Media Releases

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    01 of September of 2020New Anti-Corruption Law
    Lei n. 7/2020, husi loron 26 fulan-agostu
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    28 of August of 2020Day-off on the occasion of the 21st Anniversary Celebrations of the Popular Consultation
    Day-off on the occasion of the 21st Anniversary Celebrations of the Popular Consultation
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    26 of August of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on August 26, 2020

    1 - Ministry of Planning and Territory Organic Law;

    2 - first amendment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Organic Law;

    3 - Law Proposal draft on the 2020 General State Budget;

    4 - Extension of the state of emergency statement;

    5 - National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) Disciplinary Regulation.

    1 - Political-legislative options underlying the draft of the National Development Agency (ADN).
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    19 of August of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on August 19, 2020

    1 - second amendment to the Ministry of Justice Organic Law;

    2 - Statutes of Municipal Administrations, Municipal Authorities and the Interministerial Technical Group for administrative decentralization second amendment;

    3 - National Water Resources Management Policy;

    4 - National Water Supply Policy.
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    18 of August of 2020Day-off on the Occasion of the Day of FALINTIL
    Day-off on the Occasion of the Day of FALINTIL
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    12 of August of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on August 12, 2020

    1 - rules on the electronic edition of Jornal da República;

    2 - first amendment to Decree-Law No 17/2020, of 30 of April, which creates a salary supplement for employees, agents and public workers who provide the respective professional activity in the COVID-19 prevention or control services or in direct exposure conditions to the SARS-CoV2 virus, during state of emergency;

    3 - subsidy for those who carried out journalistic activities in the Integrated Centre Crisis Management Situation Room, during the state of emergency;

    4 - first amendment to the Decree Law No. 8/2019, of April 24th, which approves the Ministry of Public of Works Organic Structure;

    5 - first amendment to the Decree Law No. 14/2019, of July 10th, which approves the Ministry of Interior Organic;

    6 - Economic Recovery Plan;

    7 - short-term economic stabilization measures to be allocated to the COVID-19 Fund and the implementing Ministry, and on the budget of RAEOA-ZEESM.


    1 - presentation on the results of payments and monitoring of the monetary support allocated to households, under the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 06 of August of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on August 6, 2020

    1 - measures for implementing the state of emergency declaration

    2 - National Authority for Expo Dubai 2020

    3 - vacancies for the promotion of personnel integrated in the public administration’ general regime careers

    4 -creation of the Commission for the Coordination and Monitoring of Institutional Reforms

    5 - amends to the Government Resolution n.º 18/2019, of May 8th, on the Interministerial Commission for the Fiscal Reform and the Public Finance Management and the Government Resolution n.º 7/2019, of February 6th, on the Interministerial Commission for the Coordination and Reform of State Property Management

    6 - approval of the procedures for the procurement of supplements or the amendment of Public Contracts regarding the extension of the delivery period for improvement and maintenance works on road sections between Baucau and Lautém, between Maubara and Karimbala, and between Atabae and Mota Ain

    7 - attribution of the name of "Nelson Mandela" to the Laleia Bridge

    8 - Exchange of Notes between the Government of Timor-Leste and the Government of Japan, for the Project for Human Resources Development Scholarship implementation

    9 - final ceiling for the temporary budget allocation for August 2020


    1 - Political and Legal Options on the Social Security Reserve Fund and Management Model
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    06 of August of 2020Government expresses solidarity with Lebanon
    August 6, 2020
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