Media Releases

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    13 of May of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 13, 2020
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 13, 2020
    The Council of Ministers met in the Auditorium Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, at the Ministry of Finance, in Dili and approved the Draft Law presented by the Minister of Defense, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, regarding the first amendment to Law Nº 3/2010, of April 21, National Defense Law. This amendment aims to promote better harmonization between the National Defense Law and a set of central documents in the definition of the National Defense Policy and the formulation of the state's strategic-military action, namely the Strategic Concept of National Defense, the Military Strategic Concept, the National Forces System, the Missions of the Armed Forces and the F-FDTL Force. This amendment enshrines the competence of the Prime Minister to propose to the Council of Ministers, together with the member of the Government with competence in the field of Defence, the appointment and dismissal of the Head of the Armed Forces. The composition of the Superior Council of Military Defense is also modified, the process of appointing and exonerating the General Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces is clarified, the General Support Forces are removed from the general organization of the F-FDTL, the Support Agencies and the General Support Forces are integrated into the General Staff of the Armed Forces. The composition of the organic structure of the F-FDTL is also amended and the Government is expected to approve the Military Discipline Regulation.
    The Council of Ministers approved the framework for cooperation for sustainable development, between the Government of Timor-Leste and the United Nations, for the period between 2021 and 2025, presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Dionísio da Costa Babo Soares. This cooperation agreement provides for six strategic priorities: 1 - Nutrition, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture; 2 - Sustainable economic opportunities and decent work for all; 3 - Child development and lifelong learning outcomes and skills; 4 - Quality health care and well-being; 5 - Responsible, inclusive and participatory governance and quality public services; 6 - Sustainable management of natural resources and resilience to climate change. The Council of Ministers has given the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation full powers to sign the agreement.
    The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, presented the draft Decree-Law, approved by the Council of Ministers, concerning the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 14/2018, of August 17, on the Organic of the VIII Constitutional Government. Through this law, it is now envisaged the existence of two Deputy Prime Ministers who will assist the Prime Minister in the exercise of his powers, a Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Communications, a Minister of Planning and Territorial Land Use, a Deputy Minister for Cultural and Community Tourism, a Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry and a Deputy Minister of the Interior. The government positions of Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs and Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment are extinguished. It also removes the role of a Minister of State. With this Decree-Law, the tasks on legislative reform, legislative process and administrative reform are placed under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The Ministry of Justice will concentrate all the Government's tasks on judicial reform. The Ministry of Planning and Territorial Land Use, which follows the defunct Ministry of Planning and Strategic Investment, will be responsible for government tasks in the field of planning and territorial land use management, leaving the Ministry of Public Works to pursue any tasks in urban planning. It is also no longer foreseen in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the existence of the G7+ Secretariat with the National Procurement Commission becomes part of the Ministry of Finance. ENDS
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    08 of May of 2020Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers May 8, 2020
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 8, 2020
    The Council of Ministers met at the Kay  Rala Xanana Gusmão Auditorium, at the Ministry of Finance, in Dili and approved a draft Decree-Law, presented last Wednesday by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs,  Fidelis  Manuel Leite Magalhães, on the moratorium on compliance with obligations arising from credit concession contracts under the economic policy of response to COVID-19. This Decree-Law aims to respond to the constraints and difficulties resulting from the decrease in revenues and incomes inherent in the slowdown of the economy due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the risk of a spiral of non-compliance, which could have negative effects on the financial system and consequently on the real economy. The approved Diploma establishes a moratorium on the fulfillment of capital and interest obligations arising from credit agreements, delaying their maturity by three months. There is also a reduction to 40% during three months following the entry into force of the diploma, of the obligation to pay interest in the debtor's charge, with the remaining 60% being financed by the State.
