Ministry of Justice launches project of the National Registry System

Tue. 29 of July of 2014, 17:41h

The Prime Ministers of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, and of the Republic of Portugal, Pedro Passos Coelho along with the Minister of Justice, Dionísio Babo, launched the project of the National Registry System (NRS), on July 25th, at the NRS building, in Kintál Boot, Díli.

According to the Minister of Justice, the implementation of the NRS project, using modern technologies, aims to survey data on land to be uploaded into the new system. Around 150 people integrate the project and are attending training and, in the future, will work in the Secretariat of State for Land and Property.

Dionísio Babo also referred that, since the period of Portuguese occupation until now, Timor-Leste has never had a National Registry System that gathers the data on land, but now, will the approval by the Council of Ministers of the NRS, which will be implemented in Timor-Leste during 6 years, it will be possible to survey data on land across all the territory.

 “This survey aims to ensure the development of the country. I ask, therefore, every Timorese to cooperate with the team of the NRS, by providing truthful information on land, because the data being collected will allow population to obtain their ownership titles on their land”, stated Dionísio Babo.

The completion of the project is possible due to the joint work of Grupo Média Nacional (GMN) and of the firm Arm Apprize, from Portugal.
