Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation meets the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of India

Fri. 31 of Outubro of 2014, 16:09h
reuniao com Emb India_2_PG

The Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Constâncio Pinto, held, on October 29th, a meeting with the delegation from India, comprised by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador from that country in Timor-Leste, Gurjit Singh, and by groups of entrepreneurs whose activity is focused on the areas of mining exploration, industry and construction.

“This meeting follows a previous visit by the Ambassador of India. Recently, reuniao com Emb India_1_PGwe have also had a meeting in Bali, during the Bali Democracy Forum. At that time, we took care of three issues: the visit by the Indian entrepreneur delegation to Timor-Leste, the establishment of the IT (Information Technology) Centre in Díli and his willingness to find someone to become their Honorary Consul for Timor-Leste. I think that this meeting was excellent to strengthen our cooperation with India”, highlighted Constâncio Pinto.

The Interim Minister mentioned that the Government of India is interested in extending cooperation with Timor-Leste. The Indian Government wishes to provide special treatment to our country, making it possible for our products to enter India in free tariff conditions, which means, without paying taxes.

On this visit, the Ambassador Gurgit Singh was accompanied by investors from major companies, involved in the construction of railways and airports, mining and agriculture.