    The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, regarding the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 12/2020 of April 14, which regulates the COVID-19 Fund. In order to respond to the difficulties encountered and to ensure faster processing of procurement procedures and the conclusion of public contracts aimed at responding to urgent situations, this decree confers on the Council of Ministers the competence, through a Government Decree, to allow, in duly justified and transitory cases, the bodies of a particular governmental department or public legal person to perform acts whose competence would, in principle, be included in the framework of tasks of another governmental department or public legal person. With the approval of this Decree-Law, the Directors-General, responsible for the financial services of the various government departments, are also granted the competence to authorize the performance of procurement procedures for the award of public contracts, the expenditure of which is financed by the COVID-19 Fund, and which do not exceed ONE million US dollars, as well as to sign the contracts awarded following the performance of these procurement procedures.  ENDS
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    06 of May of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 6, 2020
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 6, 2020
    The Council of Ministers met at the Kay  Rala Xanana Gusmão Auditorium, at the Ministry of Finance, in Dili and heard a presentation by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs,  Fidelis  Manuel Leite Magalhães, on the draft Decree-Law on the moratorium on compliance with obligations arising from credit concession contracts, under the economic policy of response to COVID-19. This Decree-Law aims to respond to the constraints and difficulties resulting from the decrease in revenues and incomes inherent in the slowdown of the economy due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the risk of a spiral of non-compliance, which could have negative effects on the financial system and consequently on the real economy. This project will be re-examined at the next meeting of the Council of Ministers.
    The Council of Ministers approved the appointment of Timóteo de Deus (effective member) and Ana Paula Marçal (alternate) as Government Representatives in the Superior Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office, proposed by the Minister of Justice, Manuel Cárceres da Costa.
    The members of the Government approved three draft deliberations, presented by the Minister of Public Works, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, relating to a Memorandum of Understanding and two Cooperation Protocols with public entities in Portugal.
    The first draft deliberation approved refers to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Economy and Employment of the Portuguese Republic and the Ministry of Public Works together with the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste in the field of Energy (Electricity and Fuels), Geology and Mines.
    The Cooperation Protocol between the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy of the Portuguese Republic and the Ministry of Public Works of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on Water, Sanitation, Drainage and Solid Waste Management was also approved.
    Finally, the members of the Government approved the Protocol between IP Engenharia, S.A. and the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, within the framework of the Organization and Management of the Timor-Leste Road Network. ENDS
  • 05 of May of 2020Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers May 5, 2020
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 5, 2020
    The Council of Ministers met at the Kay  Rala Xanana Gusmão Auditorium at the Ministry of Finance in Dili and approved the draft Deliberation, presented by the Acting Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, on the final temporary budget appropriations for the month of May 2020 in the amount of US$122,228,000 (including the payment of loans).
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution, also presented by the Acting Minister of Finance, on the value of the remuneration supplement, created by Decree-Law No. 17/2020, for officials, agents and public administration workers who provide their activity in the prevention or control services of COVID-19, during the term of the state of emergency. This salary supplement varies between 5 and 25 U.S. dollars, for each effective working day of the beneficiary, during the term of the state of emergency, according to the degree of risk to which employees are exposed. Payment will be made monthly, with the monthly salary. This Government Resolution takes effect on 28 March 2020, the date on which the state of emergency began. The amount of the supplement for the period from 28 March to the entry into force of this diploma shall be paid with the remuneration of the month of May. The identification of the beneficiaries and the accounting of the number of days to be paid will be made by the respective Ministries. ENDS
  • 29 of April of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 29, 2020
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of April 29, 2020
    The Council of Ministers met at the Kay  Rala Xanana Gusmão Auditorium, at the Ministry of Finance in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs,  Fidelis  Manuel Leite Magalhães and the Governor of the Central Bank of Timor-Leste (BCTL), Abraão de  Vasconselos, on the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 23/2017, of July 12, concerning the Credit Guarantee System (SGC). This amendment extends access to the GSC to micro-enterprises, increasing the type of economic activities eligible for the programme. The credit guarantee scheme is a support mechanism for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), through which the State shares the risk of lending with commercial banks, granting a guarantee covering up to a maximum amount of 70% of loans granted and meeting the established legal requirements. The Main Objective of the GSC is to contribute to a solid and viable business sector that promotes entrepreneurship, job creation and the growth of the national economy.
    Prime Minister Taur  Matan  Ruak presented the draft Government Decree, approved by the Council of Ministers, on the Measures for Implementing the Renewal of the Declaration of the State of Emergency enacted by decree of the President of the Republic No. 32/2020, of April 27, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. In view of the renewal of the declaration of the state of emergency, the Government through this Decree ensures its implementation by adopting the necessary measures that prevent the disease, contain the pandemic, save lives and ensure the subsistence of the supply chains of essential goods and services for our population, even if they may limit some fundamental rights and freedoms.
    With regard to Government Decree No. 3/2020 of March 28, the prohibition on foreigners entering national territory is maintained, with the exceptions previously provided for and with the exception of all foreigners who conduct their professional activity in the oil sector.
