Media Releases

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    09 of Outubro of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 9, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 9, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and analyzed the proposed Decree-Law, presented by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, referring to the Sixth Amendment to the Decree-law Nº 10/2005 of 21 November on the Legal Procurement Regime. This amendment seeks to ensure that the advertising of international public procurement notices is no longer necessarily published in international printed newspapers and is then publicized on electronic platforms Internationally used for this purpose, as well as in a newspaper with national circulation. The proposal will again be analyzed at a later meeting of the Council of Ministers.
    The Council of Ministers examined the proposed Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of Justice, Manuel Cárceres da Costa, which establishes the new regime of admission and training in the careers of Judicial Magistrates, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Defenders Office while regulating the nature, structure and functioning of the Legal and Judicial Training Centre. The proposal will again be analyzed at a later meeting of the Council of Ministers.
    The Minister of Transport and Communications, José Agustinho da Silva and the National Procurement Commission presented two proposals for deliberation to the Council of Ministers concerning the procurement process for the update of 200 MBS satellite Broadband for 1 GBS and contract splicing for satellite broadband update from 100 to 200 Mbps. The proposal will again be analyzed at a later meeting of the Council of Ministers.
    The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Dionísio da Costa Babo Soares, gave a presentation to the Council of Ministers on possible applications of Timor-Leste to the position of Vice-President of the 76th General Assembly of the United Nations, to positions in The United Nations Economic and Social Council, the Human Rights Council and the UN Women Executive Council, and applications to the Committee on Population and Development and the non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. ENDS
  • 04 of Outubro of 2019Condolences on the death of former President of the Court of Appeal Guilhermino da Silva
    Prime Minister
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Dili, October 4, 2019
    Condolences on the death of former President of the Court of Appeal Guilhermino da Silva
    His Excellency Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak express his deep regret and sadness with the news of the death of the former President of the Court of Appeal, Dr. Guilhermino da Silva, who passing away in October 3rd 2019.
    “I am really sorry to hear the news of the passing of former President of the Court of Appeal which I deeply regret. I knew Mr. Guilhermino da Silva very well, he was humble and dedicated all his life to the development of the justice sector. When I was President of the Republic, we used to meet each other in the Presidential Palace, to share thoughts and ideas regarding the justice sector of our nation. Sadly, he was not able to finish his mandate, due to health problems, and he submitted his resignation letter to me, which I accepted so that he could concentrated fully on his health treatment and recovery. Unfortunately, God had another plan for him, so he let us early.
    I would like to take this moment of grieving, on behalf of VIII Constitutional Government and on my one, to offer my deepest condolences to the bereaved family and we all pray that God will offer him an eternal resting place in Heaven” said Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak. End 
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    02 of Outubro of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 2, 2019
    1 - Presentation on the development plan of the Port of Hera;
    2 - Proposals for deliberation, relating to the process of early procurement and amendment of the contract for satellite broadband update.

    1 - Government Resolution concerning the renewal of the mandate of the members of the of the Timorese Archive and Resistance Museum IP (AMRT);
    2 - Government Resolution on the reserve for Timor Gap-Timor Gas & Petroleum, E.P. in public procurement for the conclusion of petroleum contracts;
    3 - General State Budget for 2020.
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    27 of September of 2019Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of September 27, 2019

    1 - Government Resolution on the authorisation to open public tenders for the conclusion of petroleum contracts;

    2 - Outbreak of African Swine Fever.


