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    09 of Outubro of 2015
    Opening statement by the Head of the Delegation of Timor-Leste H. E. Ivo Valente, Ministry of Justice of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste at the session of Committee on the Right of the Child Geneva, Switzerland September 25, 2015
    On the 25th of September the Minister of Justice, Ivo Valente, presented Timor-Leste’s Second and Third Periodic Reports on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in the 70th session of Committee on the Rights of the Child held in Geneva, Switzerland.

    Minister Valente led a delegation including the Deputy-Minister of Education, Dulce Soares, the Ambassador of Timor-Leste to the United Nations in Geneva, Marciano da Silva, the Commissioner on the Rights of the Child, Maria Barreto and other government representatives who participated in the presentation and various related meetings in Switzerland.
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    26 of September of 2015
    Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, A Call to Action
    Timor-Leste has signed “A Call to Action” in an event to launch the High-Level Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Implementation, on September 26th 2015
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    04 of September of 2015
    Speech by H.E. the Minister of State and Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira “National Day” 1st of September 2015 “Expo Milano 2015”
    Speech by H.E. the Minister of State and Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira on “ Timor-Leste National Day” for “Expo Milano 2015”, 1st of September 2015
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    31 of August of 2015
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    05 of August of 2015
    Timor Gap, E.P. 2014 Annual Report
    Timor Gap, E.P. formally handed to the Government, in the meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 26th, 2015, its 2014 Annual Report.

    The document contains the details of the main activities developed during 2014, namely the research in the Timor Sea and the review of the Greater Sunrise resources (upstream); the business development and project management (including downstream); the management of the several Tasi Mane projects; the corporate and professional development, with special emphasis on the training of human resources; and the exploration project of the Greater Sunrise.
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    31 of May of 2015
    Snapshot of The First 100 Days in Office
    FIRST 100 DAYS 16 February to 26 May 2015

    The report on the activities of the 100 days in office incorporates four sections of the Government Program: Development of the Social Sector, Development of the Infrastructural Sector, Development of the Economic Sector and Development of the Governance Sector.
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    01 of May of 2015
    Declaration of Tibar on the 13th Meeting of the Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs for the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries
    The Declaration of Tibar, signed on May 1st, 2015, by the Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs for the Member States of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (in Portuguese: CPLP), and their representatives, that met in Dili and Tibar to participate in the 13th Meeting of the Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs of the CPLP.
    Document without translation. Original available, in Portuguese.
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    17 of April of 2015
    Program of the Sixth Constitutional Government
    The Sixth Constitutional Government (VI CG) was sworn in into office on February 16th 2015.
    The Program of the VI CG was reviewed and discussed in an extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers, eleven days after being sworn in (Press Release from the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers from February 27th 2015) and was approved four days later (Press Release from the meeting of the Council of Ministers from March 3rd 2015).
    The program, with 80 pages, was presented to the National Parliament on March 24th, and the endorsement lasted two days (Press Release from the Official Spokesperson for the Government from March 26th 2015).
    The document is also available in the category “Government” / subcategory “Program”.
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    07 of November of 2014
    Tax cases in Dili court (Courts)
    Documents presented by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão at a live interview to Rádio Televisão Timor-Leste (RTTL), on the 4th November, regarding the Audit to the Judicial System.
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    07 of November of 2014
    Tax cases in Dili court (Public Prosecutor)
    Documents presented by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão at a live interview to Rádio Televisão Timor-Leste (RTTL), on the 4th November, regarding the Audit to the Judicial System.
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