    The rules for the sanitary control of entries and exits of national territory remain the same. With regard to the rules of social distancing, the Diploma states that the agents of the security forces must recommend that all individuals comply with the defined rules, order the dispersion of agglomerations of people, inform that resistance to the order of compliance may constitute a crime of disobedience, identify individuals who violate the rules and communicate these occurrences to the Public Prosecutor's Office.
    This Government Decree allows public transport activity, provided that vehicles are sanitized daily before starting the activity and provided that drivers, crews and passengers wear protective masks and avoid any form of physical contact.
    With regard to the rules on access to commercial establishments and services, the rules on the compulsory use of masks for customers and employees, hand washing before entry into the premises and respect for the physical distance of at least one and a half metres are maintained. Security forces and inspectors of the food and economic safety authority may order individuals who do not comply with the rules to leave the establishment, identify individuals and report the case to the Public Prosecutor's Office. These rules also apply to markets, with the provision by the authorities and municipal administrations of the necessary conditions and for monitoring compliance with the established rules. Street vendors are required to wear a protective mask permanently and must keep a distance of at least one metre from other street vendors.
    The measures established ealier relating to the functioning of the public administration and access to its facilities are maintained, the list of public services considered essential is increased and the list of activities in which the right to strike is suspended is defined.
    The Government Decree now approved states that the member of the Government responsible for health, may determine, when this appears necessary for the protection of public health, the temporary request for use of private spaces and establishments. In duly justified cases, the Council of Ministers may request real estate or goods from individuals.
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Decree, presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Dionísio da Costa Babo Soares, which approves the regulation on the subsidy to Timorese citizens who are or temporarily reside abroad and other non-residents who are held abroad, given the epidemiological situation of the new Coronavirus.  The amount of the monthly subsidy depends on the cost of living of the host country. Beneficiaries of this measure are non-scholarship timorese students who depend exclusively on the financial support of the family residing in Timor-Leste and Timorese citizens who, due to the closure of the borders, were prevented from returning to Timor-Leste.
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft Decree-Law on the second amendment to the Statute of the Military of Falintil-Defense Forces of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), approved by Decree-Law No. 7/2014 of March 12. This amendment aims to reconcile the Statute of the F-FDTL with a set of structuring documents in the area of Defense and with the current legal context, namely, the National Defense Law, the Strategic Concept of National Defense, the Military Strategic Concept, the National Force System, the Missions of the Armed Forces and the F-FDTL Force. ENDS
  • 23 of April of 2020Let's applaud every Tuesday at 7pm to pay tribute to COVID-19 frontline responders in Timor-Leste,
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    April 23, 2020
    Let's applaud every Tuesday at 7pm to pay tribute to COVID19 frontline responders in Timor-Leste, says Primer Minister and UN Resident Coordinator
    Minister Taur Matan Ruak and UN Resident Coordinator Roy Trivedy announced a weekly "Applaud for Timorese Heroes" campaign to demonstrate public's appreciation for frontline workers in COVID-19 response by taking part in a mass round of applause.
    To demonstrate the appreciation for everything the frontline key workers are doing throughout the outbreak, a weekly national clapping event has been organized in their honour.
    The Govt-UN joint campaign will start on Tuesday, 28 April 2020, at 7pm local time. Please join in by clapping from within your homes, front doors, gardens, balconies, windows, and living rooms to show all COVID19 frontline men and women responders in Timor-Leste including health workers, emergency services, armed services, police, delivery drivers, teachers, waste collectors, cleaners, engineers, volunteers, and all those who are out there making an unbelievable difference.
    People across Timor-Leste are being encouraged to applaud every week on Tuesday at 7pm for five minutes from their homes to participate in Applaud for Timorese Heroes campaign, capture these moments on cameras, and post messages, photos, videos on their social media channels by tagging #Applaud4TimoreseHeroes.
    "The Applaud for Timorese Heroes initiative is a chance to thank all government, civil society, private sector workers and international partners, staff, and volunteers who are working around the clock to prevent those at risk and treat people affected by coronavirus. We are humbled by the hard work and dedication of all those on the front line. They're doing an amazing job caring for us and our loved ones in incredibly difficult times. Let's put our hands together to publicly show our gratitude each Tuesday", said Prime Minster Taur Matan Ruak and UN Resident Coordinator Roy Trivedy in joint statement.
