Media Releases

  • 06 of July of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on July 6th, 2022
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on July 6th, 2022
    The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the draft Law Proposal, presented by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, for legislative authorization regarding the establishment of age limit for the working relationship of civil servants and public administrative agents.

    With this draft Law Proposal, the Government intends that the National Parliament authorizes it to set the age limit as a cause for termination of work relationship in the Civil Service. Upon reaching the age limit, these civil servants and public administrative agents will be able to retire and request their elderly pension.

    This draft Law Proposal aims to establish the necessary mechanisms to allow rejuvenation of the professionals of the National Civil Service, making it possible to bring new skills to the civil service. The renewal of staff in the Public Administration is an essential measure to ensure the improvement of services provided to the population.

    The Council of Ministers approved two draft Decree-Laws, presented by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, Armindo Maia and the Secretary of State for Youth and Sport, Abrão Saldanha, aiming at:

    the establishment of the competencies, composition and functioning of the National Sports Commission (CND – Portuguese acronym). This draft Decree-Law revokes Decree-Law No. 39/2011 of September 21st, which regulated the CND and creates a new structure and framework for the CND, as well as outlining its competencies, composition and operation to continue the process of developing the practice of sports in Timor-Leste.
    - make the first amendment to Decree-Law no. 18/2019, of July 11th, which approved the Organic Law of the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports. This draft Decree-Law aims to adapt the Organic Structure of this ministry to the provisions of Decree-Law no. 30/2020, of July 29th, on the organization of the direct and indirect administration of the State. It is also intended to adapt to the ongoing deconcentration and decentralization process, promoting the harmonization between the administrative responsibilities and competencies belonging to the central services of the Secretariat of State for Youth and Sports. The existence of a single Directorate General for Youth and Sport is envisaged, as well as the restructuring and grouping of some national units and directorates.

