Media Releases

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    27 of January of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 27, 2021

    1 - members of the Board of Directors of the National Electricity Authority (ANE I.P. – Portuguese acronym);

    2 - Members of the Board of Directors of the National Water and Sanitation Authority (ANAS I.P. – Portuguese acronym);

    3 - National Authority for Expo Dubai 2020.


    1 - “basic basket” program’s implementation progress;

    2 - Political and legislative options related to the first amendment to the Decree-Law Nu. 15/2012, of March 28th, on the Regulations for the Telecommunications Sector, and the creation of the administrative regulatory acts in the telecommunications sector.
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    20 of January of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 20, 2021

    1 - Amendment of the Law Proposal on the General State Budget and Public Financial Management Framework;

    2 -State of emergency’s renewal


    1 - Law Proposal draft for the first amendment to Law No. 7/2009 of July 15th, which creates the Civil Service Commission;

    2 - Political and legislative options underlying the draft of the new Legal Regime on Procurement, Public Procurement and its Infringements
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    15 of January of 2021Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 15, 2021

    1 - Revocation of the Government Resolution 52/2020, of December 30th, which approved the renewal of the imposition of a sanitary fence in RAEOA;

    2 - Revocation of the Government Decree 21/2020 of December 30th;
    3 - Government Decree draft on the implementation measures for the Declaration of the State of Emergency.
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    15 of January of 2021National holidays in 2021
    National holidays in 2021
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    13 of January of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 13, 2021

    1 - Appointment of the Rector of the National University of Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL);

    2 - Memorandum of Understanding between MEJD, the Korean Embassy and KOIKA regarding a project for the development of sport for children in Timor-Leste;

    3 - Appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TATOLI - Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste, I. P .;

    4 - Process of revising the graduation of Timor-Leste from the category of Least Developed Countries of the United Nations;

    5 - Government's legislative plan for 2021.
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    08 of January of 2021Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 8, 2021

    1 - Government Decree Draft on the 2021 General State Budget (GSB) implementation.


    1 - Plan to introduce the vaccine for the COVID-19 in Timor-Leste.
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    06 of January of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 6, 2021

    1 - Electricity of Timor-Leste, EP (EDTL, EP)’s Chairman of the Board of Directors;

    2 - Bee Timor-Leste, EP (BTL, EP)’s Chairman of the Board of Directors;

    3 - The supply of light fuel to the Hera power plant.


    1 - The political and legislative options underlying the project on the Civil Protection Authority’s Organic;

    2 - “Safeguarding Rural Communities and their Physical Assets against Disasters caused/induced by Climate in Timor-Leste” project, under the Green Climate Fund.
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    30 of December of 2020Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 30, 2020

    1 - Execution measures of the state of emergency, renewed by the President of the Republic’s Decree 73/2020, of December 30th;

    2 - renewal of the imposition of a sanitary fence in the Special Administrative Region of Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA);

    3 - Cancel the flag-hoisting ceremonies next Monday, January 4th, 2021, as well as all Christmas and year-end public administration’s celebration activities.
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