Media Releases

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    08 of February of 2017Government delivers on infrastructure
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on February 8th, 2017.
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    07 of February of 2017Council of Ministers’ meeting of February 7th, 2017
    1 – The Financing Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the European Union for the Afforestation and Sustainable Agriculture Programme
    2 – The Financing Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the European Union for the Public Finance Management Strengthening Programme
    3 – Memorandum of Understanding between the European Union and the Government of Timor-Leste concerning the deployment of observers for the general elections of 2017
    4 – National Policy for Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for the period 2017 to 2019
    5 – Draft law on the establishment of the Asset Recovery Office and the Asset Administration Office
    6 – Government Resolution approving the National Action Plan Against Gender-based Violence 2017-2021
    7 – Signature of the Addendum to the Technical Cooperation Protocol between the Government of the Portuguese Republic and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on gender equality
    8 – Decree-Law approving the Legal Regime of Disability and Old Age Pensions under the Social Security Contributory Regime
    9 – Decree-Law approving the Legal Regime of Protection in Maternity, Paternity and Adoption under the Social Security Contributory Regime
    10 - Decree approving the Legal Regime of Death Benefits under the Social Security Contributory Regime

    1 - Monitoring of the financial activity of autonomous services and funds
    2 – Decree-Law approving the Registration and Contributory Obligation System under the Social Security Contributory Regime
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    02 of February of 2017Timor-Leste ranked first in South East Asia in 2016 Democracy Index
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on February 2nd, 2017.
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    01 of February of 2017Government participates in International Conference on Fighting Corruption
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on February 1st, 2017.
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    31 of January of 2017Council of Ministers’ meeting of January 31st, 2017
    1 – Decree-Law establishing the National Press of Timor-Leste
    2 – Amendment to Decree-Law No. 52/2016, of December 28th, which approved the new passport system
    3 – Government Resolution on the Recovery of Movable State Assets by the National Centre for Employment and Professional Training in Tibar
    4 – Second Amendment to Decree-Law No. 8/2008, of March 5th, which creates the National Institute for Manpower Development (INDMO in Portuguese)
    5 – Government Resolution on National Health Day
    6 – Decree-Law on the statutes of the Eduardo Ximenes Regional Hospital (Baucau)
    7 – Draft Government Resolution to the National Parliament on exemption of visas with the Republic of Cape Verde
    8 – Appointment of the Executive Director of the Institute for Research, Development, Training and Promotion of Bamboo
    9 – Government Resolution: Government commits itself to the implementation of the National Action Plan for the Child 2016-2020
    10 – Government Decree on the extraordinary and temporary Subsidy to Address Wage Reduction

    1 – Timor-Leste’s Quality Institute
    2 – Report and Opinion of the General State Accounts of 2015
    3 – Draft Law on Work Health, Safety and Hygiene
    4 – Joint Ministerial Decree on Timor-Leste’s electronic passport
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    31 of January of 2017Timor-Leste makes significant gains in Transparency International’s 2016 Corruption Perception Index
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on January 31th, 2017.
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    30 of January of 2017Government facilitated Seasonal Worker Program with Australia a success
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on January 30th, 2017.
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    27 of January of 2017Calendar for Presidential Election published by STAE
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on January 27th, 2017.
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