    Finally, the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos, gave a presentation to the Council of Ministers on the social affairs platform, to effectively reinforce coordination in this sector. END
  • 30 of June of 2022Fighting trafficking in persons
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Fighting trafficking in persons
    The 8th Constitutional Government is committed and pledged to gather all the necessary efforts to prevent and fight trafficking in persons and to protect and support the victims.
    Trafficking in persons is one of the most serious forms of human rights violations. It is a complex phenomenon, mostly transnational, developed by organised criminal networks that take advantage of the victims' vulnerabilities.
    The fight against this heinous crime requires not only a solid legal framework but also articulated action by all the entities involved, both national and foreign, strengthening knowledge of the phenomenon, institutional capacity, educational and preventive action among the various stakeholders, protection and assistance to victims and the punishment of traffickers.
    Timor-Leste has finalised, in 2009, the process of accession to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and the Additional Protocol to this Convention, concerning the prevention, suppression and punishment of trafficking in persons, especially women and children. This international instrument aims to prevent and fight trafficking in persons, protect and assist the victims of such trafficking while fully respecting their human rights, and promote cooperation among the States Parties to achieve these objectives.
    In 2017, the Law on the Prevention and Fight of Trafficking in Persons (Law No. 3/2017 of  January 25th) was approved by the National Parliament, which, in addition to measures aimed at preventing and fighting trafficking in persons and protecting and assisting its victims, also introduced the fourth amendment to the Criminal Code, to expand the concept of the crime of trafficking in persons, protect its witnesses, provide for the punishability of legal persons and set the regime of loss of the respective benefits in favour of the State.
    During the 8th Constitutional Government's mandate, through Decree-Law 9/2021 of June 30th, a Committee for the Fight against Trafficking in Persons was established, with the mission of coordinating, at the national level, the actions of different entities responsible for the prevention and fight against trafficking in persons, as well as guaranteeing the cooperation with foreign entities in this matter and monitoring the application of the provisions of international conventions that Timor-Leste has signed.
    The Government is preparing a national plan against trafficking in persons and has carried out several initiatives in this area, namely the reinforcement of institutional capacity and border management, training and awareness-raising activities, the creation of the National Police Development Programme (TLPDP) and the preparation of an Integrated Criminal Information Management System. END
  • 30 of June of 2022Convention between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Portuguese Republic on Social Security
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Convention between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Portuguese Republic on Social Security
    Given the high mobility in the labour market today, at the international level, with many workers residing and working in foreign countries, it is essential to negotiate agreements between States, which aim to ensure the rights to decent work, with social protection, regardless of the country where the worker lives.
    Timor-Leste currently has a high number of citizens living and working abroad, with remittances representing an important income for the budget of many Timorese families. However, because social security regimes differ from country to country and, in the case of contributory regimes, a guarantee period is required to access social benefits, many workers are not entitled to these benefits, even though they have contributed for some time both in the country of origin and eventually also in Timor-Leste.
    Therefore, given the number of citizens involved and the excellent historical ties between the two countries, the Governments of Timor-Leste and Portugal decided to sign a Convention on Social Security, which was signed today, June 29th, 2022, by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion of Timor-Leste and by the Secretary of State of Social Security of Portugal, representing their respective governments, with full powers granted for that purpose.
    The said Convention covers all workers and nationals of the two countries, includes both the contributory and non-contributory social security regimes, and has two fundamental goals: on the one hand, the aggregation of the contributory periods completed in the two countries, allowing "summing up" the periods of work and the social security contributions in the two countries, for compliance with the guarantee periods for access to social benefits of the contributory regimes; on the other hand, to ensure equal treatment between the citizens of the two countries, allowing citizens of one country residing in the other country to benefit from the same rights and be subject to the same obligations as the nationals of that country of residence.
    The Convention covers as of now all the benefits of the social security system approved in Timor-Leste, from the contributory and non-contributory regimes, and the equivalent benefits of the Portuguese social security system. In other words, it includes old age, disability and survival pensions and parental allowances of the contributory regime, as well as the old age and disability social pensions (SAII) of the non-contributory regime. It is also provided that new benefits, aimed at protecting other situations such as illness or unemployment, will be integrated when they are approved in Timor-Leste.
    Thus, with the present Convention, and when it is ratified, Timorese citizens living in Portugal will be entitled to non-contributory benefits from the Portuguese social security system, while they are resident in that country, under the same conditions as a Portuguese citizen. On the other hand, Timorese workers exercising professional activity in Portugal and making social security contributions in that country will have this time of work and contribution counted in their contribution career, to fulfil the necessary period to be entitled to benefits under the contributory regime.
    The Convention on Social Security signed today between Timor-Leste and Portugal represents, therefore, an important step, as it protects the citizens and workers of both countries, and allows labour mobility. ENDS
  • 29 of June of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on June 29th, 2022
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on June 29th, 2022
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Justice, Tiago Amaral Sarmento, to appoint Roberto da Costa Pacheco, to exercise the functions of an effective member of the Government in the Superior Council of the Judiciary, for a four-year term. This Government Resolution also designates Digna Amélia Tilman as a substitute member of the Superior Council of the Judiciary. This Council is responsible for managing and disciplining the activity of judicial magistrates and also for appointing, placing, transferring and promoting judges in Timor-Leste. The Superior Council for the Judiciary is presided over by the Judge President of the Supreme Court of Justice and comprises four members, one of whom is appointed by the Government.
    The draft Government Decree approving the salary of the Executive Director and the Statutory Auditor of the Ataúro Special Development Fund was approved. The proposed values for the remunerations of the executive and supervisory and control bodies of the Ataúro Special Development Fund have taken into consideration the complexity and volume of work that will have to be executed by them, as well as the value of the budget of the Ataúro Special Development Fund, whose execution and supervision, respectively, will be their responsibility.
    The Council of Ministers has decided to approve the amendment to Public Contract No. ICB/018/MOPTC-2017 for the improvement and maintenance work of the Dili - Ainaro Road, Lot 2: Laulara - Solerema section, dated September 10th, 2018, and the authorization of the corresponding expenditure increase. The estimated handover deadline of the work is extended by 365 days from the effective date of the contract, ending on November 16th, 2022, and the price is increased in the amount of US$ 984,188.24, becoming fixed, due to this increase, at US$ 18,839,489.50. The draft resolution was presented by the Minister of Public Works, Abel Pires da Silva.
    The draft Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Longuinhos dos Santos, aimed at proceeding with the third amendment to Decree-Law No. 7/2012 of 15 February, which approves the Statute of the University Teaching Career, was also approved. With this draft Decree-Law, a set of amendments to the legal regime for the University Teaching Career in Timor-Leste is proposed with a view to its continuous improvement, but always keeping it based on the basic principle of merit in the exercise of teaching activities, linked to research, teaching and contribution to the development of society. Amongst the alterations foreseen in this Decree-Law, the most important are the creation of two new levels in two different categories (B3 and C1+), the adjustment of credits between categories B3 and C3, the guarantee that all the credits obtained from the beginning of the approval of the career to date are considered, the reduction in the number of years of experience qualifying for career progression (five years to just one year) and the distinction between career teachers and contract teachers.
    The Council of Ministers also decided to grant full powers to the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos, for the signing of the Bilateral Convention on Social Security between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Portuguese Republic. The purpose of this convention is to protect the workers of both countries, allowing that the time worked in the other country be counted, to fulfil the terms of the guarantee of access to social benefits covered by the Convention. It also ensures that citizens of one of these two countries who reside in the other country benefit from the same social security rights and are subject to the same conditions as the nationals of that country of residence.
    Lastly, the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes presented to the Council of Ministers the political-legislative options underlying the initiative to create a legal regime for the public-private partnership for diagnostic services. The Timor-Leste Government intends to choose the implementation of a Public-Private Partnership ("PPP"), to make use of the experience and knowledge of private partners, to improve the quality and increase the range and scope of health care provided to the population, regarding laboratory and image diagnosis. END
  • 22 of June of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on June 22nd, 2022

