Media Releases

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    16 of March of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 16, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 16, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met in the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Council of Ministers Resolution presented by the Minister of Public Works, Salvador Eugénio Soares dos Reis Pires, on the extension of the contract, with the consortium of companies Esperança Timor Oan, Lda and JV with Winston Oil International (HK) Ltd., to supply fuel to the power plants until September 30, 2019 and authorization to purchase additional fuel for electric power generation. The agreement in force began on June 22, 2017 and ends in March 2019. This resolution aims to ensure the normal supply of electricity to the country and allows the preparation of a new international public tender for the supply of fuel.
    The Minister of Public Works also made a presentation to the Council of Ministers on a proposal for cooperation between the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Electricidade de Timor-Leste (EDTL), which includes a set of recommendations for the strengthening of the national electricity system by reducing production costs, increasing revenues, improving quality of service, institutional reform and training of human resources.
    The Council of Ministers reviewed the presentation by the Minister of Transport and Communications, José Agustinho da Silva, on the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia with the objective of promoting the cooperation in the fields of meteorology, climatology and geophysics for the mutual benefits, interests and national development of the two countries.
    The Minister of Transport and Communications also presented the memorandum of understanding to be signed with the National Agency of Search and Rescue of the Republic of Indonesia for cooperation between this Indonesian agency and the Ministry of Transport and Communications for air and sea search and rescue that will allow a quick exchange and regular information in cases of existence or possibility of danger, joint actions of search and rescue, sharing of knowledge and technical development and training actions.
    José Agustinho da Silva also presented the memorandum of understanding between the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on the delegation of competences in air traffic services to facilitate the safe conduct of international air operations in the airspace of the two countries and the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of Air Traffic Services (ATS) in accordance with international standards and practices recommended by the Chicago Convention.
    The Council of Ministers delegated powers to the Minister of Transport and Communications, in coordination with the relevant Ministries, to discuss and sign the above-mentioned three memoranda during his working visit to Jakarta, taking place between the 21st and the 22nd of this month.
    The Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, presented a proposal for a Government Resolution, approved by the Council of Ministers, on the Legislative Reform Policy. The continuation of the implementation of the legislative policy, for a simple, systematized and accessible quality legislation, is one of the priorities of the Eight Constitutional Government, as stated in the Government program and its organizational structure, which ensures, at ministerial level, an effective policy direction in this area of government intervention. This policy action on legislative reform is aimed at improving the legislative procedure, from the decision to legislate until the entry into force of the legislation of the Government, promoting greater consistency of the systematic operation of the legal system and the ultimate objective of improving the quality of citizens' lives.
    The Council of Ministers approved the proposal for a Judicial Reform Policy, presented by the Minister for Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs. Considering that the program of the Eight Constitutional Government establishes that the consolidation of the justice sector proves to be of fundamental importance for the construction of the State and also a crucial factor for transmitting trust and attracting investment in the development of the economy, the ultimate objective of this reform is to improve the quality of life of citizens and is part of the fulfillment of the general political objectives of the Government.
    Finally, the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, presented a proposal for a Government Resolution, approved by the Council of Ministers, which defines the vacancies for the process of career promotion of staff under the General Civil Service Regime for the year 2019. The vacancies admitted to be filled shall be fixed annually by the Government, based on a proposal from the Civil Service Commission, up to a limit of ten per cent of the total number of staff in the respective professional category or group. The competition for the promotions is carried out through a system of classification of the candidates by points, determined by the analysis of seven criteria and the results of a written test. ENDS
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    13 of March of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of March 13, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of March 13, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met in the Government Palace in Dili and heard the presentation of the Report of the mandate of the Fiscal Reform Commission (CRF), presented by Fernanda Borges, Coordinator of the Commission. The CRF was created by the Sixth Constitutional Government with the purpose of guaranteeing the future of Timor-Leste by diversifying revenue sources and ensuring the sustainability of public finances. During the presentation, Fernanda Borges described the background of the CRF, detailed the activities already carried out since August 2015 and outlined the priorities and recommendations for the future of the fiscal reform program. The report now submitted to the Government will be assessed by the Ministry of Finance which will confirm it and implement the recommendations contained in the report.