    1 - Government Decree which regulates the procedure concerning the allocation of areas of the territory of Timor-Leste to research and oil production activities.
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    27 of September of 2019African Swine Fever in Timor-Leste
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    September 27, 2019
    African Swine Fever in Timor-Leste
    Since the beginning of September 2019, there were registered a number of cases of infection and deaths of pigs in Timor-Leste, caused by African swine fever. Many of these cases have been reported by the owners of the pigs in Díli. To identify the disease, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAP) collected samples of affected pigs and sent them to a laboratory in Australia for testing.
    The results of the laboratory tests conducted in Australia confirmed that African swine fever (ASF) has already entered Timor-Leste and that 41% of the samples were contaminated with the disease.
    Up until September 19, 2019, in Dili, the MAP recorded nearly 400 cases of pigs who died and another 400 that are contaminated with the disease.
    Historically, Timor-Leste has been free of African Swine fever. In order to guarantee this, Decree-Law No. 21/2003 on the quarantine regime, and specifically in its article 56, defines that the importation of pigs and products derived from countries affected by African swine fever is prohibited.
    When the disease began to spread in the Asian region, the MAP organized a seminar on the disease on June 13, 2019, as a preventive measure. The aim of this seminar was to hold a technical discussion between the MAP and other directly relevant public services, such as customs, AIFAESA, PNTL, UNTL, or SERVE, to study the possibilities of biosecurity reinforcement and control in Timor-Leste, regarding this animal disease.
    African swine fever is a viral disease of African origin. Although it has already been a known disease for many years, so far no treatment or vaccine has been found to prevent or treat the disease. At this time there is an outbreak of African swine fever in the Asian region. Until September 2019, the Asian countries in which there is already confirmation of the outbreak are China, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, Laos, Myanmar, North Korea and Mongolia ( FAO data,  2019).
    In Timor-Leste, African swine fever puts at risk about 400.000 pigs with more than 70% of Timorese families dependent on the raising of pigs for their livelihoods.
    Regarding public health issues, the MAP clarifies that African swine fever is not a zoonotic disease, i.e. te disease does not pose a risk to humans.
    The immediate action that is currently underway is a suspension of the movement of pigs between Dili and the other municipalities. The services of the control posts for the transport of animals were reinforced and, with cooperation of the security authorities, measures were implemented to restrict the movement of animals, namely pigs, between Dili and the other municipalities.
    The MAP is in close cooperation with the Government of Australia,  to take measures such as  testing the samples, in order to have definitive confirmation of contamination with African swine fever .
    The MAP is also, in conjunction with the World Organization of Animal Health, also known by the acronym OIE, producing information materials to explain the disease and the precautions to take. ENDS
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    26 of September of 2019Vote of Condolences for the Death of Father João de Deus Pires
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    September 25, 2019
    Vote of Condolences for the Death of Father João de Deus Pires
    It is with enormous consternation and great regret that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste received the news of the death of Father João de Deus Pires, a Salesian missionary, on September 22 of 2019, at the Guido Valadares National Hospital in Dili.
    Born in Morais, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Portugal, he was ordained a priest in 1956, and was sent to Timor-Leste in 1957.
    From 1957 to the present day, he remained here, where he developed an intense and very varied educational and missionary activity, overcoming difficulties of all kinds and supporting great setbacks during the period of Indonesian occupation.
    His role will be remembered in the history of Timor-Leste, during the Indonesian occupation, at a time when the support bases fell, Father João de Deus dedicated all his efforts to providing  care to the population that was captured and surrendered, and was facing, in the years of 1979 and 1980, the most precarious situations of hunger and disease.
    After the reorganization of the fight in March 1981, where the new "national unity" policy was able to shake the consciences and clarify the new nationalist concepts and ideals, Father João de Deus did all he could, including even facing threats on the part of the occupant, to maintain a close link between the mountains (the top leadership of the Struggle) and Dili, through which it was possible to send correspondence to the outside world.
    Father João de Deus was exemplary in the treatment he gave to the couriers, at the time known as "boxes", instilling in them selflessness, a spirit of sacrifice and responsibility.
    The agents of the clandestine networks cannot and will never forget the altruistic spirit of this missionary and great fighter for the freedom of the Timorese people, with whom he undertook to serve, as a priest, as Portuguese and as a humanist.
    In the last years of his life, he took on the greater importance of welcoming the most vulnerable, assisting them in accommodation, social assistance and food, as well as in affection, education and the possibility of progressing in the intellectual formation in a healthy environment, enabling studies at the top level and the preparation of young people for active life.
    Due to his extreme dedication, he earned respect, admiration and even the veneration of the Timorese people, contributing in a remarkable way to his evangelization and to the consolidation of the Salesian presence in Timor.
    In May 2012, the late priest was decorated by the President of the Republic, with the Medal of the Order Dom Martinho Lopes, for his support for the Timorese resistance and relevant contribution to the struggle for independence.
    At this moment of so much grief for the religious and the Timorese people in general, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste presents its deepest condolences to the family of the esteemed Father João de Deus, the Catholic Church and the Salesian family of Timor-Leste. ENDS
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    25 of September of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of September 25, 2019
    1. Presentation on Infrastructure Priorities of the Ministry of Interior;
    2.Presentation of the Second National Communication of Timor-Leste under the United Nations Convention on Climate Change;
    3. Proposal of Government Resolution authorisation for the opening of public tenders for the conclusion of petroleum contracts.

