
  • Prime Minister starts work visits in Portugal
    Wed. 28 of May of 2014, 17:44h Prime Minister starts work visits in Portugal The Prime Minister and Minister for Defence and Security, Xanana Gusmão, has started a journey, from May 22nd to June 13th, aiming to perform some work visits to countries such as Portugal, Equatorial Guinea, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guinea ...more
  • “Pre-deconcentration policy promotes good governance”
    Mon. 26 of May of 2014, 16:35h “Pre-deconcentration policy promotes good governance” The Secretariat of State for Administrative Deconcentration organized, on May 22nd, a national conference under the theme “Deepening administrative pre-deconcentration in the Justice sector – challenges and opportunities”. On a statement made at ...more
  • MoFAC receives the visit of the ACP Secretary General
    Mon. 19 of May of 2014, 22:18h MoFAC receives the visit of the ACP Secretary General The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Luís Guterres, met on May 19th with the Secretary General for the African, Caribbean and Pacific group of countries (ACP), the Ghanaian Alhaji Muhammad Mumuni. In his first visit to Timor-Leste, Alhaji ...more
  • Timor-Leste and Australia sign Cooperation Agreement for PNDS
    Mon. 12 of May of 2014, 18:40h Timor-Leste and Australia sign Cooperation Agreement for PNDS The Governments of Timor-Leste, through the Minister of State Administration, Jorge da Conceição Teme, and Australia, represented by the Ambassador Peter Doyle, signed a Cooperation Agreement related to the National Program for Suco Development (portuguese ...more
  • Timor-Leste, Australia and Indonesia hold a meeting on higher education
    Wed. 07 of May of 2014, 20:30h Timor-Leste, Australia and Indonesia hold a meeting on higher education The Ministry of Education organized a meeting with the representatives for higher education of neighbour countries, specifically with Charles Darwin University, from Australia, Udayana Bali University from Indonesia and National University of Timor-Lorosa’e ...more
  • Timor-Leste and Indonesia will hold Border Games
    Mon. 05 of May of 2014, 19:35h Timor-Leste and Indonesia will hold Border Games The Secretary of State for Youth and Sports, Miguel Manetelo, had a meeting on April 30th with his Indonesian homologous, the Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs, Roy Soryo, to discuss the holding of the Border Games, arising from an agreement signed in ...more
  • Government launches campaign on the use of equipment of safety and health at work
    Mon. 05 of May of 2014, 18:30h Government launches campaign on the use of equipment of safety and health at work The Secretary of State for Professional Training and Employment Policy, Ilídio Ximenes da Costa, along with the Vice-Minister of Justice, Ivo Valente, launched on April 30, a campaign on the use of equipment of health and safety in the workplace. The venue for the ...more
  • Council of Ministers extends joint actions of the F-FDTL and PNTL Nationwide
    Mon. 05 of May of 2014, 17:50h Council of Ministers extends joint actions of the F-FDTL and PNTL Nationwide Following the Government Resolution no. 8/2014 of March 31, in which the government supported the joint operational commitment of the Security Forces (PNTL) and the Defence Forces (F-FDTL) in order to restore public stability in Laga, Quelicai Baguia and Wato-Lari, ...more
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