Media Releases

  • 01 of June of 2021Government of Timor-Leste and Partners Appeal for Us$32 Million to Assist Flood Victims and Early Recovery
    Government of Timor-Leste - United Nations
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Dili, Timor-Leste, 01 June 2021
    Joint Press Release
    Government of Timor-Leste and Partners Appeal for Us$32 Million to Assist Flood Victims and Early Recovery
    Following the devastation caused by the floods in April that affected many families in the country, today the Government and humanitarian partners, including the United Nations, are launching a joint Appeal for US $32m to respond to residual humanitarian needs and assist with early the recovery process to December 2021.
    The Government, together with humanitarian partners, officially launched a Joint Appeal to address the residual humanitarian needs for the most vulnerable affected people and assist with early-recovery efforts in Timor-Leste. The appeal requests US$32.7 million (US $8.8m for immediate needs and US$23.9 for short-term requirements) that will directly assist 65,000 people and indirectly benefit all flood-affected population.  A multi-sectoral response, the appeal identifies priority activities to address critical gaps across 9 sectors: Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) and Emergency Shelter; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH); Gender and Protection; Food Security; Nutrition; Health; Education; Early Recovery and Livelihoods; and, Emergency Logistics.
    The Government has allocated US$65.2 million through the Contingency Fund while the humanitarian partners including the United Nations, have so far committed US$10.7 million to support the response efforts. However, following the rapid assessments that have been completed, critical funding gaps still remain to meet the priority needs of the flood-affected communities and to kick-start the recovery process.
    Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, H.E. Ms. Adaljiza Magno in her opening remarks stated that despite the significant efforts from the Government side to deliver the emergency needs to flood affected populations as well as increasing the contingency fund to implement short and long term programs to recover from the calamity, there are still considerable funding gap need to be filled. Therefore, H.E. Minister, on behalf of the government, calling upon for a voluntary contribution in order to help Timor-Leste to scale-up measures to recover from the catastrophic disaster.
    The 2021 Timor-Leste Floods Response Plan will facilitate a coordinated by the Government and the humanitarian partners focusing on the next 7 months from end-May to end-December 2021 with the aim of supporting a sustainable recovery and helping lay the foundations for ‘Building Back Better’.
    The plan was jointly developed by the Government of Timor-Leste with support from the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office and all humanitarian partners. A copy of the detailed Joint Appeal is available at Under the Government leadership, more than 86 organisations – 9 UN agencies, 63 humanitarian partners, and 14 Ministries/Departments – will participate in the 7-month Joint Response Plan ending in December 2021.
    The latest official figures, show that 33,835 households have been affected by the floods across all 13 municipalities, with 44 reported fatalities.
    Extensive damages have been reported to houses, buildings (including health facilities and COVID-19 quarantine and isolation centres), public infrastructure and agricultural land. A total of 2,163 hectares of agricultural land have been affected, negatively impacting food security in the coming days.
    This disaster comes when the country has seen a surge in COVID-19 cases in recent months. The temporary displacement of people poses an increased threat to the further spread of COVID-19 and outbreak of other diseases.
    United Nations Resident Coordinator Roy Trivedy emphasised that “it is imperative to speed up the delivery of assistance to Timor-Leste at this critical stage to prevent further loss of lives, additional damage to essential public services and infrastructure, and to stop the spread of diseases.” He also highlighted the fact that “this tragedy has hit at a time when the country is already struggling with the dangerous situation caused by COVID19.”
    This Response Plan aims to directly target the humanitarian and early recovery needs of approximately 65,000 flood-affected people living with existing vulnerabilities. All flood-affected populations are expected to benefit directly and indirectly from the response, including rehabilitation of critical public infrastructure and restoration of essential services. In line with the Secretariat of State for Civil Protection’s Flood Response Strategy, the plan will prioritise support to those who remain in the evacuation centres, support the safe return and early recovery of those who were temporarily displaced and since returned to their communities. END
  • 31 of May of 2021Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 31st, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of May 31st, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met, in the Ministry of Finance Auditorium, in Dili, and approved the draft Government’s Resolution that renews the Declaration of the State of Calamity, for another 60 days, due to the occurrence of floods and inundations in the Dili Municipality, in the early morning of the April 4th, 2021, caused by the tropical cyclone Seroja.
