Media Releases

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    13 of February of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 13, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 13, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and reviewed the presentation of the Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regarding the National Voluntary Review (NVR) on the implementation of SDGs. The SDG National Voluntary Review process seeks to involve all stakeholders in accelerating the progress of SDG implementation, establishing a good baseline for monitoring implementation progress and sharing the history of Timor-Leste to the world, highlighting achievements and challenges. The NVR will be presented at the High-Level Political Forum in July 2019 in New York. The SDG working group was restablished in January 2019, is coordinated by the Office of the Prime Minister through the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (UPMA) and consists of representatives of the National Parliament, Ministries, civil society, private sector, media, religious institutions and development partners. The Council of Ministers reviewed and approved the following proposed recommendations for NVR: SDG 16, "Peace, Justice and Effective Institutions", should be the cross-cutting theme of the NVR report, focusing in depth on the six SDG (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9) aligned with Phase 1 of the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) and in addition to the second recommendation, ODS 8 and 17 will be discussed in depth.
    The Council of Ministers reviewed the Ministry of Justice's presentation on the National Cadastral System project, which since 2013 has carried out the collection and management of cadastral information with the objective of supporting the implementation of a set of transparent and fair rules for the regulation of mechanisms for recognition and attribution of ownership and transfer of immovable property. The presentation consisted of a summary of the background, the activities carried out, the results achieved, and the challenges encountered since the beginning of the project.
    The Council of Ministers approved the award of the contract for the implementation of the project and supervision of the construction, improvement and maintenance of the Baucau - Venilale - Viqueque National Road, an intervention on a section of about 58km, in an important link between the municipalities of the eastern tip and the capital Dili, culminating a procurement process started in 2017 and which will be financed with an ADB loan.
    The Ministry of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, together with the Ministers responsible, Minister for Finance and Minister for Economic Affairs, presented the proposal for a Decree-Law, approved by the Council of Ministers, on the first amendment to the Decree-Law on the statutes of the National Bank of Commerce of Timor-Leste, SA (BNCTL). The approved Decree-Law intends to adapt the BNCTL's statutes to the new legal framework of commercial companies and the new commercial registration regime, introducing a new corporate structure in accordance with international financial sector practices, dividing the Board of Directors between executive and non-executive directors with a clear separation of responsibilities and duties. In this way, competent and efficient executive management will be implemented by professional and experienced executive directors in the banking sector, maintaining the strategic vision of the Bank in the service of the superior interests of the Timorese People, by the non-executive Board of Directors.
    Finally, the Council of Ministers approved the proposal for a Government Resolution, submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MNEC), to strengthen coordination and resources in the process of accession to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Considering that the development of good neighborly relations and cooperation with the countries of the region is a value enshrined in the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and a priority since the first Constitutional Government, accession to ASEAN is an important instrument for raising the prestige of Timor-Leste as a state engaged in constructive political dialogue to ensure peace, stability and security in the region, as well as for the economic and socio-cultural development of the country. The MNEC will be responsible for nominating national reference individuals and for liaising with relevant government institutions, participating in High-Level meetings on ASEAN and setting up a mobilization program for Timor-Leste's membership. ENDS
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    12 of February of 2019Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 12, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 12, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and reviewed the presentation on the cooperation program between the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on strategic thinking for the future and for development planning. The purpose of the presentation was to support the Cabinet, Directors, and other agents of the State for future thinking, in order to create intervention strategies not only focused on current problems and challenges but based on the strategic vision of what is intended to be achieved for the country in the future. Thinking strategies in the development of a vision of the future are intended to help better understand the processes of change and to create deeper and more accurate changes for the future. This way, the identification and definition of investment priorities will help lay the foundations for a more prosperous and sustainable country. The presentation included speeches by Paolo Spantigati, ADB Director in Timor-Leste, and Susann Roth and Mei-Mei Song consultants of the ADB. After the presentations, a period of discussion followed, in which members of the Government together with the ADB technical team discussed the application of this methodology in Timor-Leste. ENDS
  • 07 of February of 2019Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 7, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 7, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the proposal presented by the Acting Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, regarding the final ceiling for the temporary budget appropriations for the month of February 2019, totaling US $ 94,617,778 (including repayment of loans). ENDS
  • 04 of February of 2019National holidays in 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    National holidays in 2019
    The public holidays with a fixed date and variable date for 2019, determined by the Law n.10/2005 of 10th of August, are:
    a) 1st of January – New Year’s Day (fixed date public holiday)
    b) 3rd of March – Veterans Day (fixed date public holiday)
    c) 19th of April – Holy Friday (variable date public holiday)
    d) 1st of May – World Labour Day (fixed date public holiday)
    e) 20th of May – Restoration of Independence Day (fixed date public holiday);
    f) 6th of June – Idul Fitri (variable date public holiday);
    g) 20th of June – Corpus Christi (variable date public holiday);
    h) 11th of August – Idul Adha (variable date public holiday);
    j) 30th of August – Popular Consultation Day (fixed date public holiday);
    j) 1st of November – All Saints Day (fixed date public holiday);
    k) 2nd of November – All Souls Day (fixed date public holiday);
    l) 12th of November –National Youth Day (fixed date public holiday);
    m) 28th of November – Proclamation of Independence Day (fixed date public holiday);
    n) 7th of December – Memorial Day (fixed date public holiday);
    o) 8th of December – Day of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception and Timor-Leste Patroness (fixed date public holiday);
    p) 25th of December – Christmas Day (fixed date public holiday).