    The Minister of State Coordinator for Economic Affairs, Agio Pereira, and TradeInvest submitted to the Council of Ministers the proposal for a Special Investment Agreement between the State of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Pelican Paradise Group, Lda. The project encompasses an investment of USD 700 million for the development of a tourism complex, in an area of approximately 558 hectares between Tasi Tolu and Tibar. Apart from hotel complexes, the project includes a golf course, residential lots, a development centre for youth, an international school, an international hospital and shopping centres. This tourist complex will allow the creation of approximately 1500 jobs in the construction phase, 1300 permanent jobs after the construction and the reforestation of 80% of the project area. This proposal for a Special Investment Agreement will continue to be analysed by the members of the Government.
    The acting Minister of the Interior, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, presented the proposal for a Government Resolution approved by the Council of Ministers on the appointment of Faustino da Costa as Commander-in-chief and Mateus Fernandes as the 2nd General Commander of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), on a four-year service commission.
    The Council of Ministers has given full powers to the Minister of State Administration for the preparation of the official celebrations of the 17th anniversary of the Restoration of the Independence of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL), for the installation of the Organizing Committee and for the appointment of its President.
    The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Joaquim José Gusmão dos Reis Martins, presented the approved proposal for a resolution of the Council of Ministers, authorizing the participation of a delegation of Timorese technicians at a working meeting, organized by the Asian Development Bank, for the negotiation of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of Indonesia and the RDTL for the implementation of a pilot project to facilitate freight transport, expansion of livestock trade and joint promotion of the two countries as a tourism destination.
    Finally, members of the Council of Ministers expressed, on behalf of the Government and the Timorese people, condolences to the family of Gordon McIntosh, former Australian Senator and defender of Timorese independence. McIntosh or "Ulun toos," an affectionate name given to him in the 1980s by FALINTIL, who admired his 'stubbornness' and 'discernment' for not accepting the views of his Australian Parliament colleagues during his 1983 visit to the country, was awarded the Order of Timor-Leste in 2014 for his efforts in favour of Timor-Leste's independence. ENDS
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    13 of March of 2019Government expresses condolences for the death of Gordon McIntosh
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Government expresses condolences for the death of Gordon McIntosh
    It was with great sadness that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste received word of the death of Gordon McIntosh, a former Australian Senator and defender of Timorese independence.
    Gordon was an enthusiast for the self-determination of our people and was adamant in his struggle against the occupation of our country. The East Timorese people were fortunate to have a fervent supporter in the Australian Parliament.
    In 1983 he was in Timor, as part of the first Australian parliamentary delegation to visit the then territory under occupation of Indonesia. After the trip, the Senator wrote a report denouncing the delegation's comments, describing the attempts of some to present Timor as no longer a significant political problem. His petition to the United Nations Decolonization Committee in 1982 was instrumental in keeping Timor on the list of territories with open decolonization processes, and his activities over many years made an important contribution to the Timorese cause.
    The former Senator visited Timor-Leste for the last time in March 2016 to participate in the activities of the first Veterans Day celebration. In February of the same year, the former President of the Republic of Timor-Leste, Xanana Gusmão, made public a ten-page letter, written by himself in 1988 and sent to Gordon McIntosh, through Resistance members exiled in Australia. This letter includes a detailed history of the struggle for independence and criticism of the then Australian Government to be motivated by the desire to "safeguard Australia's economic interests to the detriment of the principles worthy of a democratic country". Where he also denounced that everything suggests that the Australian policy towards Timor was determined by the Indonesian offer of joint exploitation of the Timor Gap.
    Gordon or "Ulun tos", an affectionate name given to him in the 1980s by FALINTIL, who admired his 'stubbornness' and 'discernment' for not accepting the opinions of his colleagues during the 1983 visit, was awarded the Order of Timor-Leste in 2014 for his efforts in favour of Timor-Leste's independence.
    Gordon McIntosh will not be forgotten in East Timor and will be forever remembered with great affection, admiration and respect. In this moment of sadness, we mourn his death, but we celebrate his contribution.