    After reviewing the presentation on the epidemiological situation of the country, gave by the Integrated Centre for Crisis Management (CIGC) coordinators, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Decree on the implementation measures of the State Emergency, made by the Decree of the President of the Republic no. 35/2021, May 28th, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The State of Emergency, now renewed, covers the entire national territory and is in force between June 2nd, 2021, 12.00 am, and July 1st, 2021, 11.59 pm.
    Concerning the enforcement measures of the previous Declaration of State of Emergency, there is only one change, establishing that individuals with certification of complete vaccination against COVID-19 may now move freely throughout the territory, including in municipalities covered by the imposition of sanitary fences and/or home confinement.
    The remaining rules remain unchanged, namely the obligation of all individuals residing in Timor-Leste to keep a distance of, at least, three feet from other individuals with whom they do not live in common economy. They are also still obliged to wear a face mask that covers the nose and mouth when having access to or staying in public or private places of collective use and to wash their hands when entering commercial, industrial or service provision establishments or buildings where public administration services operate. Everyone is also obliged to avoid crowding in public places.
    Draft Government Resolutions maintaining the imposition of sanitary fences in the municipalities of Bobonaro, Covalima and Dili for another 14 days and in the municipalities of Baucau and Viqueque for another seven days, were also approved..  
    Thus, the ban on the movement of persons between these municipalities and the other administrative districts is maintained, except in cases duly justified on grounds of public safety, public health, humanitarian assistance, maintenance of the public supply systems or the public interest.

    The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Government Resolution that maintains the imposition of compulsory confinement in the Municipality of Dili for another 14 days.
    In the Municipality of Dili, the imposition of general home confinement on all persons residing or presently in the Municipality of Dili also remains in place, except for the reasons already defined, namely for reasons of health, work, to access basic goods and services and to participate in religious celebrations and other religious events. There is only one change, with the authorization to citizens to leave their residences to carry out voter registration.
    The CIGC officials, in their presentation, informed the members of the Council of Ministers that in the last 14 days, from May 17th to 30th, a total of 2,432 people infected with SARS-CoV-2 were registered throughout the country, of which 2,043 in Dili, 131 in Bobonaro, 81 in Covalima, 55 in Baucau and 53 in Viqueque.
    Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 6,615 people has been detected infected with the new Coronavirus. Currently there are 2,648 active cases throughout the country. The municipalities with more active cases are Dili, with 2.079, Baucau, with 179, Covalima, with 150, Bobonaro, with 126 and Viqueque, with 35.
    Data relating to the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine in the country were also presented. So far Timor-Leste has received 60 thousand doses of AstraZeneca vaccine provided by Australia and 24 thousand doses from the COVAX mechanism. Since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, last April 7th, a total of 76,582 people in the country have already received the first dose of the vaccine, which corresponds to 10% of the population over 18 years old. In the Dili municipality, 64,005 people have already been vaccinated, which corresponds to 30% of the population over 18 years old in the capital.
    In addition to the batches of vaccine from Australia, 76,800 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine under the COVAX mechanism and 100,000 doses of Sinovac vaccine from China are expected to arrive at the beginning of June. END
  • 26 of May of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 26th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 26th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met in the Ministry of Finance Auditorium, in Dili, and approved the draft Decree-Law for the creation of the credit line "Ensinu Superior Kualidade +" destined to financial support to private higher education institutions, respective financial guarantee and interest subsidy, presented by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Longuinhos dos Santos.  The purpose of this draft Decree-Law is to support accredited private higher education institutions in obtaining funding to improve conditions and infrastructures, as well as to increase the capacity of human resources. It also aims to increase the competitiveness and international recognition of higher education institutions, to foster the diversification of the offer of courses in priority areas and to promote the territorial decentralisation of higher education.

    The draft Decree-Law approving the support measures for victims of serious accidents and disasters, presented by the Ministry of the Interior, was also approved. This draft Decree-Law aims to create a clear and robust legal framework for the State support to those victims, as well as the recovery process. The support provided for in this Decree-Law is granted to individuals who are affected by serious accidents or disasters and upon declaration of a situation of alert, contingency or calamity. The list of support that the Government may grant to people affected by serious accidents or disasters includes meals and water, foodstuffs, basic necessities for personal and domestic use, construction materials for house repair or reconstruction, a subsidy to support house repair and reconstruction works, death subsidy and psychosocial support.

