The World Economy and the CPLP

Mon. 21 of July of 2014, 20:03h
Reuniao Ministros das Financas_21-07-14_PG

Finance Ministers of the CPLP countries attended, on July 21st, on the 10th floor of the new building of the Ministry of Finance, to a presentation on Economy and Finance that brought together experts from various world organizations and representatives of several other countries that do not belong to the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP).

This meeting, entitled "Impact of Globalization on Public Finance of CPLP", aimed to give those responsible for Finance of the countries of the Community, a perspective on the future of the global economy, now that Timor-Leste takes the Rotating Presidency of the Community.

Throughout the day there were several presentations: the first by the Resident Director of the World Bank for China, Bert Hofman, on "Recent Developments of Economic Situation in Asia and prospects for the future: Opportunities and challenges for CPLP"; the second, by the Executive Director of the IMF, Paulo Nogueira Batista, on "Recent Developments of Economic Situation in Latin America and prospects for the future: Opportunities and challenges for CPLP"; the third by the Practice Manager of Macroeconomics and Fiscal Management of World Bank, Mark Thomas, on "Recent Developments of Economic Situation in Africa and prospects for the future: Opportunities and challenges for CPLP". In the afternoon, the fourth presentation was given by the Principal Advisor to the Ministry of Finance of Timor-Leste, Rui Maria de Araújo on "The CPLP in the era of globalization: Public Finance Management and how can governments stimulate economic growth"; and finally the fifth presentation by the Secretary General of the g7+, Helder da Costa, on "The CPLP and the Global Financial Crisis: Lessons learned, risks and opportunities for the CPLP".

Based on the various presentations and discussions of this working day, the "Dili Communiqué" on this matter was prepared, and it will be taken into account during the rotating Presidency of the Community by Timor-Leste, during the next two years.