    q) 31st of December – National Heroes Day (fixed date public holiday).
    The Law n. 10/2005, of 10th of August, determines national public holidays, official commemorative dates and the granting of days-off, and has been amended by Law n. 3/2016, of 25th of May, to recognise key historical dates of the Timorese Struggle for National Liberation. ENDS
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    31 of January of 2019Tolerance Day-Off on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Chinese New Year
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Day-Off on the Occasion of the Chinese New Year Celebration
    Law no. 10/2005, of August 10, in the wording defined by Law no. 3/2016, of May 25, establishes the days that are national holidays, the official commemorative dates and the other circumstances in which tolerance days-off may be granted.
    When it comes to tolerance days-off, paragraph C) of nº 2 of article 7 of the same law determines that a religious celebration not contemplated by law may be subject to tolerance.
    The Chinese community in our country is already a very old community with a presence of several centuries and has an economic and social importance that deserves the gratitude and recognition of the Timorese.
    The Chinese New Year is undoubtedly the most important ceremony of the entire Chinese calendar, also known as the "Spring Festival", and is also celebrated in many Asian countries.
    The date is celebrated as a family party and a time dedicated to celebrations, of which the religious ceremonies of thanks to the earth, the skies, the gods of the home and the ancestors stand out.
    Thus, considering the provision in paragraph c) of nº 2 of article 7, and in paragraph d) of nº 6 of that article, the Government determines the following:
    1.A tolerance day-off is granted on February 5, 2019, throughout the day;
    2.This order covers all officials and agents of the Ministries or services under their dependency, as well as of the institutes and bodies integrated in the indirect administration of the State. ENDS

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    30 of January of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 30, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 30, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the Government's proposal for a resolution submitted by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, on reducing the use of single-use or disposable plastic products in the public administration. Reaffirming the commitment made by the Government in its program to implement the "zero-plastic policy" and considering that the pollution caused by the use of plastic products is one of the main challenges facing mankind and that approximately half of the plastic products manufactured are disposed of in the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers, the proposal aims to reduce the use of single-use plastic products in the public administration by prohibiting its bodies and services from buying and using these single use or disposable products.
    The Prime Minister also presented the proposal for a Government Resolution, approved by the Council of Ministers, on the creation of the interministerial commission for the coordination and reform of the management of the State's assets. The commission will be composed of the Prime Minister and members of the Government responsible for the governance areas of legislative reform, finance, justice and state administration and will have as its mission the improvement of the public heritage management system through the update of the inventory of all state movable and immovable property in order to make the best possible use of it and prevent useless expense.
    The Council of Ministers approved the proposal for a resolution to the National Parliament, presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Dionisio da Costa Babo Soares, on the technical cooperation and cooperation program of volunteers from Japan between the Government of the Republic Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL) and the Government of Japan, with a view to contribute to the economic and social development of Timor-Leste with training activities for national citizens, the visit of Japanese experts and volunteers and the supply of equipment and machinery.
    The Council of Ministers examined the agreement for the exchange of notes between RDTL and the Federal Republic of Germany on technical cooperation between the two countries, to be signed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
    The Minister of Defense, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, presented the draft Council of Ministers' Deliberation regarding the beginning of negotiations with the Government of the United States of America for the development of Baucau airport. This airport allows a considerably longer runway extension than Dili airport and is one of the airports with the greatest potential of the country for its privileged location, so the proposal aims at authorizing the start of negotiations of the terms of the agreement necessary for the cooperation project destined to rehabilitate and to develop the airport of Baucau. The Council of Ministers approved the proposal of deliberation and mandated the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Minister of Transport and Communications and the Minister of Public Works to negotiate with the US counterpart.