    After the analysis to the presentation of the coordinators of the Integrated Centre for Crisis Management, on the point of the epidemiological situation in Timor-Leste, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolutions that:
    > Maintain the imposition of sanitary fences in the Municipalities of Baucau, Covalima and Dili until June 1st, 2021, 11:59 p.m.;
    > Imposes sanitary fences in the Municipalities of Bobonaro and Viqueque between May 27th, 2021, 00:00 a.m. and June 1st, 2021, 11:59 p.m.;
    > Maintain the imposition of mandatory home confinement in the Municipality of Dili until June 1st, 2021, 11:59 p.m.
    Thus, the circulation of people between the municipalities of Baucau, Bobonaro, Covalima, Dili and Viqueque and the other administrative districts is prohibited, except in duly justified cases for reasons of public security, public health, humanitarian assistance, maintenance of the public supply systems or the pursuit of public interest.
    In the Municipality of Dili the imposition of general home confinement of all persons residing or presently in the Municipality of Dili also remains in place, except for the reasons previously defined, namely for reasons of health, work and for access to basic goods and services. There is only one change, whereby collective religious celebrations and other collective worship events are now allowed, provided that those attending the ceremonies maintain a distance of at least one meter from third parties with whom they do not live in common economy and wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth.
    The Council of Ministers watched a presentation on the Integrated Strategy for the Implementation of a Unique Identification System (Unique ID, IDU [Portuguese acronym]), by Roberto Caetano de Sousa Vicente, Executive Director of TIC Timor and President of the Eventual Technical Commission responsible for its preparation.
    This strategy will be implemented between 2021 and 2025, with the first registration expected to take place in the fourth quarter of 2022 and one million people registered by the end of 2025.
    The Unique Citizen Identification System is part of the Public Administration Reform Programme and is the necessary basis to improve the effective delivery, efficiency and planning of public services and to ensure better management and coordination of social policy, while contributing to the structured construction of e-governance in Timor-Leste.
    Unique ID will use a minimal set of digital data establishing a digital identity, to which a randomly generated unique identification number will be assigned. It has a minimum set of biographical information, such as name, date of birth and place of birth and this information is used only to meet identity proofing and compliance needs, such as enrolment for government services and payments and opening a bank account. Biometric information will also be used, for people over the age of 13, to establish the uniqueness of individuals and facilitate secure authentication of a unique identity.

    Lastly, the Minister of Public Works, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Be'e Timor-Leste, E. P. (BTL, E.P.), Carlos Peloi dos Reis, presented the project to improve the drainage and sanitation infrastructures in Dili, which aims to address the problem of flooding and the current insufficient drainage capacity and lack of maintenance of infrastructures. With this project, the capacity of the existing infrastructures will be increased and retention basins will be built in strategic locations, in order to control the speed of the waters in cases of heavy rains.  END
  • 19 of May of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 19th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 19th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met in the Ministry of Finance, in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law, regarding the extraordinary financial incentive to the Sucos, presented by the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho. This extraordinary financial compensation is attributed to the Sucos for the exceptional increase of work already done and to be done in the present and next months, and in recognition of the need and importance of the work done by the Sucos, in the interest and benefit of the Timorese State, both in the context of the pandemic situation and in the Government response to natural disasters.
    The draft Agreement between the Timorese State and the Australian State for the Cooperation Project in the area of territorial administrative decentralization and local infrastructure development (PARTISIPA), to be implemented between July 1st, 2021 and June 30th, 2031, was approved. The Programme is country-wide in scale, with implementation elements at central and local level. PARTISIPA has three components, the first supporting the PNDS programme, the second building the capacity of municipal administrations and authorities, and the third component refers to improving infrastructure operations and maintenance.
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft Law Proposal for the sixth amendment to Law 7/2006, of December 28th, on the Electoral Law for the President of the Republic, also presented by the Minister of State Administration. This draft Law Proposal had already been subject to deliberation in the Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 8th 2021, however due to the introduction of substantial changes in the final drafting phase, it became necessary to submit it to a new deliberation of the Council of Ministers. Given the upcoming presidential elections, this amendment aims to adapt to the current situation, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and to strengthen the capacity building for a better response to citizens' needs. It is therefore intended to strengthen the formal requirements for candidacy, to clarify and organise the electoral process and to facilitate the conditions for citizens to exercise their right to vote.
