Media Releases

  • 08 of May of 2018The Government extends the deadline until May 31st of 2018 for the regularization of all lottery games
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Seventh Constitutional Government
    Dili, 6th May 2018
    In recent days, some concerns have been raised by the public regarding the suspension of lottery games by the Ministry of Tourism of the Seventh Constitutional Government.
    The Government's official spokesman, the Secretary of State of the Council of Ministers and for Social Communication, Matias Boavida, stated that "the Government is not closing all lottery games but only suspending its activities temporarily until they open their BNCTL bank accounts.”
    “The Government, through the Ministry of Tourism, has already instructed that the deadline for all administrative requirements to be met and the BNCTL accounts to be opened be extended until 31st May 2018", concluded the Secretary of State Matias Boavida. ENDS
    *For additional information, please contact Carlito Caminha at (+670) 78103395.
  • 07 of May of 2018The Prime Minister, Dr. Marí Alkatiri, does not interfere in judicial independence
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Seventh Constitutional Government
    Dili, 6th May 2018
    Press Release
    The Prime Minister, Dr. Marí Alkatiri, does not interfere in judicial independence
    Some political parties, through their news services, have published false information about the work of the justice sector. Particularly in the last few days, it was published an information that the Prime Minister, Dr. Marí Alkatiri, had ordered to stop the audit to the ZEESM, whose execution by the Chamber of Accounts had been requested by the Prime Minister himself.
    The Official Spokesperson for the Government, the Secretary of State of the Council of Ministers and for Social Communication, Matias Boavida, stated that "it is not characteristic of the Prime Minister, Dr. Marí Alkatiri, to interfere in the work of the justice sector, unlike others." "Any citizen who wants to know the truth behind this false information should confirm with the Chamber of Accounts" said also the Secretary of State Matias Boavida.
     “The audit to ZEESM and to others entities and public institutions are executed in an independent manner by the Chamber of Accounts, therefore the Government has no power to prevent them from taking place, "concluded the Secretary of State. ENDS
    *For additional information, please contact Carlito Caminha at (+670) 78103395.
  • 03 of May of 2018Day-off On the Occasion of the Parliamentary Election of 2018
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Seventh Constitutional Government
    Dili, 3rd May 2018
    Press Release
    Day-off on the Occasion of the Parliamentary Election of 2018 
    The Government has decided to grant a day-off next Friday, 11th May, the day before the date of the parliamentary election of 2018, to all employees and agents of the ministries and their dependent services, as well as institutes and integrated indirect State administration bodies, so that registered citizens who do not reside in the municipality of their registration, can travel in time to exercise their right to vote.
    It has also decided to grant a day-off on the next 10,11 and 14 May 2018 to all employees and agents of the ministries and their dependent services, as well as institutes and integrated indirect State administration bodies who are registered in the Oé-cusse Ambeno Special Administrative Region but reside or work outside that region.
    Finally, it has instructed all Heads of public and private education institutions, to promote the equivalent exemption attendance duty of the students registered in the Oé-cusse Ambeno Special Administrative Region, who are studying outside that region, so that they can exercise their voting right. ENDS
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    04 of April of 2018Council of Ministers Meeting of 4th April 2018
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Seventh Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Council of Ministers Meeting of 4th April 2018
    The Government met in the Government Palace, in Dili and approved the proposal for a Decree-Law that establishes the national ship registry of Timor-Leste, presented by the Vice Minister for Development of Transport and Communications, Inácio Freitas Moreira. This Decree-Law establishes the necessary rules for the registration of East Timorese vessels, granting them the privilege of flying the Timor-Leste flag, taking into consideration existing national legislation and international conventions on the Law of the Sea, ratified by Timor-Leste, guaranteeing the safety and the necessary technical requirements for its seaworthiness.
    The Vice Minister for Development of Transport and Communications also submitted a proposal for a Decree-Law, approved by the Government, regarding the organization of ship inspection services, which aims to establish mechanisms for accidents prevention and maritime claims, promoting the safety of citizens using sea transport, cargo, the marine environment and the quality of services provided, following internationally agreed rules and standards.
    The Council of Ministers approved the Government Resolution proposal, presented by the Minister of Planning and Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes, regarding the public subsidy to candidates of the 2017 Presidential Election, establishing the grant will be made directly from the Ministry of Planning and Finance.
    Finally, the SACOM ENERGIA Group, a Timorese holding company, submitted to the Council of Ministers its project in Hera, consisting of two parts, a 600m jetty for the unloading of medium-sized ships, and a fuel storage terminal, which aims to increase the country’s energy capacity. This project, whose investment is entirely private, will be around the total amount of twelve million US dollars. ENDS
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    28 of March of 2018Council of Ministers Meeting of 28th March 2018
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Seventh Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Council of Ministers Meeting of 28th March 2018
    The Government met in the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the proposal for a Decree Law regarding the statute of the Murak-Rai Timor S.A. company, presented by the Minister of State and Minister for Mineral Resources, Mariano Assanami Sabino. Murak-Rai Timor, with a fully state-owned share capital, will be engaged in mining activities, including surveying, research, evaluation, development, exploitation and treatment, processing, refining and trading of mineral resources. The company will enable the State to operate in the mining sector, nationally and abroad, in equal circumstances with other private sector companies, assuring the mineral resources sector development, one of the main sources of national income, as well as increasing national citizens’ employability.
