Media Releases

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    29 of Outubro of 2020Day-off on November 3, 2020
    Day-off on November 3, 2020
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    28 of Outubro of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 28, 2020

    1 - Law Proposal draft on the Organization and Functioning of the Courts;

    2 - Decree-Law regarding the New Regulation of the Military Service Law;

    3 - Government Decree on the measures for the state of emergency implementation;

    4 - Government Decree on the regulation of financial support granted for housing purposes to each of the national liberation veteran combatants, demobilized from 20 to 24 years’ war participation.


    1 - Australia's initiatives plan on partnership for development, for the 2020-2021 period, called “Timor-Leste COVID-19 Development Response Plan”;

    2 - Implementation of a submarine fibre optic cable system.
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    23 of Outubro of 2020Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 23, 2020

    1 - rules related to the execution of the State Budget for 2020.
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    21 of Outubro of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 21, 2020

    1 - state of emergency renewal;

    2 - Legal Regime for Public Professional Associations;

    3 - creation of the Timor-Leste Bar Association (OATL) and approval of their respective statute;

    4 - first amendment to the Organic Law of the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals;

    5 - project against gender-based violence “Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence in Timor-Leste”.


    1 - political-legislative options underlying the Government Resolution draft on the implementation of the strategy of administrative decentralization and installation of representative bodies of Local Power.
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    14 of Outubro of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 14, 2020

    1 - Second Amendment to the Technical Secretariat of the Electoral Administration (STAE)’s Organic Statute;

    2 - Public Prosecutor’s new Statutes;

    3 - Centro Nacional Chega, IP Board of Directors’ members appointment for the period of 2020-2023.


    1 - political and legislative options underlying the Decree-Law draft on the First Amendment to the Decree-Law on the RAEOA statutes.
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    12 of Outubro of 2020Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 12, 2020

    1 - tetos agregado e desagregado do Orçamento Geral do Estado (OGE) de 2021;

    2 - relatório do Censo Agrícola 2019.
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    09 of Outubro of 2020Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 9, 2020

    1 - National Development Agency (NDA) new Statutes;

    2 - procurement procedure for contract amendment for the rehabilitation of the Dili – Manatutu roads.


    1 - Political-legislative options underlying the legislative initiatives on the execution, exploitation and access to cadastral information, on the land registry, on the real estate financial fund and on the legal regime of community property protection zones and community property.
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