Fri. 10 of April of 2020, 08:53h Arrival of the first aircraft resulting from the agreement between the Government and Airnorth The first aircraft, resulting from the agreement signed between the Government of Timor-Leste and Airnorth, on April 7, arrives today, April 10, at 1:45 p.m., at President Nicolau Lobato International Airport, from the Australian city of Darwin. This ...more
Wed. 08 of April of 2020, 17:41h Tibar Port works will not be suspended during the State of Emergency Timor-Leste is under a state of emergency since 28 March 2020 until 26 April 2020, to prevent the community spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since the Tibar Bay Port is a project of strategic national interest for the country, its construction and ...more
Tue. 31 of March of 2020, 15:02h Dili Port remains in operation during the state of emergency The President of the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of Timor-Leste I.P (APORTIL), Flávio Cardoso Neves (APORTIL), assured yesterday, March 30, 2020, more
Sun. 29 of March of 2020, 21:08h Meeting of the interministerial Commission for the preventive measures of COVID-19 available ...more
Sat. 28 of March of 2020, 22:24h Government approves measures to implement the declaration of state of emergency The Government approved, at the meeting of the Council of Ministers, of March28, 2020, more
Sat. 28 of March of 2020, 19:31h Crisis management commission is established to manage the implementation of the state of emergency available ...more
Thu. 26 of March of 2020, 19:14h National Parliament unanimously approves a declaration of state of emergency available ...more