    The Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, on behalf of the Timorese People, sends condolences to the family of Gordon McIntosh and the gratitude of a nation forever grateful. ENDS
  • 12 of March of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of March 12, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of March 12, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and heard a presentation by the Rector of the Timor Lorosa'e National University (UNTL), Francisco Miguel Martins, regarding the process of access and entrance into public higher education for the school year of 2019, at the UNTL and the Polytechnic Institute of Betano (IPB). ENDS
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    05 of March of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of March 5, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of March 5, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved, with amendments, the proposal for a Government Decree presented by the acting Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, Agio Pereira, on the first amendment to Government Decree no. 2/2018 of February 21 that regulates the procedures of private investment. With the approved Legal Diploma, the applications for Investor's Certificate submitted during the validity of Law no. 14/2011, dated September 28 and still pending, are evaluated and decided by the Investment and Export Promotion Agency of Timor-Leste, IP (Tradeinvest) under the terms of said law and the proposal to issue the Investor Certificate shall be sent by the Executive Director of TradeInvest to the member of the Government responsible for the coordination of economic affairs. This proposal for a Government Decree aims to clarify doubts regarding the regime applicable to applications for the issue of an Investor's Certificate submitted, up until December 31, 2017, while the former Private Investment Law was still in force and that had not been decided by Tradeinvest.
    The Council of Ministers continued its analysis of the proposal for amendment to the Subsidiary Agreement with the Government of Australia for the Roads for Development (R4D) Phase II program submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Works. This program of the Government of Timor-Leste, begun in 2012, has the technical support of the Government of Australia and the International Labor Organization (ILO) and aims to provide social and economic benefits to rural populations through management and improvement of the conditions of the national rural road network. Under this project, 552km of roads were rehabilitated, laboratories for soil testing were set up in several municipalities and actions were taken to develop the capacity of the private and public sector for the management, rehabilitation and construction of roads. During the second phase, this program aims to support the establishment of an Interministerial Road Forum, the development of the Rural Roads Policy and the implementation of a standard system of design and construction of rural roads to ensure their quality. The Council of Ministers granted full powers to the Minister of Public Works, Salvador dos Reis Pires, for the signature of said agreement.
    The Minister of State Administration, Abílio José Caetano, presented the proposal for a Government Resolution, approved by the Council of Ministers, on the implementation of the Strategy for Administrative Decentralization and Installation of Local Representatives, reaffirming the commitment, the will and the Government's determination to resume and boost the implementation of the strategy of administrative decentralization and installation of representative bodies of Local Government. This Government Resolution foresees a program of activities that includes the elaboration of legislation, revision of the statutes and maps of personnel of the Municipal Administrations, formation of human resources, construction, maintenance or requalification of infrastructures and elections of representative organs of Local Government, with the objective of providing more effective public services, increasing civic participation, developing the private sector in rural areas, and establishing strong state institutions throughout the country. ENDS
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    27 of February of 2019Day Off on the 6th March 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Day Off on the 6th March 2019
    Law no. 10/2005, of August 10, in the wording defined by Law no. 3/2016, of May 25, establishes the days that are national holidays, the official commemorative dates and the other circumstances in which tolerance days-off may be granted. When it comes to tolerance days-off, paragraph C) of nº 2 of article 7 of the same law determines that a religious celebration not contemplated by law may be subject to tolerance.
    Among the official commemorative dates is Ash Wednesday, which, each year, has a variable date. Ash Wednesday is one of the solemnities that holds great significance in the Christian community. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent on the calendar of the Catholic religion that occurs forty days before Easter and this year corresponds to Wednesday, March 6.
    Thus, considering the provision in paragraph c) of nº 2 of article 7, and in paragraph d) of nº 6 of that article, the Government determines the following:
    1. A tolerance day-off is granted on March 6, 2019, throughout the day;
    2. This order covers all officials and agents of the Ministries or services under their dependency, as well as of the institutes and bodies integrated in the indirect administration of the State. ENDS
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    27 of February of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 27, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 27, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met in the Government Palace in Dili and approved the proposal for a Government Decree presented by the Acting Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, on the implementation of the General State Budget (OGE) for 2019. This diploma sets out the rules and procedures for implementation, monitoring and reporting applicable to the State Budget for 2019, which are essential for a rigorous and adequate monitoring of budget execution, as a decisive instrument for the full compliance with the principles and guidelines established by the 2019 State Budget.
