
  • Government signs annual grant agreement with the Timorese Episcopal Conference
    Mon. 23 of September of 2019, 17:17h Government signs annual grant agreement with the Timorese Episcopal Conference The Prime-Minister, Taur Matan Ruak and the president of the Timorese Episcopal Conference (CET), D. Norberto do Amaral, Bishop of the Diocese of Maliana, signed today, on 23 September, an agreement that sets out the attribution, by Government, of a ...more
  • Government finalizes budget discussion at Political Review Committee
    Mon. 23 of September of 2019, 14:43h Government finalizes budget discussion at Political Review Committee In compliance with the political commitment of the Eight Constitutional Government to continue to contribute to transforming Timor-Leste from a low-income country to a medium-high income country, the Political Review Committee (best known by the acronym CROP, Political ...more
  • MRLAP launches Timor-Leste Public Administration Reform Program
    Tue. 17 of September of 2019, 16:51h MRLAP launches Timor-Leste Public Administration Reform Program September 17, 2019 - The Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs and its Office of Administrative Innovation (aka GIA, from the Portuguese acronym) convene this Tuesday and Wednesday a Consultation Colloquium on the Public ...more
  • Government and KfW Development Bank meet to discuss maritime cooperation
    Fri. 13 of September of 2019, 16:38h Government and KfW Development Bank meet to discuss maritime cooperation The Minister of State of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira, met on September 13, 2019, at the Government Palace in Dili, with Burkhard Hinz, head of the Urban Development and Mobility Division for East Asia and the Pacific, of the KfW Development ...more
  • Recognition of the role of the g7+ at the G7 Summit and deliberation on UN observer status in September
    Mon. 09 of September of 2019, 17:34h Recognition of the role of the g7+ at the G7 Summit and deliberation on UN observer status in September The attribution of the status of permanent observer of the United Nations (UN) to the g7+ will be decided during the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly that will take place in new York, between 17 and 27 September 2019. more
  • 70 journalists receive Portuguese language training certificates
    Fri. 06 of September of 2019, 15:37h 70 journalists receive Portuguese language training certificates The ceremony for the award of certificates of Portuguese language training, in the context of the project of the Language Lab for Journalists, was held on the 6th of September in the auditorium of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, at the Government Palace ...more
  • Ambulance Workshop Opening in Maubisse
    Thu. 05 of September of 2019, 16:20h Ambulance Workshop Opening in Maubisse On September 5, 2019, the Deputy Minister for the Strategic Development of Health, Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis, accompanied by the Ambassador of Australia in Timor-Leste, Peter Roberts, officially inaugurated an ambulances office at the reference Hospital of Maubisse, in the ...more
  • CAFI meets to discuss priorities for 2020
    Tue. 03 of September of 2019, 12:52h CAFI meets to discuss priorities for 2020 The Administrative Council of the Infrastructure Fund (CAFI) met on September 3, 2019 at Government Palace in Dili to discuss priorities for 2020 and for the preparation of the 2020 General State Budget (OGE). The meeting, ...more
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