
  • SSfM organizes colloquium on Investigative Journalism
    Wed. 17 of December of 2014, 18:55h SSfM organizes colloquium on Investigative Journalism The State Secretariat for Media (SSfM) organizes a three-day colloquium on Investigative Journalism. Between December 17th and 19th, journalists from the printed and digital press of Timor-Leste meet at Hotel Novo Turismo, in Dili, to address ...more
  • Ambassador of Ukraine visits Timor-Leste
    Fri. 12 of December of 2014, 10:45h Ambassador of Ukraine visits Timor-Leste Constâncio da Conceição Pinto, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, had a meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine, based in Malaysia, Ilhor V. Humennyi, on December 4th, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ...more
  • Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation received Vietnamese students
    Fri. 05 of December of 2014, 18:22h Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation received Vietnamese students The Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Constâncio da Conceição Pinto, received on December 4th, in the Diplomatic Institute’s Meeting Room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MoFAC), a courtesy call from the ...more
  • NP approved SB for 2015 in generality
    Thu. 04 of December of 2014, 16:57h NP approved SB for 2015 in generality The National Parliament (NP) approved today, December 4, 2014 the State Budget (SB) for 2015, in generality, with 62 votes in favor, zero against and two abstentions. This will now be followed by discussion and voting of each ...more
  • State Budget for 2015 under discussion in the National Parliament
    Mon. 01 of December of 2014, 21:19h State Budget for 2015 under discussion in the National Parliament The Draft Law on the General State Budget (GSB) for the 2015 financial year began to be analysed and discussed, in general terms, this Monday, December 1st, in the National Parliament. As a result of the annual "Yellow Road" ...more
  • Five houses were inaugurated for the underprivileged of Seloi Malere
    Mon. 01 of December of 2014, 18:55h Five houses were inaugurated for the underprivileged of Seloi Malere The President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak, inaugurated, on November 27th and for the first time, five houses for the underprivileged, in the village of Bularema, Seloi Malere suco, subdistrict from the municipality of Aileu. more
  • 2nd CPLP Conference on e-Government
    Mon. 01 of December of 2014, 17:18h 2nd CPLP Conference on e-Government This year the 2nd Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) Conference on E-Government took place between November 25th and November 28th, in Luanda, Angola, on the subject " Cybersecurity ". From ...more
  • Inauguration of the statue of Nicolau Lobato, in Aileu
    Mon. 01 of December of 2014, 11:37h Inauguration of the statue of Nicolau Lobato, in Aileu On Thursday, November 27th, 2014, the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak, inaugurated the statue of President Nicolau Lobato, at the Suco of Aussirimou, Municipality of Aileu. The President of the Republic and the former ...more
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