Media Releases

  • 03 of May of 2021Government congratulates Media professionals on World Press Freedom Day
    Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    April 3rd, 2021
    Press Release
    Government celebrates World Press Freedom Day
    The Government of Timor-Leste, through the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication (MAPCOMS) congratulated Media professionals and all Timorese on the occasion of the celebration of the World Press Freedom Day, on May 3rd.
    Freedom of the press in Timor-Leste is guaranteed through the Constitution, in its article 40 - "Freedom of expression and information" and in its article 41 - "Freedom of the press and the media". The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, and which Timor-Leste has also adopted, in particular its goal 16, particularly advocated and supported by Timor-Leste, states the determination that the "public should have access to information and protection of fundamental freedoms".
    The 8th Constitutional Government is still committed to promote more and more the development of the Media sector and the development of its professional standards. This year's World Press Freedom Index, promoted by Reporters Without Borders, ranks Timor-Leste as the country with the best classification in Southeast Asia in terms of "level of freedom given to journalists", and considers our country in the 71st position overall, rising seven points from the year 2020. Timor-Leste is therefore well ranked among the countries with sensitivity to the journalism profession, among the 180 countries assessed by associations around the world.
    In the current context, Timor-Leste is facing the COVID-19 pandemic, which is negatively impacting the country's economy. In addition, we are also facing natural disasters, which have caused more than USD$ 100 million in damages, affecting populations and public infrastructure and causing more than 40 fatalities. The Government is continuing its efforts and is undertaking various interventions to restore public health from the problems caused by COVID-19, restore infrastructure damaged by flooding and support communities affected by the impact of Tropical Cyclone Seroja, which struck Timor-Leste on April 4th.
    Concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, information is a very important factor to make the populations aware of how to react and prevent this disease. In this sense, the Government understands that it is very important that the private media has conditions to work, each one in its own editorship, so as to ensure the dissemination of information and awareness campaigns, which will enable the populations in the territory of Timor-Leste to be informed about the evolution of this pandemic, and also about the security and public health preservation procedures, which need the contribution of all the people.
    Since 2020, with the outbreak of the SARS-CoV2 virus pandemic in Timor-Leste, and the implementation of the state of emergency, given the important role of media professionals in combating this global pandemic, the Government has allocated budgetary allocation from the COVID-19 fund to support frontline journalists and to cooperate with media outlets to conduct awareness campaigns for the prevention and mitigation of COVID-19.
    This year, the Government, through the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Media has again allocated budgetary allocation from the COVID-19 fund to support frontline journalists, to conduct publicity campaigns for the prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 and to empower the media, by improving their working conditions. END
  • 29 of April of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 29th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 29th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace, in Dili, and attended the presentation of the epidemiological situation of the country, by the Situation Room of the Integrated Centre for Crisis Management. Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 2124 people were detected infected with the new Coronavirus. Cases have been detected in all municipalities in the country, with Dili being the most affected municipality, where a total of 1794 people have been infected and where community transmission is considered to exist. There are currently 1014 active cases and there are 21 moderate and two severe cases of COVID-19. The incidence rate in Dili Municipality is currently 27.3 per 100,000 population.

    The Council of Ministers approved the Government Decree draft, presented by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, on the measures of implementation of the Declaration of the State of Emergency, made by the President of the Republic Decree No 24/2021, of April 28th, to respond to the pandemic of COVID-19. The state of emergency, now renewed, covers the entire national territory and is in force between May 3rd, 2021, 12.00 a.m. and June 1st, 2021 11.59 p.m.
    The measures imposed by this decree are similar to the rules of execution of the previous Declaration of the State of Emergency. It should be noted that it is now established that all individuals with complete certification of vaccination against COVID-19 are exempt from compulsory prophylactic isolation when entering the country from abroad.
    The remaining rules remain unchanged, namely the obligation of all individuals residing in Timor-Leste to keep a distance of, at least, three feet from other individuals with whom they do not live in common economy. They are also still obliged to wear a face mask that covers the nose and mouth when having access to or staying in public or private places of collective use and to sanitize their hands when entering commercial, industrial or service provision establishments or buildings where public administration services operate. Everyone is also obliged to avoid crowding in public places.