    The Minister for Combatants of National Liberation, Gil da Costa Monteiro "Oan Soru", made a presentation to the Council of Ministers of the preparations for the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Popular Consultation and the Mission of INTERFET.
    The Council of Ministers approved the proposal for a Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of Justice, Manuel Cárceres da Costa, to regulate the organization and operation of the Land and Property Commission, a body responsible for resolving cases of disputes over immovable property. The purpose of this proposal is to establish the rules governing the organization, operation and status of the members of the Land and Property Commission, and to lay down the rules applicable to the cases falling within its competence.
    Finally, the Government decided to grant a tolerance day-off on the 5th of February, on the occasion of the Chinese New Year celebrations, for all the officials and agents of the ministries and services under their dependency, as well as of the institutes and bodies part in the indirect administration of the State. ENDS
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    14 of January of 2019Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 14, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 14, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and analyzed a presentation of the Minister of Public Works, Salvador Eugénio Soares dos Reis Pires, regarding the supply of fuel to power plants in order to guarantee the normal supply of electricity to the country. The Government will continue to evaluate the technical and legal requirements and the proposal will be re-examined at the next meeting of the Council of Ministers.
    The Council of Ministers approved the Government's proposal for a Resolution submitted by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, to create the Interministerial Council for Civil Protection and Natural Disaster Management as a national coordination body of the public administration structures and services, for the prevention of the risks inherent to major accidents or disasters, in order to mitigate its effects, protect and rescue people and property in danger when these situations occur. The Interministerial Council for Civil Protection and Natural Disaster Management will be responsible for the development and approval of the National Civil Protection Policy, as well as the development of legal diplomas and administrative regulations necessary for its work. ENDS
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    14 of January of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 9, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 9, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and analyzed a presentation by the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment, Julião da Silva, on the memorandum of understanding between the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Government of Australia to support the Temporary Work Program (PTT). The purpose of this memorandum is to establish provisions to facilitate the access of Timorese citizens to temporary work in the industries specified in the implementation agreements. Another goal of the PTT is to contribute to economic development by providing employment opportunities, remittances and opportunities for the qualification of national workers. In doing so, PTT will also provide benefits to the Australian economy and to Australian employers who can demonstrate that they do not have adequate Australian workers for these jobs. The Council of Ministers assigned full powers to the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment for the signing of these memorandum of understanding.
    The Timor-Leste Special Representative to Guinea-Bissau, Tomás do Rosário Cabral, presented the Report of the Mission to Support the Electoral Census to Guinea-Bissau, which ended in December 2018.
    The Minister for Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, presented to the Council of Ministers three Conceptual Nores focusing on administrative innovation, judicial reform and legislative reform. The Eight Constitutional Government intends to promote the reform and modernization of public administration, so that it becomes simpler, more efficient and reliable and, thus, guaranteeing to citizens the conditions to better conduct their lives. It also seeks to develop an efficient and effective justice sector that promotes national and foreign investment and, in this way, helps improve the living conditions of all, as well as facilitates the achievement of constitutional objectives in the creation of a more just society, in promoting gender equality, in combating corruption and in defense of the patrimonial interests of all citizens.
    The Government approved the organic law of the Ministry of State Administration, the Government department responsible for designing, implementing, coordinating and evaluating the policy, as defined and approved by the Council of Ministers, in the areas of local authority, administrative decentralization, support to community organizations, the promotion of local development, the organization and execution of electoral and referendum processes, the promotion of hygiene and urban organization, and the classification and conservation of official documents of historical value.
    The Council of Ministers approved the proposal for a Government Decree on budget execution in a duodecimal regime. Law no. 13/2009, of October 21, amended by laws no. 9/2011, of August 17 and no. 4/2013 / III, of August 7, on the Budget and Financial Management, which provides that in the case of the General State Budget not entering into force at the beginning of the financial year – a situation which has now occurred -, the duodecimal regime will be applied in order to allow normal State activity.
    The Council of Ministers also approved the proposal for a Government Decree that defines the remuneration of the bodies of the National Social Security Institute (INSS), presented by the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos.
    Finally, the Government approved the proposal for a Government Resolution on the exoneration of the current Chairman of the Board of Directors of Radio and Television of Timor-Leste, and the appointment of the new Chairman of the Board of Directors of Radio and Television of Timor-Leste, EP, Francisco da Silva '’Gary’, as proposed by the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Merício dos Reis 'Akara'. ENDS
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