Media Releases

  • 06 of November of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of November 6, 2019
    1 - Report on Natural Disasters;
    2 - State Report for the CEDAW Committee.

    1 - Government resolution on the appointment of the President of the Authority of the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno;
    2 - Decree-Law on the regime of concession by the State of direct support to the media
    3 - Memorandum of understanding between the Republic of Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste for Disaster Management;
    4 - Reappointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of Timor Gap.
  • 30 of Outubro of 2019Tolerance Day-Off on 31 October, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    October 29, 2019
    Tolerance Day-Off on 31 October, 2019
    Law No. 10/2005 of August 10, in the drafting given by Law No. 3/2016 of May 25, establishes the days that are national holidays and commemorative official dates, while still setting the conditions under which point tolerance is granted.
    Commemorative official dates include November 1 and 2. These are two dates that are of great importance to the Christian community. November 1 and 2 are respectively All Saints Day and All Souls’s Day are celebrated in the calendar of the Catholic religion.
    It has been a tradition of the Timorese people to watch over the graves of their deceased loved ones, which means many public servants need to travel to their municipalities of origin to participate in these religious celebrations.
    Taking into consideration paragraphs b) and c) and No 2 of Article 7 as well as paragraph d) of the same Article, of the Law No 10/2005 of 10 August, in the wording set out by Law No 3/2016, of 25 May, the Government determines:

    To grant a tolerance day-off on October 31, 2019, during the whole day.
    This order covers all officials and agents of the ministries, secretariats of State and services dependent on them, as well as institutes and bodies integrated into the Indirect Administration of the State. ENDS
  • 23 of Outubro of 2019Message of congratulation for the swearing-in of the President and Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    October 23, 2019
    Message of congratulation for the swearing-in of the President and Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia
    The Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste addresses warm congratulations to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko  Widodo and His Excellency, the Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia,  Ma'ruf  Amim, on heir swearing-in, expressing its wish for the greatest success in the tasks their high positions call on both to perform.
    Timor-Leste and Indonesia share a close relationship of cooperation, solidarity and proximity, in a exemplary climate of truth and friendship, which has been essential for the consolidation of the stability and security necessary for the development of the two Nations, based on strong historical, economic and cultural ties, and in the presence, in both societies, of dynamic and fully integrated communities.
    Timor-Leste reaffirms its conviction in deepening the relationships of fraternal friendship that unites the peoples of both countries, in the various bilateral and multilateral spheres, in the course of the mandate that now begins. ENDS
  • 23 of Outubro of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 23, 2019
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 23, 2019
    The Council of Ministers met at the government Palace in Dili and analyzed the master plan for the requalification of the Dili International Airport, presented by the Interministerial Commission for the negotiation of financial support for the requalification of the President Nicolau Lobato International Airport. Established on 24 May 2019, the Inter-ministerial Commission is chaired by the Minister of State of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and includes the Interim Minister of Finance, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Minister of Public Works and by the Minister of Transport and Communications. The Interministerial Commission, together with the Interministerial Working Group for the President Nicolau Lobato International Airport Development Project, has worked on the analysis of technical, social, environmental and financial requirements of the options for the extension of the runway and for the requalification of the airport terminal.
    The Council of Ministers also heard a presentation by TNA Solution regarding a private investment proposal in the urban waste management sector. This consortium intends to invest in a waste collection and treatment management program in the municipality of Dili, in a project that does not require any governmental investment, and which aims to transform Tibar's dump into a waste treatment plant, which includes water treatment, recycling and fertilizer production.
    The Minister of Legislative Reform and Parliamentary affairs, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, presented two draft laws, approved by the Council of Ministers, concerning the Legal Regime of Voluntary Arbitration and the legislative authorization for the Amendment of the Civil Procedure Code. The draft laws aim to improve and strengthen the justice administration system, so that it offers all citizens a judicial service that ensures the objective, impartial, equitable, useful and efficient resolution of disputes.
    The Minister for Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs also presented a draft resolution to the national Parliament for the accession of Timor-Leste to the New York Convention of 1958 on the recognition and execution of foreign arbitral sentences. As the New York Convention constitutes an essential pillar of international arbitration and has already been ratified by 161 States, the accession of Timor-Leste constitutes an important incentive to intensify foreign trade relations and to help promote foreign investment.
    The Council of Ministers approved the proposal for a Government resolution, presented by the Minister for Legislative Reform and Parliamentary Affairs, approving the rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers. The revision of the rules of procedure seeks to reinforce the moment of the decision to legislate, properly guiding the legislative process, in order to fulfill the plans of the Government's Organic to reinforce the political control of the Council of Ministers on the activities of legislative reform, especially of the Prime Minister in exercising the powers of leadership of Government action.
    The Minister of Defense, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, presented a resolution of the Government, approved by the Council of Ministers, concerning the total amount of recruits to be hired for FALINTIL - Defense Forces of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL). As such, in te year 2020 a total of 600 people will be recruited to join F-FDTL.
    The Minister of Public Works, Salvador Soares dos Reis Pires and the Director of the National Procurement Commission (CNA), Aniceto do Rosário, presented a proposal for deliberation, approved by the Council of Ministers, for the reopening of the public tender for the light fuel supply to the Hera power plant for the years 2019 and 2020, due to the withdrawal of one of the companies that was part of the consortium which won the first the first tender.
    The Director of the CNA also presented a proposal of deliberation for the award of the construction contract of the new District Court of Dili, with the procurement process completed with impartiality and transparency and confirmation that winning company has fulfilled all the necessary requirements. This project will be financed with budget from the Infrastructure Fund.
    The Council of Ministers approved a message in which it addresses warm congratulations to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo and the Vice-President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin, on their swearing-in, wishing both the greatest success in the performance of the high positions for which they have been called.
    Finally, the Acting Minister of State Administration, Abílio José Caetano, gave a presentation on the natural disasters and destruction of houses and other properties that have affected several areas of the country and the Council of Ministers deliberated the attribution of humanitarian support to the affected population. The Ministry of State Administration, together with other relevant ministries, will identify all the necessary details for the distribution of this support. ENDS
  • 22 of Outubro of 2019Condolences on the death of the former Minister of Defense of the VI Constitutional Government, Cirilio Cristóvão
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    October 21, 2019
    Condolences on the death of the former Minister of Defense of the VI Constitutional Government, Cirilio Cristóvão
    available soon
  • 16 of Outubro of 2019Meeting of the Council of Ministers of October 16, 2019
    1 - National Maritime Authority System