    The Government's draft resolutions for the renewal of the imposition of sanitary fences in the municipalities of Ainaro, Baucau, Covalima, Dili, Ermera and Viqueque, for another 14 days, until May 16th, 2021, 11.59 p.m. were approved. Also approved were the draft resolutions of the Government to impose sanitary fences in the municipalities of Lautém, Liquiça, Manufahi between April 30th, 2021 12.00 a.m. and May 16th, 2021 11.59 p.m. Thus, the movement of people between these municipalities and the other administrative districts is prohibited, except in duly justified cases for reasons of public safety, public health, humanitarian assistance, maintenance of public supply systems or the achievement of public interest.

    The Council of Ministers approved, with amendments, the Government's draft Resolution for the imposition of general home confinement of all persons residing or currently in the municipality of Dili, who must remain in their homes or in their places of temporary accommodation, between April 30th, 2021, 12:00 a.m. and May 13th, 2021 11.59 p.m.
    Exceptionally, persons may be absent from their residence or place of accommodation in the Municipality of Dili if they have to travel in order to receive hospital, medical or medication care; to accompany a relative or a person in their care or custody in order to receive hospital, medical or medication assistance; to provide assistance to others who need it for reasons of health, social protection or humanitarian assistance; to lodge complaints or denunciations with the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Ombudsman's Office for Human Rights and Justice or any criminal police body; to attend judicial or police proceedings for which they have been summoned; to buy food, meals, basic necessities or fuel; to make payments for electricity, telecommunications or internet access services; to access financial services; to perform professional activities when not exempted by their hierarchical superior, in the case of public administration employees, agents or workers, or by their respective employer, in the case of workers from the private sector of the economy; to participate in funerals, under the terms foreseen in this Government Resolution and to request authorisation to move outside the area of the Municipality of Dili.
    These journeys should last only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which they are intended and when they occur for work purposes, the persons must carry a document proving the obligation to be present at the place of work.
    The circulation of public transport, namely microlet, biscota, taxis and anguna, is prohibited in the entire area of the Municipality of Dili.
    All commercial, industrial, handicraft or service establishments of the private sector of the economy operating in the municipality of Dili shall be closed to the public, with the exception of commercial establishments selling food, water and other essential goods, namely supermarkets, mini-markets or kiosks; establishments providing medical care or medication; establishments providing social welfare services; pharmacies; petrol or gas retail outlets; commercial establishments where payments are made for the supply of electricity, internet access or telecommunications; media; hotel establishments and similar, in accordance with the rules established in this Government Resolution; restaurants, warungs and similar, in accordance with the rules established in this Government Resolution; financial institutions, namely banks and entities licensed to perform international money transfers; construction companies or activities related to construction or commercial establishments selling construction materials; Companies providing technical services of maintenance, repair or operation of power generation plants or the national power grid; land, sea and air cargo transport companies; establishments selling funeral materials or providing funeral services, in accordance with the rules established in this Government Resolution; companies providing pest control services; companies providing sanitation and sewage cleaning services.
    Workers and clients of these shops and businesses shall, before entering the premises of these establishments and businesses, sanitize their hands and cover their nose and mouth with masks. While inside such establishments and businesses, they shall wear a mask covering their nose and mouth, keep their distance of at least three feet from other individuals with whom they do not live in common economy, and sanitize their hands frequently. While waiting to enter the establishment, customers should wait outside the establishment keeping a distance of at least three feet from others with whom they do not live in common economy.
    Commercial, industrial, craft or services establishments in the private sector of the economy that are closed to the public may develop their activity through home delivery services.
    Restaurants and similar establishments may only provide take-away meals for consumption at home or in the place of temporary accommodation or by delivery at customers' homes or in hotel establishments, and it is not possible to sell and consume meals to customers inside those commercial spaces. People staying in a hotel establishment should take their meals in their room.
    The implementation activities of the Basic Food Basket programme are exceptionally authorised.
    The Dili Municipal markets, Manleuana and Taibessi, remain open between 06: 00 a.m. and 06: 00 p.m., and the respective operators and users, before entering the interior of the markets, should sanitize their hands and wear a mask covering the nose and mouth and keep a distance of, at least, three feet from other individuals with whom they do not live in common economy. When the security forces verify that it is not possible to maintain a distance of at least three feet between users, they will prevent the access of new users to the market premises until the number of users allows them to respect that distance.
    The street vendors of goods or services of first necessity, namely of food products, especially horticultural products, as well as merchants who carry out their activity in fairs must wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth, wash their hands frequently, keep a distance of at least three feet from other street vendors or their clients and prevent the formation of a crowd near the place where they carry out their activity.
    Religious celebrations involving gatherings of people are prohibited.
    For the purposes of this Government Resolution, the gathering of more than two people at a distance of less than six feet from each other is considered a gathering of people.
    The organisation and holding of funeral ceremonies involving the participation of more than ten people is forbidden. During these ceremonies, these people must wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth and keep a distance of at least three feet from other people present at the ceremony.
    Police authorities shall monitor compliance with the rules set out in this Government Resolution and warn violators that their persistent failure to comply with the rules may constitute a crime of disobedience. The police authorities shall notify the Public Prosecutor's Office of the identity of persons who, after the warning provided for in the previous sentence, persist in disrespecting the rules set out in this Government Resolution. In cases where the rules set out in the present Government Resolution are disrespected by foreigners, the police authorities shall inform their identity to the Immigration Service.