    "The social media challenge will uplift the moral of medical workforce, police, armed forces, cleaners and all frontline staffs from across the nation who have been working long and hard in order to protect and care for as many people as they can, an act that the entire nation is grateful for", the joint statement further noted.
    Timor-Leste has so far registered 23 cases of COVID-19, including one already recovered.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 180,000 deaths and infected almost 2.6 million people in 193 countries and territories. ENDS
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    23 of April of 2020Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 23, 2020
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of April 20, 2020
    The Council of Ministers met at the Kay  Rala Xanana Gusmão Auditorium, at the Ministry of Finance, in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos, regarding monetary support to households in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This measure is a short-term intervention to address the harmful livelihood impacts on low-income families across the country caused by COVID-19. All households, composed of at least one citizen, registered, by 31 March 2020, in the Register Book "Uma Kain" and in which none of its members are paid a regular monthly amount exceeding US$500. The support is worth 100 U.S. dollars per month and per household. Payment will be made from the month following the approval of this diploma and its costs will be financed by the COVID-19 Fund.
    The Council of Ministers approved the purchase of rice from Vietnam, proposed by the Acting Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, to strengthen the existing rice stock to cope with a possible shortage during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The Minister of Public Works, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, presented a draft Deliberation, approved by the Council of Ministers, for the amendment of a public contract with the company China Wu Yi Co. Lda, for improvement and maintenance of the roads of Dili, dated September 14, 2016.
    The Acting Minister of Health, Bonifácio Maukoli dos Reis, presented to the Council of Ministers the state of play of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. So far there have been a total of  23 confirmed positive cases of people infected with the new Coronavirus and four probable cases. Patients infected with new Coronavirus are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. There is also a patient already recovered. The test result of 28 suspected cases are still to be known and 327 had a negative result. A total of 405 people are in mandatory confinement and 27 people are in self-quarantine.
    The Council of Ministers announced a weekly campaign, jointly with the United Nations, to "Applaud the Timorese Heroes" to show public appreciation for frontline workers in response to COVID-19, by participating in a round of mass applause. In this way, everyone in Timor-Leste is encouraged to applaud every week, on Tuesday, at 7 pm, for five minutes in their homes, starting next Tuesday, April 28, thus participating in the campaign "Applaud the tag Timorese Heroes". People should record these moments on video and disseminate messages, photographs, and videos on social networks, with the tag #Applaud4TimoreseHeroes. ENDS
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    22 of April of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 22, 2020
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of April 22, 2020
    The Council of Ministers met at the Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão Auditorium, at the Ministry of Finance, in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Prime Minister, Taur  Matan  Ruak, on the Regulation of the Integrated Crisis Management Center (CIGC). Law No. 2/2010 of 21 April on National Security and which created the CIGC requires the Government to approve its regulation. The powers of the CIGC remain as provided for in Law No. 2/2010 of 21 April, and the composition of the CIGC and its attributions are defined in this Decree-Law.
    The Acting Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, presented the draft Decree-Law, approved by the Council of Ministers, on the creation of a remuneration supplement for officials, agents and public administration workers who are active in the prevention or control services of COVID-19, during the period of the state of emergency. The amount of this remuneration supplement, which will be financed by the COVID-19 Fund, may vary depending on the degree of risk to which employees are exposed and will determined by a Government Resolution. This measure will cover health professionals, military personnel, security forces agents, agents of the food and economic safety authority, technical and logistical support personnel and personnel responsible for the collection and transport of solid waste as well as municipal market management who have implemented the measures enacted by the Government for the prevention and control of COVID-19.
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos, regarding the measures to support employment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation mainly aims to prevent unemployment, reduce the impacts on workers' incomes and support the viability of businesses. This Decree-Law sets out the grant of an extraordinary allowance in the case of suspension of the employment contract or reduction of working hours, in the amount equivalent to 60% of the remuneration and also includes the suspension of the payment of social security contributions. This support depends on the cumulative verification of the eligibility conditions provided for in this Decree-Law, which include the obligation for the suspension of the employment contract or reduction of the normal working period to be caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and to occur in accordance with the Labour Law and the obligation for employers and workers to be registered in the social security contribution scheme. Workers and employers who are enrolled in the social security contribution scheme within ten days of the publication of the Ministerial Diploma which will regulate the extraordinary registration procedure will also be covered.  ENDS
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