Media Releases

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    23 of September of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 23, 2020

    1 - first amendment to Decree-Law No. 19/2019 of July 31st, on the Organic Law of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries;

    2 - support measures for families, through the allocation of basic food baskets, and for farmers and traders of food and personal hygiene products, both national and local, in order to provide short-term economic stimulus and encourage production and trade, as part of the Economic Recovery Plan;

    3 - extension of the state of emergency.


    1 - political-legislative options underlying the draft Decree-Law on the F-FDTL Remuneration Regime;

    2 - political-legislative options underlying the draft Decree-Law on the Military Service Law Regulations.
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    18 of September of 2020Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 18, 2020

    1 - Government Resolution concerning the establishment of the Policy Review Committee structure (known by the acronym CROP) for the 2021 General State Budget.
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    17 of September of 2020Government congratulates East Timor Hearts Fund on their tenth anniversary
    Government congratulates East Timor Hearts Fund on their tenth anniversary
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    16 of September of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 16, 2020

    1 - Decree-Law draft for the establishment of the Social Security Reserve Fund (SSRF) and for the definition of the respective Management Model;

    2 - Decree-Law draft relating to the first amendment to the Ministry of Health Organic Structure;

    3 - Government Resolution draft who appoints the member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Quality of Timor-Leste, IP;

    4 - Decree-Law draft on the first amendment to Decree-Law no 21/2020, of June 5th, which created the temporary subsidy in the scope of the response to COVID-19, attributed to Timorese citizens who are or temporarily reside abroad;

    5 - Decree-Law draft on support for the resumption and maintenance of activity in the context of the economy recovery;

    6 - First amendment to Government Resolution No 13/2020, of May 12th, on the Value of the Remuneration Supplement for public administration employees, agents and workers, who provided their professional activity in the prevention or control services of COVID-19 disease, or in conditions of direct exposure to the SARS-CoV2 virus, during the state of emergency.


    1 - Political-legislative options underlying the Decree-Law draft on the Second Amendment to STAE Organic Statute.
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    11 of September of 2020The Government of Timor-Leste extends condolences for the loss of “Renan Selak”
    The Government of Timor-Leste extends condolences for the loss of “Renan Selak”
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    09 of September of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 9, 2020

    1 - Government Resolution draft which approves the Public Administration Reform Program for the 2019 to 2023 period, and establishes the respective monitoring mechanisms

    2 - Decree-Law draft on the first amendment to the Ministry of State Administration Organic Law;

    3 - Government Resolution draft for the appointment of President of the Polytechnic Institute of Betano (IPB) General Council;

    4 - Decree-Law draft referring to the first amendment to the Organic Structure of the Ministry of Defence;

    5 - Government Resolution draft to the discharge and the appointment of the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Timor-Leste’ s Institute of Equipment’s Management;

    6 - Government Resolution draft for the appointment of the Executive Secretary of the National Commission Against HIV-AIDS in Timor-Leste and revokes the Government Resolution no. 2/2014, of January 22nd.
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    04 of September of 2020Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 4, 2020

    1 - measures for implementing the state of emergency declaration, made by the President of the Republic Decree N.º 55/2020, of August 5th.
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    02 of September of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 2, 2020

    1 - final ceiling for the temporary budget allocation for September 2020;

    2 - 2021 General State Budget aggregate and disaggregate ceilings;

    3 - accession to the Scalling Up Nutrition "Sun Movement";

    4 - appointment of the Board of Director of Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea de Timor-Leste, EP (ANATL) members;

    5 - appointment of the Board of Directors of the Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste (AACTL) members.


    1 - political legislative options related to the Law Proposal for the Organization and Functioning of Courts;

    2 - political legislative options related to the Law Proposal for the Legal Regime for Professional Public Associations;

    3 - political legislative options related to the Law Proposal that creates the Bar Association;

    4 - political legislative options related to the Law Proposal of the New Statute of the Public Ministry;

    5 - political-legislative options to regulate the implementation of the Support Measures for the Resumption and Maintenance of Activity and Support to local families and producers (“basic food basket”) under the Economic Recovery Plan;

    6 - presentation by the Board of Directors of the National Commercial Bank of Timor-Leste (BNCTL), regarding a proposal for capitalisation through government funding, for the period from 2020 to 2022;

    7 - current situation of Timor-Leste’s accession process to ASEAN.
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