    The Council of Ministers examined and endorsed the proposal, presented by the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes, for the segmentation of the Petroleum Fund, in Liquidity Portfolio and Growth Portfolio. The Liquidity Portfolio aims to ensure the funding of transfers to the General State Budget over the next three years, and should be invested in high liquidity and low risk assets. It is intended that the remaining value of the Fund be invested in the Growth Portfolio, in accordance with the investment rules set out in Law 9/2005 of August 3rd, the Petroleum Fund Law.
    After the analysis of the country's epidemiological situation presentation, by the Situation Room of the Integrated Centre for Crisis Management, the Council of Ministers also deliberated to propose to His Excellency, the President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, the state of emergency renewal, for more thirty days. Given the worrying evolution of the epidemiological situation and the proliferation of cases of COVID-19 contagion registered, and to prevent and neutralize the risks of spread of SARS-CoV-2, to protect public health and response capacity of the National Health System, the Government proposes to the President of the Republic that, with the renewal of the state of emergency, the suspension or restriction of some fundamental rights and guarantees may be allowed.
    Timor-Leste has an accumulated total of 4765 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. Of the 2238 currently active cases, 1851 are in Dili municipality, 128 in Baucau, 101 in Covalima and 75 in Viqueque. The national incidence rate is 13.8/100,000 and in Dili it is 42.5/100,000. So far 3.3% of the population has received the first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19. In the first phase about 28,600 people were vaccinated and in the second phase, since May 10th, 20,094 people have received the vaccine.
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, which defines the objectives for the vaccination campaign and guidelines to ensure compliance with the preventive measures in place. The Government Resolution defines as an objective to reach, in the vaccination campaign, a number of 5,000 vaccinated per day, directing the relevant departments to create the necessary mechanisms to accelerate the pace of vaccination. It also directs all Government departments to approve the necessary internal regulations to ensure compliance with the preventive measures in place in the internal operation of services and in public attendance. Finally, partial or complete vaccination is defined as a relevant criterion to be adopted by the public administration in determining which employees are to work face-to-face.
    Finally, the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral, made a presentation on the situation of Timor-Leste's accession process to the World Trade Organization (WTO). At this moment, Timor-Leste holds the status of observer country and is in the process of negotiating the accession process to the WTO, to join the 164 countries that are already part of the organization. The WTO regulates the rules of trade between countries, with the objective of guaranteeing that all commercial activities are carried out in the easiest, freest and most predictable way possible. The Government of Timor-Leste, through the negotiating team led by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs is preparing to participate in the second High Level Negotiating Meeting of the WTO Working Group to be held in July 2021. END
  • Image
    12 of May of 2021Day off on May 14th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Day off on May 14th, 2021
    available soon
  • 12 of May of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 12th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 12th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met in the Ministry of Finance, in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law that establishes the Legal Regime of Soil Classification and Qualification, presented by the Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory, José Maria dos Reis. This diploma aims to establish the soil classification and qualification parameters, applicable to the procedures for the preparation, amendment and review of territorial plans of municipal scope, in accordance with the land use regime defined in the Basic Law on Territorial Planning. Soils are classified as urban or rural, reflecting a planning option through which a fundamental distinction is made as to their nature, functions, potential and basic destination.
    After the analysis to the presentation of the coordinators of the Integrated Centre for Crisis Management, on the epidemiological situation in Timor-Leste, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolutions that maintain the imposition of sanitary fences in the municipalities of Baucau, Covalima and Dili for another fourteen days and maintain the imposition of compulsory confinement in the Municipality of Dili for another fourteen days. The Council of Ministers decided not to renew the imposition of sanitary fences, in force until the 16th of May, in the municipalities of Ainaro, Ermera, Lautém, Liquiça, Manufahi and Viqueque.
    Thus, the prohibition of movement of people between the municipalities of Baucau, Covalima and Dili and the other administrative districts is maintained, except in duly justified cases for reasons of public security, public health, humanitarian assistance, maintenance of the public supply systems or the achievement of public interest.
