
  • Ministry of Health receives basic equipment from the World Health Organization
    Fri. 29 of April of 2016, 11:29h Ministry of Health receives basic equipment from the World Health Organization The Ministry of Health has received basic equipment to support the "Health in the family" programme, launched in 2016. These were delivered by the World Health Organization to Timor-Leste, on April 27th. They include ...more
  • National seminar on sanitation and hygiene
    Thu. 28 of April of 2016, 11:34h National seminar on sanitation and hygiene The Ministry of Health organised a national seminar on sanitation and hygiene, in Hotel Timor, in Dili, on April 27th, 2016. The aim was to discuss the access of Timorese people to sanitation. The Director-General of ...more
  • Minister of Justice chairs the Contact Points of the CPLP Judicial Network Meeting
    Tue. 26 of April of 2016, 11:15h Minister of Justice chairs the Contact Points of the CPLP Judicial Network Meeting The Minister of Justice Ivo Valente, as President of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Portuguese-speaking countries (Portuguese acronym CMJPLOP), officially opened the Second  Meeting of the Contact Points of the Community of Portuguese Speaking ...more
  • Timorese Presidency of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the CPLP praised by the Portuguese President
    Sat. 23 of April of 2016, 18:56h Timorese Presidency of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the CPLP praised by the Portuguese President The Minister of Justice Ivo Valente took part in the joint opening meetings of the members of Supreme Councils of the Judiciary and of the Contact Points of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (Portuguese acronym CPLP) Judicial Network, on April ...more
  • Clean-up Campaign on local beaches
    Mon. 18 of April of 2016, 16:18h Clean-up Campaign on local beaches The Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Estanislau da Silva, and the Vice Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Marcos da Cruz, took the initiative to carry out a general clean-up on the Bidau-Lecidere ...more
  • Minister of Justice meets in Lisbon with ASEAN representative
    Mon. 18 of April of 2016, 10:15h Minister of Justice meets in Lisbon with ASEAN representative The Minister of Justice of Timor-Leste, Ivo Valente, currently the President of the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries (Portuguese acronym CMJPLOP), has met with the Ambassador of the Philippines and the representative of ASEAN ...more
  • Ambassador presents her credentials to UN Secretary-General
    Fri. 15 of April of 2016, 16:22h Ambassador presents her credentials to UN Secretary-General Ambassador Maria Helena Pires officially presented her credentials to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, to act as the Permanent Representative of Timor-Leste to the United Nations. This ceremony took place on April 12th, 2016, in New York ...more
  • Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão meets with UN Secretary-General
    Thu. 14 of April of 2016, 14:40h Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão meets with UN Secretary-General At 4:00pm on the 13th of April [5:00am Dili time today] the Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment and Chief Negotiator for Maritime Boundaries, H.E. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, met with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban ...more
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