Media Releases

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    19 of December of 2014Extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers from December 19th, 2014
    The Council of Ministers met extraordinarily this Friday, December 19th, 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Dili, approving 12 diplomas:
    1. Government Decree, approving the academic allowances, leadership bonus and extraordinary supplements for the teaching staff at the National University of Timor Lorosa’e – NUTL
    2. Decree Law approving the first amendment to Decree Law n. 44/2012, from November 21st, which approves the Framework for the Ministry of Finance
    3. Decree Law approving supplementary payment to officials attached to the process of the General State Budget for 2015 and State Account closing from 2014
    4. Government Decree on Public Finance Procedures and General State Budget Execution for 2015
    5. Decree Law approving the allowances for Service missions abroad
    6. Decree Law on the competences of public finance management professionals
    7. Government Resolution approving the assistance to Cape Verde
    8. Government Resolution approving the contribution for the Sunhak Peace Award
    9. Decree Law approving the procurement management in Public Administration
    10. Decree Law approving the National Base Curriculum for Preschool Education
    11. Decree Law approving National base Curriculum for the First and Second Levels of Basic Education
    12. Decree Law approving National base Curriculum for the First and Second Levels of Basic Education
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    19 of December of 2014Timor-Leste commends the campaign of Judge Maria Natércia Gusmão Pereira
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on December 19, 2014
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    18 of December of 201412 months, 12 good news stories for Timor-Leste
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on December 18, 2014
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    18 of December of 2014Condolences for those lost in the landslide in Jembulung Village
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on December 18, 2014
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    17 of December of 2014Solidarity and Condolences after the Sydney Siege
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on December 17, 2014
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    03 of December of 2014Timor-Leste’s 2015 Budget Debate begins in National Parliament
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on December 3, 2014
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    02 of December of 2014Agricultural Production on the rise
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on December 2, 2014
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    28 of November of 2014Timor-Leste celebrates the 39th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the V Constitutional Government on November 28, 2014
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