
  • Timor-Leste establishes diplomatic relations with Jamaica
    Mon. 29 of September of 2014, 17:32h Timor-Leste establishes diplomatic relations with Jamaica The Minister of State and of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Timor-Leste, José Luis Guterres, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Jamaica, Arnold J. Nicholson Q.C., signed on September 27th, 2014, in New York, a Joint Declaration on the ...more
  • Prime Minister in Melbourne and in New York
    Fri. 19 of September of 2014, 09:28h Prime Minister in Melbourne and in New York The Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, visits Melbourne, from September 15th to September 20th, departing then from this Australian city to New York, where he will be, from September 21st until September ...more
  • Vice Prime Minister inaugurates the bridge Koeluil Maklau
    Mon. 15 of September of 2014, 15:36h Vice Prime Minister inaugurates the bridge Koeluil Maklau The Vice Prime Minister, Fernando La Sama de Araújo, along with the President of the Commission E of the National Parliament, Pedro dos Reis Mártires, and the National Director for Roads, Bridges and Flood Control, Rui Hernani, inaugurated the bridge of Koeluil ...more
  •  “Copyright as a Development Approach”
    Mon. 15 of September of 2014, 10:36h “Copyright as a Development Approach” This was the topic chosen for a seminar, whose organization was the responsibility of the Ministry of Tourism, the Secretariat of State for Art and Culture, the Portuguese Society of Authors and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO – an agency from the ...more
  • National Malaria Control Programme in Timor-Leste receives a prize from the World Health Organization
    Wed. 10 of September of 2014, 11:06h National Malaria Control Programme in Timor-Leste receives a prize from the World Health Organization The World Health Organization for the Southeast Asia Region (WHO-SEARO) has given an award to Timor-Leste's National Malaria Control Program, the 'Award of Excellence in Public Health for the Region'. This award by WHO (delivered on 10 September in the capital of ...more
  • National Archive is crucial for good governance
    Tue. 09 of September of 2014, 11:19h National Archive is crucial for good governance The Ministry of State Administration, through the National Directorate of Archive, organized a national seminar under the subject “Importance of the National Archive towards Good Governance and National Development”, at Hotel Timor, in Díli, on September 5th, ...more
  • Government supports 20 traders for the establishment of People’s Shops
    Mon. 08 of September of 2014, 14:56h Government supports 20 traders for the establishment of People’s Shops The Minister for Commerce, Industry and Environment, António da Conceição, signed an agreement with a group of beneficiaries, comprising 20 people from the districts, who will establish People’s Shops. Accompanying the Minister were the Vice Minister for ...more
  • 1st Seminar on e-government
    Fri. 29 of August of 2014, 16:54h 1st Seminar on e-government The Ministry of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with the support of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Secretariat of State for Institutional Strengthening, ...more
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