Media Releases

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    10 of April of 2017Day Off on the 13th of April, from 12pm onwards
    The Government has decided to grant the afternoon off on the 13th April, from 12:00pm onwards, to all the employees and agents of the ministries or their dependent services, as well as the institutes and integrated indirect State administration bodies.
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    07 of April of 2017Government delivers on reforms to support private sector growth
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on April 7th, 2017.
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    04 of April of 2017Council of Ministers’ meeting of April 4th, 2017
    1 – Proposed Resolution to the National Parliament for membership of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
    2 – Signing of the cooperation protocol between the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Ministry of Public Works and Buildings of the Republic of Indonesia on cooperation in infrastructure and public works, urbanism and regional and urban development
    3 – Government Decree approving the remuneration arrangements of the leading bodies of the National Centre “Chega!” From Memory to Hope

    1 – The result of the negotiation process on the operation and maintenance of the power plants
    2 – Process of General State Budget execution for 2017
    3 – Calendar of operations for electoral census
    4 – Government Resolution approving the financing option recommended by the Inter-Ministerial Commission to implement the investment strategy for the management of solid urban waste in Dili
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    28 of March of 2017Council of Ministers’ meeting of March 28th, 2017
    1 – Amendment to the loan agreement for financing of the Manatuto-Baucau road project
    2 – Renewal of the contract with the company FreeBalance
    3 – Government Resolution approving the Policy on the Management of Foreign Aid Effectiveness
    4 – Government Resolution approving a financial contribution to the organization Security Council Report
    5 – Decree-Law approving the first amendment to Decree-Law no. 6/2016, approving the Organic Structure of the Technical and Administrative Services of the General Prosecutor’s Office
    6 – Government Decree on the permanent staff of the Technical and Administrative Services of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic
    7 – Decree-Law approving the legal regime for the protection and conservation of biodiversity
    8 – Memorandum of Understanding between the National Commission for Combating HIV/AIDS of Timor-Leste and the National Commission for Combating HIV/AIDS of Indonesia
    9 – Appointment of two members to the Board of Directors of the National Centre “Enough”, from Memory to Hope
    10 – Signature of the Cooperation Protocol between the Ministry of State Administration of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Portugal for safeguarding and dissemination of the archival heritage

    1 – Accession process to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
    2 – Draft Government Resolution creating the National Policy for Public Water Supply
    3 – Draft Government Resolution creating the National Policy for the Water Resource Management
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    28 of March of 2017Timor-Leste’s application for membership of AIIB approved
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on March 28th, 2017.
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    27 of March of 2017Government congratulates PNTL on 17th Anniversary
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on March 27th, 2017.
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    24 of March of 2017Timor-Leste expresses condolences and solidarity in the wake of London attack
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on March 24th, 2017.
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    16 of March of 2017Government approves National Tourism Policy
    Statement by the Spokesperson of the Sixth Constitutional Government on March 16th, 2017.
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