Media Releases

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    16 of December of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 16, 2020

    1 -Appointment of the President of the National Press of Timor Leste, IP (INTL) Governing Board;

    2 -Supplement provisioning procedure approval, or amendment, to the Public Contract referring to the period of supervision’s extension on the improvement works and maintenance of road sections between Baucau and Lautém, between Maubara and Karimbala, and between Atabae and Mota-Ain;

    3 - First amendment to the Government Decree N. 14/2020, of October 23rd, on the implementation of the 2020 General State Budget.
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    09 of December of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 9, 2020

    1 - Organic Law of the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry;

    2 - Extraordinary financial incentive to Villages (sucos) within the scope of government assistance programs;

    3 - Financing Agreements between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the World Bank.


    1 - Political and legislative options underlying the legislative project relating to the establishment of a Commission for the Prevention and Fight against Trafficking in Persons.
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    03 of December of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 3, 2020

    1 - State of emergency’s implementing measures.
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    25 of November of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on November 25, 2020

    1 - Decree-Law draft that creates the National Institute for the Rights of the Child, I.P. and which approves the respective Statutes;

    2 - Mandate for negotiating Timor-Leste's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO);

    3 - Promotions of high military patents;

    4 - Extension the mandate, for another four months, of the Eventual Technical Commission for the Preparation of an Integrated Strategy Aiming at the Implementation of a Unique Identifier System for Timorese Citizens and approved the strategic option of the Unique Identifier System;

    5 - Request of the renewal of the state of emergency;

    6 - First amendment to the Organic Statute of the National Liberation Combatants;

    7 - Memorandum of Understanding to be held between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Timor-Leste and Camões, Institute of Cooperation and Language, I.P., related to the rehabilitation works of Pousada Biti Boot, in Maubara and the officially delivery of the building to the Government.


    1 - Political and legislative options underlying the Civil Registration Code draft.

    2 - Political and legislative options underlying the Law proposal draft on the administrative division of the territory

    3 - Political and legislative options underlying the Law proposal draft on the creation of a budgetary and financial framework for future local authorities.

    4 - Options for solving issues related to public works carried out without a prior written contract;

    5 - Political and legislative options underlying the Law Proposal draft to frame the General State Budget and Financial Management.
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    20 of November of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on November 20, 2020

    1 - Decreee-Law draft which creates the National Institute for Fight against HIV-AIDS, P.I. and which approves its Statutes;

    2 - Decree-Law draft, on the First Amendment to the Organic Law of the Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry was also approved;

    3 - Decree-Law draft on the extraordinary payment of one month of additional salary to the Public Administration employees, agents and contractors;

    4 - Government Decree draft on the supplementary payment to the employees and agents assigned to the process of preparing the general State Budget for 2020 and 2021 and the closing of the General State Account of 2020 was also approved.


    1 - Strategic options for the implementation of the unique identifier.
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    13 of November of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on November 13, 2020
    Aprova ona:

    1 - Government's Resolution draft, on the implementation of administrative decentralization strategy and installation of the representative bodies of Local Power;

    2 - Government Resolution draft to appoint the Member of the Board of Directors of the National Petroleum and Minerals Authority;

    3 - Free Assistance Agreement between the Government of Timor-Leste and the United States Government for the joint rehabilitation project of the Baucau Aerodrome;

    4 - Merit Medal, posthumously, to the five militaries of the Republic of Korea.
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    12 of November of 2020Message from the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, at the Commemoration of the National Youth Day and the Massacre of Santa Cruz
    Commemoration of the National Youth Day and the Massacre of Santa Cruz

    only in tétum
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    04 of November of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on November 4, 2020

    1 - Project of Timor-Leste’s digital connection, through submarine fibre optic cable, to the cities of Darwin and Port Hedland, in Commonwealth of Australia;

    2 - Procurement procedure for the lease of the fuel unloading infrastructure to the Hera's Power Station deposit;


    1 - Political and legislative options for the Law Proposal draft on the first amendment to the Electoral Registration Law;

    2 - Political and legislative options for the Law Proposal draft on the Law Proposal draft on the third amendment of the Electoral Administration Organs Law.

    3 - Scaling Up Nutrition Movement - structure and common results of the National Consolidated Action Plan for Food Security and Nutrition.
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