “Dili Urban Improvements” shall be launched this year, in August.

“The ADB will also presentto the MoSA its suggestions on how to solve and reduce waste within Dili, to turn the capital into a sustainable city, with a pleasant environment. For this purpose, we must have good cooperation between all the entities”, added Allison Woodruff.