    The Vice Minister for Development of Transport and Communications, Inácio Freitas Moreira, presented a proposal for a Decree-Law regarding the establishment of standards in the civil aviation security field, in order to protect civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference that may jeopardize civil aviation safety, in accordance with Annex 17 of the Chicago Convention on International Aviation, ratified by the Timorese State in 2004, through Parliament Resolution.12/2004, of 9 December. This legislative proposal was approved by the Ministers Council, with adjustments foreseeing the coordination between the Civil Aviation Authority and the responsible entity for Oé-cusse Ambeno Special Administrative Region (RAEOA) airport management. ENDS
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    26 of March of 2018Day Off on the 29th March 2018
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Seventh Constitutional Government
    Dili, 26th March 2018
    Press Release
    Day Off on the 29th March 2018
    Pursuant to article 7, paragraph 6, point d) of Law no. 10/2005, of August 10, on National Holidays and Official Commemorative Dates, I determine the granting of a day-off on next March 29 to all the employees and agents of the ministries or their dependent services, as well as the institutes and integrated indirect State administration bodies, on the occasion of the Holy Friday celebration, 30th March. END
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    20 of March of 2018Council of Ministers Meeting of 20th March 2018
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Seventh Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Council of Ministers Meeting of 20th March 2018
    The Government met in the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the proposal for a Decree-Law that regulates the organization and operation of the Land and Property Commission, presented by the Minister of Justice, Maria Ângela Carrascalão. The legislative proposal aims to regulate the Land and Property Commission, created through the article 55 et seq. of Law no. 13/2017, of July 5th, which approved the Draft Law on the Ownership of Immovable Assets (Land Law). The Land and Property Commission, as a public legal person, enjoys administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy, and its mission is to assess and resolve the cases in dispute regarding the recognition process and the attribution of property rights.
    The Council of Ministers analyzed the proposal for a Government Resolution regarding the creation of the interministerial commission for the marketing and promotion campaign of Timor-Leste as a tourism destination, under the motto "Visit Timor-Leste 20-30", presented by the Minister of Tourism, Manuel Vong. The Government Resolution proposal aimed at defining the State institutions that participate in the campaign and support the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the strategies and methodology to be used in the country's promotion and marketing campaign as a tourist destination and tourist investment, taking into consideration the fact that tourism was elected as one of the main pillars of economic development in the country, with its promotion falling upon the responsibility of Government, the private sector, local communities and civil society. However, the proposal was not approved and it was agreed to set up a working group that will focus on the revision of the National Tourism Policy.
    Considering that, pursuant to Government Resolution No. 2/2018 of January 24th, the Government of Timor-Leste authorized Peek Everest Mining, Lda to collect, export and test samples of manganese deposits located in the areas of Nipane and Passabe in the Special Administrative Region of Oé-cusse Ambeno, and having the existence of relevant manganese deposits in these areas been confirmed, the National Petroleum and Mineral Resources Authority (ANPM) presented to the Council of Ministers the proposal for a Government Resolution that defines the general terms and conditions of the manganese prospecting agreement between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL) and Peek Everest Mining, Lda., and the Minister of State and Minister of Mineral Resources, Mariano Assanami Sabino, for and on behalf of the RDTL, mandated for the negotiation of the concrete terms and conditions of said prospecting agreement. The Government Resolution was approved with amendments. ENDS
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    20 of March of 2018Additional Audit Requests to the TSAFC Audit Chamber
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Seventh Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Dili, 20th March  2018
    Additional Audit Requests to the TSAFC Audit Chamber
    This Tuesday, March 20th 2018, the Prime Minister, Marí Alkatiri, made a formal request for an audit of all financial management operations and accounts of the TIMOR-GAP – Timor Gás & Petróleo, E.P., Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais Timor-Leste (ANPM) and Serviço Nacional de Cadastro de Timor-Leste, covering the period between 9th August 2012 and 14th September 2017, which corresponds to the previous legislature.
    This request follows the previous requests sent on the 6th of February and on the 20th of February, to carry out audits to all financial management operations and accounts of the Special Administrative Region of Oé-Cusse Ambeno (SAROA), covering the period between 2016 and the present, and of the Treasury, the Ministry of Public Works, transport and Communications, AND, the Fund for Infrastructures, and the Ministry of Tourism, covering the period correspondent to the previous legislature.
    In the letter addressed to the President of the Court of Appeal and the Administrative, Fiscal and Accounting High Court, Judge Deolindo Santos, the Prime Minister justified the audit requests by stating that "the country's management must be guided, at all times, by principles of rigor, transparency and accountability. Without exceptions. It is therefore necessary to ensure transparency in the Public Administration, promoting a culture of rigor and accountability in the management of the State's financial resources. " ENDS
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