
  • Seminar on the role of the media in the coverage and supervision of public finances
    Wed. 03 of April of 2019, 17:05h Seminar on the role of the media in the coverage and supervision of public finances The opening session of a training seminar for journalists from Timor-Leste on "The Higher Institutions of Control and the Democratic Rule of Law: The Role of the Media" was held on April 3rd. This seminar is being carried out within the scope of the project "Public ...more
  • Government prepares partnership for plastic transformation
    Wed. 03 of April of 2019, 10:55h Government prepares partnership for plastic transformation The Government of Timor-Leste is preparing a memorandum of understanding with Mura Technology and Armstrong Energy Ltd for the development of an emerging and revolutionary technology called Cat-HTR, invented by Professor Thomas Maschmeyer at the University of ...more
  • Government gives financial support to RTTL, EP
    Tue. 02 of April of 2019, 16:11h Government gives financial support to RTTL, EP The Government of Timor-Leste, through the Secretary of State for Social Communication (SECOMS), Mericio Juvinal dos Reis "Akara", handed over financial support from the public transfers budget category to the public company Rádio e Televisão de Timor-Leste ...more
  • Government hands two ambulances to the RAEOA
    Mon. 01 of April of 2019, 08:51h Government hands two ambulances to the RAEOA The Minister of State for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), Agio Pereira, today, on April 1, 2019, conducted the delivery to the President of the Special Administrative Region of Oecusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Mari Alkatiri, of two new 4x4 vehicles, fully ...more
  • Government met with the Chinese Ambassador
    Fri. 29 of March of 2019, 09:58h Government met with the Chinese Ambassador The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Agio Pereira and the Acting Minister of the Interior, Alexandrino de Araújo, received the Chinese Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Xiao Jianguo, on Friday, March 29 at the Government Palace in Dili. more
  • Meeting of the Administrative Council of the Infrastructure Fund
    Fri. 29 of March of 2019, 08:41h Meeting of the Administrative Council of the Infrastructure Fund The Administrative Council of the Infrastructure Fund (CAFI) met on 29 March 2019 at the Ministry of Finance in Dili to discuss and analyze the projects of the Infrastructure Fund (IF). The meeting, organized by the Secretariat ...more
  • Health and hygiene awareness campaign
    Thu. 28 of March of 2019, 12:02h Health and hygiene awareness campaign The Vice Minister for Strategic Health Development (VMDES), Bonifácio Mau-Coli dos Reis, launched this Thursday, March 28, at the administrative post of Bobonaro, the campaign ALFA - Area La Soe Fo'er Boot Arbiru (zone where it does not defecate in ...more
  • Government meets with officials from Timor Port SA
    Thu. 28 of March of 2019, 09:13h Government meets with officials from Timor Port SA The Acting Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment, Agio Pereira, received representatives of the concessionary Bolloré and the heads of Timor Port SA, at a meeting of coordination and information on the ...more
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