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    2 of Outubro of 2014
    Obituary: Kevin Sherlock 8.3.1934 - 2.10.2014
    "Kevin Sherlock was a long term Darwin resident who led a double life. To those who didn’t know him well, he was an unassuming former newsagent from Adelaide, who lived a quiet life in a small flat in the suburbs of Darwin.
    To his many friends throughout Australia and Timor-Leste, he was a legend. He was a walking encyclopedia, and his flat was a compact library with shelving on every wall, crammed with books and files about the history of Timor."
    "Kevin Sherlock died in the Royal Darwin Hospital on 2 October 2014."

    (Agio Pereira, Timor-Leste Minister of State and Presidency of the Council of Ministers)
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    26 of July of 2014
    Communique Timor-Leste Development Partners’ Meeting 2014
    At the 2014 Timor-Leste Development Partners’ Meeting, on July 26, the representatives of the Government of Timor-Leste and the development partners, Civil Society Organizations and Private Sector representatives met to discuss progress in implementing the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030 and agree on a structure and process to achieve results into the future.
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    21 of July of 2014
    National Action Plan "Eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition in Timor-Leste"
    The Government of Timor-Leste has prepared this National Action Plan in collaboration with development partners including the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Organizations of the Civil Society. It was launched in January 2014.
    Document soon available.
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    07 of May of 2014
    May Conferences
    The initiative stems from a joint effort by the Ministry of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Secretariat of State for Art and Culture, in partnership with several institutions.
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    21 of February of 2014
    Activity Report presented by the Mission of Support to the Electoral Process in Guinea-Bissau
    Activity Report presented by the Mission of Support to the Electoral Process in Guinea-Bissauto the National Parliament. Only available the tétum version.
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    28 of February of 2013
    The Díli Consensus
    The Díli Consensus, at the International Conference on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, in Díli, February 28, 2013
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    14 of September of 2012
    The Fifth Constitutional Government Program
    The Fifth Government Program is based on the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030, which is built upon the foundations we have been laying since 2002, and which took into account a broad public consultation conducted through the 65 sub-districts, including villages and sucos throughout the nation.

    All strategies and actions considered in this Plan, which was approved by Parliament in July 2011, seek to transform Timor-Leste from a low income country to a medium-high income country by 2030, with a healthy, educated and safe population that is prosperous and self-sufficient.
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    20 of May of 2012
    “Goodbye Conflict, Welcome Development ” - AMP Government Snapshot (2007-2012)
    "The IV Constitutional Government came to office on 8 August 2007 and completed a five-year mandate given by the Timorese People. The achievements of this Government were the result of the collaborative efforts of five parties, united in the Alliance of the Parliamentary Majority, which was in itself an important success and a display of the democratic maturity of the young State of Timor-Leste."
    Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão
    May 2012
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    30 of March of 2012
    Handbook of Journalism – Journalism in Timor-Leste
    The "Handbook of Journalism - Journalism in Timor-Leste" published originally in English and Tetum by non-governmental organization International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) has been translated into Portuguese by the Secretariat of State of the Council of Ministers (SoSCM) with the support of the Embassy of Brazil in Timor-Leste.

    This manual covers in 12 chapters, the main topics of training a future journalist. Thus, in February 2012, the SoSCM delivered 50 copies to the UNTL- Social Communication course so it can be the support book for students in the first year.
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    30 of December of 2011
    Aid-Memoire - Report 2011
    Report of the periodic publication of the State Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. Summary of the activity of SoSCM and the work of the Council of Ministers.
    Only available in portuguese.
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