    1 - Full powers for the signature of the subsidiary agreement between the Government of Timor-Leste and the Federal Government of Australia, concerning the Program for the Elimination of Violence against Women in Timor-Leste (Nabilan)

    2 - Amendment to the list of names to be proposed to the President of the Republic for the leadership of the diplomatic missions of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste in the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Vatican.
  • 10 of Outubro of 2019250th Anniversary of the City of Dili
    Prime Minister
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Dili, October 10, 2019
    250th Anniversary of the City of Dili
    Thursday, October 10th, 2019, we celebrate the 250th Anniversary of the city of Díli, as the capital of Timor-Leste.
    Although the capital city is not considered, under Article 14th of the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, a national symbol, as the flag, emblem and national anthem, it is nevertheless a “symbol of Independence and National Development”, for most of the national and foreign citizens who visit us.
    The date of the beginning of the construction of the city, therefore, is a great example and reference to reflect on the processes of construction, planning and urban planning, in favour of a city that we want increasingly humane, sustainable and environmentally friendly, in accordance with international best practices.
    Considering that the VIII Constitutional Government Program has prioritized the wellbeing of citizens, in particular its component of access to education, health, social security, housing, electricity, water and sanitation services, pillars of a city provided with good quality of life, we invite all citizens to join these celebrations, through increasingly informed, active, participatory and committed citizenship, for the good development of our capital city, in collaboration with the Government and with the local authorities.
    We want to have a clean, green and supportive City to live and work.
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