
  • Prime Minister launches Partnership for Human Development Programme
    Fri. 10 of March of 2017, 10:16h Prime Minister launches Partnership for Human Development Programme The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, launched the Partnership for Human Development Programme with the Australian Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Peter Doyle, on March 8th, 2017 at the Timor Plaza in Dili. The ...more
  • Ministry of Social Solidarity celebrates International Women's Day
    Thu. 09 of March of 2017, 16:22h Ministry of Social Solidarity celebrates International Women's Day The Ministry of Social Solidarity, through the National Directorate of Social Development (DNDS), in particular the Women's Protection and Promotion Department, celebrated International Women's Day (March 8th) with the theme “Be courageous to transform ...more
  • Woman is the mother, educator and manager in the family and in society
    Thu. 09 of March of 2017, 11:51h Woman is the mother, educator and manager in the family and in society The Government, through the State Secretariat for the Support and Socio-Economic Promotion of Women, celebrated International Women's Day with the theme “Women’s role in development”, in the Administrative Post of Baguia, in the Municipality of Baucau, on ...more
  • Prime-Minister Message for International Women's Day
    Wed. 08 of March of 2017, 10:11h Prime-Minister Message for International Women's Day International Women's Day is celebrated around the world today, March 8. In Timor-Leste, the Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, has delivered a firm message, recalling the role of women in the country's development, pointing out persistent inequality and calling for change. For the ...more
  • Legislative Reform Commission proceeds with the informal Justice system diagnostic
    Tue. 07 of March of 2017, 15:32h Legislative Reform Commission proceeds with the informal Justice system diagnostic On March 5th, the research team of the Legislative Reform and Justice Sector Commission (LRC), the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES), and the President of the LRC, Jorge Graça, met together to draw up planned actions for the second phase of the informal ...more
  • Institute of Petroleum and Geology signs agreement with University of Melbourne
    Fri. 03 of March of 2017, 16:46h Institute of Petroleum and Geology signs agreement with University of Melbourne On February 28th, in Melbourne, Australia, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute of Petroleum and Geology (IPG) and the University ...more
  • Government analyses Marriage and Family laws
    Thu. 23 of February of 2017, 10:35h Government analyses Marriage and Family laws On February 23rd the Legislative Reform and Justice Sector Commission (LRC) together with the National Directorate for Legal Counsel and Legislation and the National Directorate for Registration and Notary, examined the possibilities of changing the norms related to marriage and ...more
  • Prime Minister visits Health Centre of Metinaro
    Mon. 20 of February of 2017, 10:14h Prime Minister visits Health Centre of Metinaro The Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, paid a visit to Metinaro’s Health Centre, in Cristo Rei, Dili, on February 17th, 2017. The purpose of this visit was to identify existing problems, namely the lack of a laboratory room, a maternity and a ...more
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