    1 - Set-up of the Municipal Finances Law;

    2 - Financial contribution agreement between the Government of Timor-Leste and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), regarding the urgent rehabilitation program of infrastructure damaged by floods;

    3 - Subsidiary agreement between the Government of Timor-Leste and the Government of Australia, relating to the partnership program for inclusive prosperity – Programa Parseria Ba Prosperidade Inkluzivu (PROSIVU).
  • 15 of June of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on June 15th, 2022
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on June 15th, 2022
    The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law approving the legal regime of higher education institutions, presented by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Longuinhos dos Santos. This draft Decree-Law revises several aspects of the current Legal Regime of Higher Education Institutions (RJEES – Portuguese acronym), established by Decree-Law No. 8/2010, of May 19th. Among the amendments introduced, of particular note is the concrete application of the legal regime for the national standard curriculum for higher education, which came into force in Timor-Leste through Decree-Law No. 3/2022 of December 12th, and the consolidation of the binary concept of the higher education system. Furthermore, norms were introduced regarding student associations, former students, and support for students in their integration into working life and the figure of the student ombudsman, as well as rules on the merger, division or transfer of private higher education institutions, on the recognition of the public interest of higher education institutions and the supervision and inspection of higher education institutions.
    The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Law Proposal, presented by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, which proceeds with the second renewal of the exceptional and temporary health surveillance measures in response to the COVID-19 disease pandemic, extending the validity of article 3 of Law 24/2021, of November 19th. With this amendment, the exceptional measures are extended for 120 days.

    Lastly, the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Armindo Maia, gave a presentation on the Process and Roadmap for teacher recruitment. Data were presented on the number of existing teachers and the recruitment forecast for the short term. END
  • 08 of June of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on June 8th, 2022
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on June 8th, 2022
    The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the Decree-Law project related to Property Registration, presented by the Minister of Justice, Tiago Amaral Sarmento. The purpose of this Decree-Law project is to approve the general regime for the execution, conservation, updating and access to property registration information. The objective of this Decree-Law is to give a relevant boost to the real estate survey and registry process so that, either the State or the citizens in general may enjoy, in all dimensions allowed by law, their real estate patrimony and proceed with the regularization of their rights before the public institutions created for that purpose.
    The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Government Decree, presented by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral, which proceeds with the first amendment to Government Decree no. 10/2016, of September 21st, on the Remuneration of the Bodies of AIFAESA, I.P.. With this amendment, the salary level of the bodies of AIFAESA, I.P. is adjusted to the specificities, complexity and level of responsibility of the duties and competences developed, the importance that this Public Institute assumes in various economic sectors, as well as the current economic reality of Timor-Leste.
    Lastly, the Council of Ministers also had the opportunity to be briefed on the following subjects:

    Progress report on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) accession process and on bilateral negotiations on goods and services, presented by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral.
    Progress of the implementation of the Bolsa da Mãe Project - Jerasaun Foun (new generation), presented by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos. END
  • 07 of June of 2022Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak holds first telephone meeting with his new counterpart from Australia, Anthony Albanese
    Prime Minister
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Dili, june 6th, 2022
    Press Release
    Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak holds first telephone meeting with his new counterpart from Australia, Anthony Albanese
    His Excellency the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, held yesterday, Sunday, a first phone meeting with his new counterpart from Australia, Anthony Norman Albanese. During this conversation, both leaders shared information with the purpose of strengthening and deepening the bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of these bilateral relations.
    In this phone conversation, which lasted 11 minutes, the Timorese Head of Government, on behalf of the Timorese people and on his own behalf, greeted and congratulated His Excellency Anthony Albanese on his election as Prime Minister and reaffirmed Timor-Leste's commitment to continue to strengthen and deepen the bilateral relations and cooperation between Dili and Canberra, both at the people' and the State's level.
    The Head of the Timorese Executive took this opportunity to thank the Australian Government for its support during this period, in all areas, namely in crucial and important areas such as the Optic Fibre Project and the expansion of President Nicolau Lobato International Airport.
    The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, considers Australia as a partner and good friend of Timor-Leste, that has always stood by our people, since the Second World War, in 1999, in 2006 and in 2020-2021, in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic and when Timor-Leste suffered with natural disasters.
    On his turn, the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, thanked his Timorese counterpart for the greetings and congratulations, reaffirming the commitment of the new Australian Government to continue to work with the current Government of Timor-Leste to support in several areas, namely in the challenges of climate change, labour mobility, regional security,  E-Governance and economic development of the country.
    Before concluding this conversation, and following the invitation from the Prime Minister Albanese, the Head of the Government of Timor-Leste answered positively and promised to visit Australia before the end of his term of office. This visit was scheduled for February this year, but due to the Prime Minister having tested positive to COVID-19, the visit had to be postponed. The Australian Head of Government was very pleased with the positive response to the invitation, and said he looks forward to seeing his Timorese counterpart in Australia. END
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