    The Council of Ministers approved the Government's draft Resolution that renews the declaration of the state of calamity, for another 30 days, given the occurrence of floods and inundations in the Municipality of Dili, in the early morning of April 4th, 2021, caused by the tropical cyclone Seroja.

    The Minister of Health, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, presented to the Council of Ministers the master plan for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the National Hospital Guido Valadares and Hospital Dr. António Carvalho, to be carried out in phases over ten years, in order to improve treatment conditions and increase service capacity.

    The Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira Carvalho, as Coordinator of the Mission Unit for Civil Protection and Natural Disaster Management, made a presentation on the state of play of the impacts of the floods of last April 4 and respective recovery actions. In Dili, there are currently 4,356 displaced persons who are in seven shelters still active. At national level, a total of 31,337 families have been affected by the floods and 41 people have died or are missing. A total of 27,178 homes across the country were damaged or destroyed. In terms of public infrastructure, the floods caused damage to 22 roads and 11 bridges. The Government is providing support to affected families with food and non-food items and is planning to distribute materials for the reconstruction of destroyed houses. The re-housing options for populations living in areas that are prohibited because they are in flood areas or areas of slope instability of medium to very high risk were also analysed.

    The Minister of Public Works, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires, presented the data regarding the identification of the collective public infrastructures and equipment destroyed or damaged by the floods. The data survey and classification of the constructions is still in progress, but preliminary information indicates the existence of 57 simple structural rehabilitation projects costing less than 1 million US dollars and 44 complex structural rehabilitation projects estimated to cost more than 1 million US dollars. Cleaning and normalisation activities have been undertaken and several projects of emergency nature are also underway.

    Lastly, the Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Planning and Territory, José Maria dos Reis, presented a set of land use planning measures for risk prevention and mitigation. A survey was conducted of data on risk areas due to their location in flood areas or medium to very high risk slope instability areas. Needs for legislative intervention in the context of territorial planning, options for temporary and permanent resettlement of populations in risk areas and possibilities of resettlement sites were also presented. END

  • 21 of April of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 21st, 2021

    1 - Request to renew the state of emergency.
  • 14 of April of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 14th, 2021
    Aprova ona:

    1 - candidatura de Timor-Leste como membro do Conselho de Direitos Humanos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), para o período de 2024 a 2026;

    2 - Alterasaun dahituk ba Dekretu-Lei n. 10/2005, loron 21 fulan-novembru, ne’ebé aprova Rejime Jurídiku Aprovizionamentu nian;

    3 - kontinuasaun husi impozisaun serka sanitária iha Munisípiu sira hanesan Dili, Baukau no Vikeke to’o loron 2 fulan-maiu;

    4 - impozisaun serka sanitária iha Munisípiu sira Ermera, Kovalima no Ainaru to’o loron 2 fulan-maiu;

    5 - alterasaun dahuluk ba Dekretu Governu N. 12/202, loron 1 fulan-abríl, kona-ba medida sira ba ezekusaun deklarasaun estadu emerjénsia.