    In the Municipality of Dili, the imposition of general home confinement for all persons residing or presently in this Municipality of Dili also remains in place, except for the reasons previously defined, namely for reasons of health, work and for access to basic goods and services.
    Under the proposal of the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes, the Council of Ministers deliberated to appoint the members of the negotiation team with the Asian Development Bank for the loan relative to the President Nicolau Lobato International Airport expansion and rehabilitation project.
    The Minister of Transport and Communications, José Agustinho da Silva presented the political-legislative options underlying the project on the regulation of the organisation of inspection services for ships and boats. The presentation aimed at the preliminary analysis of the political-legislative options for the establishment of rules and procedures for registration and inspection services for the use of national ships and boats, in accordance with international standards for maritime safety and protection of the marine environment.
    The Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos made a presentation on the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI) for the period 2021 to 2025, with the objective of ensuring social protection, security and well-being for all citizens. In the next five years, the MSSI intends to promote welfare and assistance for all, ensure social security for all, promote social reintegration to ensure social inclusion and reduce gender inequality, strengthen the role of women, promote the rights of children and persons with disabilities and strengthen institutional capacity to achieve the goals.
    The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães made a presentation regarding a preliminary study on criminal jurisdiction in the construction activity. The presentation aimed to make the state of play and an assessment of the current regime to face errors and frauds in the construction activity, in order to guarantee the quality of the constructions and protect people and goods.
    Lastly, the Government has decided to grant a day off next May 14th, on the occasion of the Idul Fitri celebrations, which mark the end of the Ramadan fasting period and which are celebrated, this year, on May 13th, a solemn date also for Christians, who commemorate the day of Our Lady of Fatima. END
  • 05 of May of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 5th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 5th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met in the Ministry of Finance Auditorium, in Dili and approved the Government's Resolution project relative to the exoneration of the current President of the Board of Directors of Radio and Television of Timor-Leste, E.P (RTTL, EP) and the appointment of the new President of the Board of Directors of RTTL, EP, José António Belo, for a period of four years, under proposal of the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Social Communication, Francisco Martins da Costa Pereira Jerónimo.
    The Council of Ministers decided to give full powers to the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes, to sign a financial contribution agreement between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the United States of America, represented by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This agreement establishes a financial contribution to be made by the United States of America to Timor-Leste in the amount of US $17,900,000.00 (seventeen million nine hundred thousand American dollars), to strengthen the non-oil sector and reinforce good governance. It is also envisaged that this contribution may be complemented, depending on the donor's budgetary capacity, by additional contributions up to the estimated total amount of US $92,300,000.00 (ninety-two million, three hundred thousand US dollars). These additional contributions, if they occur, should in the future be the subject of their own financial contribution agreements.
    Upon the proposal of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral, the Council of Ministers decided to maintain the provision of US $50,000,000.00 (fifty million American dollars), destined for the State's contribution within the scope of the Special Investment Agreement signed with TL Cement, Lda, for an additional period of 9 months, until December 31st, 2021.
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Decree for the first amendment to Government Decree No. 14/2021 of April 29th, on the measures of implementation of the declaration of the state of emergency made by the Presidential Decree No. 24/2021 of April 28th.
    With this amendment, all individuals in the national territory who are subjected to mass or random testing operations, according to the criteria defined by the health authorities, are obliged to undergo medical examination for the diagnosis of COVID-19 or infection by SARS-CoV-2. Individuals who refuse to undergo the compulsory diagnostic medical examination, without prejudice to criminal liability, will be subject to compulsory prophylactic isolation, in a health establishment, residence or in an isolation centre established for that purpose by the State. In such cases the costs related to prophylactic isolation shall always be borne by the individual himself or herself.
    The entry into the national territory, by national or foreign citizens, is now subject to a prior authorisation request.
    Lastly, the draft Government Resolution for the first amendment to Government Resolution No. 45/2021 of April 29th, which reinstated the general home confinement of the population of the Dili municipality, was approved. With this Government Resolution, citizens residing in Dili will now be allowed, exceptionally, to be absent from their respective residence or place of accommodation, including shelters, in the municipality of Dili, to apply in person for access to socio-economic support measures foreseen in Law no. 8/2021, of May 3rd. END
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