Media Releases

  • 17 of April of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 17th, 2024

    1 - First amendment to Decree-Law no. 26/2016, of June 29th, on AIFAESA, I.P.; (VPM/MCAE);

    2 - Full powers to sign the Action Plan for Economic and Trade Cooperation (2024-2027) at Forum Macau (VPM/MCAE);

    3 - Decision to create joint teams to carry out control and inspection actions to prevent the smuggling and counterfeiting of tobacco products (VPM/MCAE e MI);

    4 - Rules of Procedure of the Council of Ministers (PCM);

    5 - First amendment to Decree-Law no. 13/2016, of May 18th, which regulates the Infrastructure Fund (MPIE);

    6 - Award of the contract for the rehabilitation of Municipal Roads, Package 2, Uatolari - Laisorulai, 0+000 - 22+000 (22 Km), in the Municipality of Viqueque

    7 - Construction works to be contracted for their continuation and completion, or the payment of the work carried out, as well as the respective expenditure, within the scope of Decree-Law no. 15/2024 of March 20th.

    8 - Theme "Hametin Instituisaun Estadu Hodi Serve Povu" (Strengthening State Institutions to Serve the People) for the May 20th, 2024 celebrations.


    1 - Presentation on the results of the Teacher Candidates' Pool exams

    2 - Presentation: Dili Marina Square (VPM/MCAE)
  • 09 of April of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 9th, 2024

    ✅1 - Proposal to the National Parliament for ratification of the Protocol of Accession to the World Trade Organisation (VPM-MCAE);

    ✅2 - Repeal of Government Resolution 6/2016 of 17 February, amended by Resolution 24/2023 of 24 May, which established the National Commission for Trade Facilitation (CONFAC) (VPM-MCAE);

    ✅3 - Memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cuba (MJDAC - SEAC);


    ➡️1 - Presentation on Timor Telecom (MTC).
  • 08 of April of 2024Rabies Virus Prevention and Control Measures
    Given the entry of rabies into Timor-Leste, a virus which resulted in the death of a Timorese citizen in the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cússe Ambeno (RAEOA), as a result of being bitten by a rabies-positive dog and to prevent and mitigate this disease among the population, the Secretary of State for Livestock, together with the Ministry of State Administration are working, through the Presidents of the Municipal Authorities (Local Authorities, Community Leaders), the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), to control and address this situation, to prevent and mitigate this outbreak.
  • 03 of April of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 3rd, 2024

    ✅1 - first amendment to Government Resolution no. 7/2024, of January 24th, on the Creation of the Executive Committee to Establish a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe-Cússe Ambeno (PM);

    ✅2 - Organisational Structure of the Civil Protection Authority (MI);

    ✅3 - One-off Support Allowance for people in situations of extreme vulnerability (MSSI);

    ✅4 - second amendment to Government Resolution 23/2009, of November 18th, approving the Parlamentu Foinsa'e Nian (Youth Parliament) (MJDAC).

    ✅5 - extend the suspension of the teaching, learning and practice of martial arts and the adoption of measures to ensure public order for another six months, until November 10th, 2024.
  • 27 of March of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 27th, 2024

    1.Second amendment to the Law on the Anti-Corruption Commission (PCM)

    2.Special scholarship scheme for the justice sector (PM);

    3.Addenda to the contracts for the extension of the construction and supervision period, respectively, of the "Improvement and maintenance of the road between Baucau - Venilale - Viqueque: Lot 2 Venilale - Viqueque (MOP)" project;

    4.Addenda to the contract for the implementation of the District Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project - Package 2 Section: Bazartete - Tokoluli (MOP):

    5.Full powers to sign a memorandum of understanding in higher education and science with the Kingdom of Cambodia.
  • 22 of March of 2024Day off on March 28th, 2024, all day
    Therefore, pursuant to Article 7(2)(a) and Article 7(6)(d) of Law 10/2005 of August 10th, as amended by Laws 3/2016 of May 25th and 10/2023 of April 5th, I hereby determine the following:

    Day off is granted on March 28th, 2024, all day.
  • 20 of March of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 20th, 2024

    1 - the dates for Hamlets (Aldeias) Assemblies and Village (Suco) Councils as part of the procedures for electing community leaders;

    2 - support for waste collection in Dili;

    3 - Statute of National Liberation Combatants;

    4 - Industrial Property Code; and

    5 - Statute of the Military of FALINTIL - Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL).


    1 - remuneration of the members of the bodies of public legal persons that are part of the State's indirect administration.
  • 13 of March of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 13th, 2024

    1 - Proposal for a Resolution of the National Parliament on the ratification, for accession, of the Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes (PM);

    2 - First amendment to Decree-Law no. 10/2012, of February 29th, which approves the Special Career and Statute of the Prison Guards (MJ);

    3 - Realisation of expenditure for the transfer to EDTL, EP (MPW)

    4 - Expenditure on the construction contracts for the Uatuwa-Modobuti irrigation project in the municipality of Baucau and the Iraberi irrigation project in Village (Suco) Irabin de Baixo in the municipality of Viqueque (MAFLF);

    5 - Classification and commercialisation of strategic minerals (MPMR);

    6 - Decision on the participation interests of TIMOR GAP, EP in the Production Sharing Contracts PSC TL-OT-17-08 and PSC TL-OT-17-09 (MPMR);

    7 - Special Provisioning Regime for the Visit of His Holiness the Pope (MPCM);


    1 - Presentation on the potential of the CPLP for Timor-Leste; and

    2 - Presentation on the Rules of Procedure of the Council of Ministers (MPCM).
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