    1 - aprezentasaun kona-ba pontu situasaun epidemiolójika país nian, husi Sala Situasaun Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize;

    2 - Progresu husi kampaña vasinasaun kontra COVID-19 nian;

    3 - Rezultadu husi testenian sira atu determina variante SARS-CoV-2 nian hirak ne’ebé eziste iha país ne’e;

    4 - Pontu situasaun husi impaktu inundasaun nian sira iha loron 4 fulan-abríl tinan2021, ne’ebé provoka husi siklone tropikál Seroja no medida apoiu nian sira ne’ebé implementa ona;

    5 - Opsaun polítiku-lejizlativa ne’ebé ninia baze maka projetu kona-ba regulasaun ba organizasaun serbisu inspesaun ró no embarkasaun sira;

    6 - Segmentasaun Fundu Mina-rai nian.
  • 12 of April of 2021Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak encourages medical teams to continue their work, without fear of pressure
    Prime Minister
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    April 12th, 2021
    Press Release
    Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak encourages medical teams to continue their work, without fear of pressure
    available soon
  • 08 of April of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 8th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 8th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili and, given the impacts caused by the floods of April 4th, and in order to allow the population to cope with the damage caused by floods, which damaged or destroyed a large number of homes, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution suspending the imposition of general home confinement of the population of the municipality of Dili, until further notice from the Government.
    It was also approved the draft Government Resolution that maintains the imposition of health fence in the municipalities of Baucau and Viqueque for more seven days. Thus, the prohibition of movement of people between these municipalities and other administrative constituencies is maintained, except in duly justified cases for reasons of public security, public health, humanitarian assistance, maintenance of public supply systems or the achievement of public interest. The Government has decided not to renew the imposition of general home confinement of the population.
    The Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Joaquim José Gusmão dos Reis Martins, gave a presentation to the Council of Ministers on the state of play of the impacts of the floods of April 4th, caused by tropical cyclone Seroja. According to the data presented in the meeting, the floods caused about ten thousand displaced people in Dili, who are currently sheltered in 22 reception centres throughout the city. The floods caused the death of 42 people - 22 in Dili, 10 in Ainaro, 5 in Manatuto, 3 in Viqueque and 2 in Aileu.
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution that proceeds to  the declaration of the state of calamity, for a period of 30 days, due to the occurrence of flooding in the municipality of Dili, in the early hours of April 4th, 2021, caused by tropical cyclone  Seroja.
    A technical working group has already been created and will be responsible for identifying the collective public infrastructures and equipment that has been destroyed or damaged by floods and for formulating proposals for their reconstruction or rehabilitation.
    From now onward it is forbidden the construction or reconstruction of homes or any other actions or forms of land use likely to increase the risk of repetition of the event or the worsening of its effects, in flood areas and areas of medium to very high hazard instability slopes.
    The Council of Ministers decided to approve the mobilisation of international support to respond to the impacts of the April 4th 2021 floods.
    The draft Law Proposal, presented by the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho,  was approved, with amendments, for the sixth amendment to Law No.  7/2006, of December 28th, Electoral Law for the President of the Republic. This Law Proposal aims, mainly, to reinforce the citizens’ right of during elections, ensuring the necessary conditions to carry out the vote.
    The draft Government Resolution concerning the annual headcount to be incorporated in FALINTL - Timor-Leste Defence Forces, in 2021, presented by the Minister of Defence, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus was approved, with amendments. Thus, it was approved the realization of a military recruitment for the incorporation of six hundred men /women recruits, of which 240 will be for the Light Naval Force component, 240 for the Land Force component and 120 for the remaining units.
    Finally, the Council of Ministers approved the  draft Government Resolution, to appoint António dos Santos de Matos, as Executive Director of the Institute for Research, Development, Training and Promotion of Bamboo, IP, for a period of 3 years. This draft Government Resolution was presented by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Pedro dos Reis. END
  • 04 of April of 2021Government gathers all efforts to support the population affected by the floods
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    April 4th, 2021
    Press Release
    Government gathers all efforts to support the population affected by the floods
    The Government expresses solidarity with the population affected by the floods that occurred over the weekend, which caused major material damages throughout the city of Dili and in several parts of the country, with thousands of people affected, hundreds displaced, injured and at least eleven dead.
    The Executive, through civil protection, public works, social solidarity and all relevant entities in this area, is already working in the field to ensure humanitarian support to the affected population and to rehabilitate the infrastructures.
    The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, expressed, on his behalf and on behalf of the Government, his "solidarity with the affected population and heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the heavy floods".
