Media Releases

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    14 of March of 2017Council of Ministers’ meeting of March 14th, 2017
    1 – Government Resolution approving the grant to the permanent representation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
    2 – Air Services Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Australia
    3 – Draft Law on the Legislative Authorization regarding business recovery and insolvency
    4 – Decree-Law of the Commercial Register
    5 – Government Resolution on the financial contribution to the Organization of the Round Table for Asia and Oceania under the Club of Madrid project
    6 – Government Resolution on the additional subscription of shares allocated to the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste in accordance with Resolution No. 612 of the Board of Directors of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development of the World Bank Group
    7 – Draft Law for the creation of population centres
    8 – Decree-Law establishing Murak-rai Timor-Leste, SA
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    14 of March of 2017Day Off on the 20th and 21st March 2017
    The Government has decided to grant days off on the 20th and 21st March, to all the employees and agents of the ministries or their dependent services, as well as the institutes and integrated indirect State administration bodies, due to the first round of the Presidential Election.
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    14 of March of 2017Government pursues its plan for economic diversification
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on March 14th, 2017.
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    10 of March of 2017Government reaffirms commitment on International Women’s Day
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on March 10th, 2017.
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    07 of March of 2017Council of Ministers’ meeting of March 7th, 2017
    1 – Government Resolution approving the Roadmap for Budgeting by Programmes and the establishment of the working group for the management of public finances
    2 – Decree approving the creation of TATOLI – Timor-Leste News Agency (in Portuguese: “TATOLI – Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste, IP”)
    3 – Decree approving the Registration and Contributory Obligation System under the Social Security contributory scheme
    4 – Government Resolution approving the National Tourism Policy
    5 – Government Decree on procedures for the classification of protected areas

    1 – Status of the process of accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
    2 – Evaluation report on the implementation of the first phase of the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2011-2015
    3 – Draft policy for the management of foreign aid effectiveness
  • 28 of February of 2017Fuga de informação de relatório prejudica trabalho com Comissão de Liquidação de Dívidas
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on February 28th, 2017.
    Not available.
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    27 of February of 2017Government inaugurates first institute of higher education on the South Coast
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on February 27th, 2017.
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    24 of February of 2017Council of Ministers’ meeting of February 24 th, 2017
    1 – Government Decree on the technical procedures to carry out the presidential and parliamentary elections abroad;
    2 – Government Decree that regulates the execution of electoral campaigning;
    3 – Government Decree that regulates the organisation and functioning of voting centres and voting stations;
    4 – Government Decree on the execution of the voting procedures, vote counting and tabulation of results;
    5 – Government Decree on the execution of electoral observation activities;
    6 – Government Decree on the execution of the monitoring of the electoral process ;
    7 – Government Decree on the activities for journalistic coverage of the electoral process;
    8 – Government Decree on the voting process in hospitals and prison establishments;
    9 – Government Decree on the presence of the PNTL Forces, as an exception, at the voting centres.
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