    1. statement of sorrow for the death of Father João de Deus Pires;
    2.Deliberation concerning the integration of members of the F-FDTL in the contingent of the Armed Forces of Portugal to be sent to the Central African Republic;
    3.Government Resolution conferring on the Acting Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, the mandate for the negotiation of Timor-Leste's accession to the World Trade Organization;
    4. Full powers to the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, Dulce de Jesus Soares, for the signing of a cooperation agreement with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), for a project to strengthen science and mathematics in basic education in Timor-Leste;
    5.Proposal for deliberation for the supply of light fuel to the electricity company of Timor-Leste (EDTL) for the years 2019 and 2020.
  • 19 of September of 2019Timor-Leste's Participation in UN General Assembly
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Dili, 19 of September of 2019
     Timor-Leste's Participation in UN General Assembly
    On 27 September 2002, the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste was unanimously admitted as the 191st member of the United Nations. Since then, the State is required to be represented at the United Nations General Assemblies, held annually at the Headquarters in New York.
    In this context, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Dionísio Babo Soares, Ph.D., travels today, September 19 to New York, in order to participate in the 74th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, to be held between the 23rd and the 30th of September.
    On the sidelines of the General Assembly, the head of Timorese diplomacy will hold various multilateral, trilateral and bilateral meetings.
    The expected agenda during the High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly focuses on (1) the Climate Change Summit, convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres; (2) the Universal Health Access Program; (3) the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF); and (4) the High-level dialogue on development financing (FfD), as well as a high-level meeting on the elimination of nuclear weapons.
    The Minister will also participate in the high-level meeting to analyse the progress made in addressing the priorities of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) by applying the early action program SAMOA Pathway at the national and regional level, from which will result "a summary political declaration, action oriented and intergovernmental agreed".
    Under the agenda, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Dionísio Babo Soares, will intervene in the plenary session of the general debate in the presence of the Heads of State and Government, led by the president of the General Assembly of the United Nations, H.E. Tijani Mohammad Bande.
    The Minister will participate in ministerial-level meetings, within the G7 + organization, the G77 and China group, the Non-Aligned Countries Movement (NAM), the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) and the "least advanced countries" (LDC's) group.
    At the invitation of his counterpart, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya, the Minister participates as a speaker at the high-level “side event" under the theme "Peace and Political transition".
    The agenda includes meetings with the representatives of the (1) Republic of Ireland, (2) the Democratic Republic of Georgia, (3) the Republic of Kosovo, (4) the Republic of Malta, (5) the United States of America and (6) Front Polisario, through the institution of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
    On a trilateral level, a joint meeting is foreseen with the representatives of the Republic of Indonesia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
    In compliance with Timor-Leste's foreign policy strategy "making friends and zero enemies", we will observe the establishment of new diplomatic relations with several countries, considered in the form of "Joint communiqués".
    The high-level activities foreseen in the framework of the 74th General Assembly of the United Nations will end on 30 September 2019, and it is expected the Minister will travel to Republic of Cuba, in reciprocity to the official visit of a delegation from the Republic of Cuba to Timor-Leste, at the end of last year.
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