    The Head of Government "wished for strength, at this difficult time, to overcome this suffering" and assured that "the Government will make every effort to help the families affected by this natural disaster." END
  • 01 of April of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 1st, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 1st, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met, via videoconference, and approved, with amendments, the Decree-Law draft, presented by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Armindo Maia, for the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 13/2019, of June 14th, approving the Organic Law of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. This Decree-Law draft aims to introduce changes to the organizational structure of this ministry, with a view to reducing bureaucracy in services and greater speed in responding to the needs of the education sector, in general, as well as improving the quality of teaching and learning.
    It was also approved, with amendments, the Decree-Law draft for the first amendment to Decree-Law   No. 22/2019, of July 31st, on the Organic Law of the Secretariat of State for Cooperatives, presented by the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral, and the Secretary of State for Cooperatives,  Elizário  Ferreira. The purpose of this amendment is to reinforce the structure of the organs and services of the Secretariat of State in order to obtain the means to increase its efficacy, efficiency and the quality of the services it is legally responsible for, in order to achieve economic growth and consolidate the cooperative model of the financial and non-financial branches.
    The Council of Ministers approved, with amendments, the Government Decree draft, presented by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, on the measures to implement the Declaration of the State of Emergency, made by President of the Republic’s Decree No.  17/2021 of March 31st, to respond to the pandemic of COVID-19. The state of emergency, now renewed, covers the entire national territory and is in force between April 3rd, 2021, 00.00 a.m., and May 2nd, 2021, 11.59 p.m.
    The measures imposed by this diploma are similar to the implementing rules of the previous Declaration of the State of Emergency. It is only noteworthy  that it is now established that  all individuals suspected of being infected or who have had contact with infected with SARS-Cov-2 are required to undergo testing for the new Coronavirus infection.
    Therefore, most of the measures previously approved and which are being implemented will be maintained, namely the prohibition of land border crossings for traditional or customary purposes and for access to regulated markets.
    All individuals wishing to enter or leave the territory will continue to be subject to health checks, with international movement being prevented for anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19.
    The imposition of compulsory prophylactic isolation (quarantine) remains in place for all individuals entering the national territory from abroad who show symptoms of COVID-19, who are suspected of being infected with SARS-CoV-2 but whose COVID-19 tests are inconclusive, who are healthcare workers who have worked in an isolation centre where care is provided to patients with COVID-19 or those infected with SARS-CoV-2 and who have been in close contact, cohabited or shared the same environment with a patient with COVID-19. Expenses related to prophylactic isolation are borne by each individual when the isolation is carried out in a private healthcare facility, home or isolation centre.
    All individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 shall be subject to therapeutic isolation, which may be carried out at home, following a reasoned order by the Minister of Health.
    During the validity of the present diploma, all individuals residing in Timor-Leste are still obliged to keep a distance of, at least, three feet in relation to other individuals with whom they do not live in common economy. They are also obliged to wear a face mask that covers the nose and mouth when having access or stay in public or private premises of collective use and to sanitize their hands when intending to enter commercial, industrial or service provision establishments or buildings where public administration services operate. All people are also still obliged to avoid the formation of agglomerations, in public places.

    The Council of Ministers also approved the Government Resolutions drafts for the maintenance of the imposition of health fence and general home confinement of the population in the Municipality of Dili, until April 16th 2021, 11:59 p.m., and in the Municipalities of Baucau and Viqueque, until April 9th 2021, 11:59 p.m..
    All the rules previously defined in the Government Resolutions that imposed health fences and home confinement in these municipalities are maintained.
    Thus, the movement of persons between these municipalities and other administrative constituencies continues to be prohibited, except in duly justified cases for reasons of public security, public health, humanitarian assistance, maintenance of public supply systems or the achievement of public interest.
    The imposition of general home confinement for all persons residing or that are presently in in the municipalities of Dili, Baucau and Viqueque also remains, except for the reasons already defined above, namely for reasons of health, work and to access basic goods and services.

    The Council of Ministers approved the Government Resolution draft, presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,  Adaljiza  Albertina Xavier Reis Magno, on the names to be proposed to the President of the Republic for the leadership of the Diplomatic Missions of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.

    Finally, was approved the Government Resolution draft, presented by the Minister of Transport and Communications, José Agustinho  da Silva, to attribute the name "Berlin-Ramelau" to the second national passenger ship  (Nakroma II). END
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