    The Council of Ministers approved a proposed Decree-Law that regulates the legal regime of onshore oil operations, presented by the National Petroleum and Minerals Authority of Timor-Leste (ANPM). The approved Decree-Law establishes a special legal regime for the exploration and production of oil (upstream) in Timor-Leste's onshore zone, pursuant to article 31 of the Petroleum Activities Law and considering the importance of this Decree-Law to promote the right of economic agents or consumers and users of goods and services of the petroleum industry and to ensure that onshore oil operations are carried out with minimum harm to the environment, giving priority to obligations of health and safety, and consistent with industry best practices.
    Finally, the Government analysed a proposal by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Works to amend the Subsidiary Agreement with the Government of Australia for Roads for Development (R4D) Phase II . This program of the Government of Timor-Leste, begun in 2012, has the technical support of the Government of Australia and the International Labour Organization (ILO) and aims to provide social and economic benefits to rural populations through management and improvement of the conditions of the national rural road network. Under this project, 552km of roads were rehabilitated, laboratories were set up for soil testing in several municipalities and actions were taken to develop the capacity of the private and public sector for the management, rehabilitation and construction of roads. During the second phase, this program aims to support the establishment of an Interministerial Road Forum, the development of the Rural Roads Policy and the implementation of a standard system of design and construction of rural roads to ensure their quality.The proposed amendment to the Subsidiary Agreement for Phase II of the "Roads for Development" program will be re-examined at the next meeting.* ENDS

    * Due to an error in the statement published and distributed on February 27,this proposal was announced as having been approved. This correct version of the Press Release of the Council of Ministers Meeting of February 27, 2019 should be considered.
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    20 of February of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 20, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of February 20, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met in the Government Palace in Dili and discussed the proposal for the Code of Conduct for the members of the Eight Constitutional Government, which will be a self-regulatory instrument that provides clear guidance on the lawful and ethical behavior of members of the Government in the exercise of their day-to-day functions. The document was approved with the changes and suggestions of the members of the Council of Ministers.
    The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Timor-Leste (BCTL) submitted to the Council of Ministers the BCTL Regulation on general rules applicable to the credit guarantee system for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This system is a public program through which the State shares credit risk with commercial banks and aims to promote entrepreneurship and job creation, encourage the formalization and growth of SMEs, facilitate access to credit in priority sectors, and contribute to expanding access to banking and financial services.
    The Council of Ministers has analyzed the presentation of telecoms operator Ceslink, a national consortium composed of Ceslink, a computer technology company, and the Oka-D'tel consortium, which will form the country's fourth largest telecom operator. Ceslink intends to offer a quality, affordable and cheap telecommunications service with modern and efficient technology to guarantee high speed internet, quality communications in all areas of the country and guarantee security and confidentiality of communications.
    The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, presented the proposal for a Decree-Law, approved by the Council of Ministers, on the first amendment to the Scheme for Promotion of Public Administration Careers. With this amendment, article 7 of Decree-Law no. 1/2018, of January 24, is amended, establishing a maximum limit of ten percent of the total number of personnel that make up the category or professional group that qualify for promotion.
    The Council of Ministers approved the Government's proposal for a Resolution, submitted by the Prime Minister, on the promotion of measures for the general cleaning of population centers, with the aim of mobilizing civil society organizations to associate themselves with all the bodies and services of the public administration as well as schools in carrying out actions to clean public spaces, reaffirming the commitment and determination of the State in the realization of the right of all citizens to a healthy, ecologically balanced environment. The collective actions of general cleaning will be executed between the hours of 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM, of the last Friday of each month, beginning on February 22, 2019.
    The acting Minister of Finance, Sara Lobo Brites, presented the proposal for a Government Resolution, approved by the Council of Ministers, regarding the rules and criteria for the selection, management and evaluation of the investment made by the Petroleum Fund. With this Resolution, the Government decides to express agreement and support the rules and criteria for the application of the Petroleum Fund in petroleum operations, through the conclusion of commercial transactions through the Timor Gap, EP, in accordance with the legislation in force and taking into account the nature of this type of investments and the respective strategic objectives for the State of Timor-Leste, which allows for the use of the PF to advance the development of this important and significant oil project, generating numerous financial, economic and social benefits for the people of Timor-Leste, and allowing the diversification and development of the national economy. ENDS
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