MoPW and SoSPE organize a seminar on gender awareness

Fri. 21 of November of 2014, 11:49h

The Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) organized a seminar on gender awareness, on November 19th. The initiative was developed through the National Working Groups on Gender, in cooperation with the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality (SoSPE) and was aimed at officials in senior and chief positions of that ministry.

The Minister of Public Works, Gastão de Sousa, considered the seminar a good opportunity for officials in senior and chief positions to better understand the work of the SoSPE and promote gender equality in the referred Ministry.

Regarding the award for the promotion of gender equality, received by the Ministry of Public Works during the celebration of National Women's Day, November 7th last, Gastão de Sousa said "Thank you for your effort. You have earned this award. However, let us not stop here. There are still many things to do. I ask all personnel to properly understand the issue of gender equality in order to promote it in our ministry. "

The Minister also thanked SoSPE for sharing their ideas about gender awareness with MoPW: "Often, while providing services to the population, particularly while executing works such as roads, water distribution systems and electricity supply, we don’t take care about women’s involvement; but from now on we have to bear this in mind.”

On the other hand, SoSPE interim Director General, Maria José Sanches, recalled that the Secretary of State is the main Government body responsible for planning, coordinating and evaluating the policies promoting gender equality defined by the Council of Ministers.

Maria José Sanches also said that the integrated approach to gender policy in Timor-Leste is SoSPE’s priority and it aims to respond to the Strategic Development Plan of 2011-2030. The Government guarantees that by 2030 Timor-Leste will be a country where justice in gender issues and empowering women, as well as in human rights, will be effective through the promotion and protection of law and culture. "To achieve this goal, we will require an effort from all of us" said Maria José Sanches.

"In 2014, SoSPE was able to analyse 24 action plans, including the Ministry of Public Works’ plan.  SEPI has recommended the MoPW to take into account the balance between men and women in training, project execution and human resources" said Maria José Sanches, noting that the appeal is also extended to other ministries.
