Media Releases

  • 20 of Outubro of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 20th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 20th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace, in Dili and, after analysing the presentation of the National Epidemiological Situation, carried out by the coordinators of the Situation Room of the Integrated Centre for Crisis Management (CIGC), decided to propose it to His Excellency, the President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, the renewal of the state of emergency, for another thirty days, between October 30th, 2021, 12:00 a.m. and November 28th, 2021, 11:59 p.m..
    Given that the determining causes that justified the declaration of the state of emergency and its renewals remain in place, in order to prevent and neutralize the risk of spreading of new strains of SARS-CoV-2, thus, to protect public health and the response capacity of the National Health System, the Government proposes to the President of the Republic that, with the renewal of the state of emergency, the suspension or restriction of some fundamental rights and guarantees be allowed.
    Four draft Decree-Laws presented by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos, were approved, regarding:

    First amendment to the Decree-Law no. 20/2017, of May 24th, which approves the registration and contributory obligation under the social security contributory scheme. The purposes of this draft Decree-Law are:

    o   to extend the scheme to new groups of workers;
    o   to correct some aspects of the contributory base and expand the number of optional membership levels;
    o   to ensure the protection and incorporation of workers temporarily working abroad ; and
    o   to ensure equal treatment of all workers, by eliminating the rule that imposes a ceiling on the contribution to be paid (and benefits to be received) for workers with fixed-term contracts in the Public Administration.

    First amendment to Decree-Law no. 17/2017, of May 24th, and Decree Law no. 19/2017, of May 24th, which approve, respectively, the legal regime of invalidity and old age pensions and the legal regime of death benefits, under the contributory social security scheme. The purposes of this draft Decree-Law are:

    o   To guarantee the basic principle of the contributory scheme, associating the duty to contribute with the right to receive social benefits;
    o   To regulate the calculating formula for invalidity and old ages pensions for workers partially covered by the transitional regime (with rights in training);
    o   To ensure that whoever contributes to the general scheme will always be entitled to a pension worth more than the Support Allowance for Elders and Disabled; and
    o   To clarify the way presumed death is to be dealt with for social security purposes.

    First amendment to Decree-Law No. 19/2008, of June 19th, which approves the Support Subsidy for Elders and Disabled. Given that when the aforementioned legal diploma entered into force, no other social security scheme had yet been created in Timor-Leste and, in the meantime, having been created a contributory social security scheme, it is intended with this draft Decree-Law to review and adapt the general rule on the accumulation of benefits, in order to make it socially fair.


    First amendment to Decree-Law No. 55/2020, of October 28th, which approves the establishment of the Social Security Reserve Fund (FRSS) and the definition of the respective management model. With this draft Decree-Law, it is intended to make changes to investment limits in shares and private debt, in order to ensure a "reference portfolio" that effectively meets the objectives of the FRSS, as well as increasing the margin of freedom of Government action, annually, according to the behaviour of the economy and markets.

    The Council of Ministers deliberated to approve the procurement procedures for the award of contracts related to the solid waste management project in Dili, according to the project presented by the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho. The project has three components, as follows:

    provision of solid waste collection and transportation services in the city of Dili, concerning to Lot 1 – East Zone and Lot 2 – West Zone;
    concept/design, construction, rehabilitation and management of a landfill and waste treatment plan in Tibar; and
    supply of equipment for waste collection in Dili and for the operation of the Tibar landfill and waste treatment plant, supply of waste containers and bins, supply of waste collection equipment and for landfill operations.

    Lastly, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, presented the status of the execution of the Government’s Legislative Plan for 2021. The legislative plan was approved by the Council of Ministers at the meeting held on January 13th, and it was elaborated based on the proposals submitted by the members of the Council of Ministers. The Plan consists of a forecast of the Government’s legislative interventions and respective priorities, divided by sectors, for the year 2021. During the meeting, the members of the Council of Ministers analysed which of the 241 initiatives foreseen at the beginning of the year have already been finalized, which are in the finalization process and which are still to be presented to the Council of Ministers. END
  • 13 of Outubro of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 13th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 13th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and analyzed the presentation relating to the legislative policy options underlying the review initiative the Health System Law, presented by the Minister of Health, Odete Maria Freitas Belo.
    The Minister of Health also made a presentation on the result of the vaccination campaign, which has been attended by all members of the Government, since September 30th.
    During this period, the Members of Government went to all municipalities to share the information about the COVID-19 vaccine and to sensitize the population to the need of  vaccination.
    A total of 78,165 vaccines have been administered since the beginning of the campaign with the participation of Members of Government, which represents an  increasing of 17% in the percentage of vaccination nationwide.
    Bobonaro was the municipality with the highest growth in the number of people vaccinated, with an increasing of 303%. During the week of September 30th  to October 10th, a total of 7487 people were vaccinated, 5629 more vaccines administered than in the previous week. The municipality of Baucau follows, with a growth of 122%, with 5286 more vaccinated than in the previous week. Ermera had an increasing of 97% compared to the week before the start of the vaccination campaign with members of the Government, with 3885 more people being vaccinated than in the previous period.
    The first Pfizer vaccines, designed to allow the vaccination of young people between the ages of 12 and 17, are expected to arrive in Timor-Leste on October 16th, under the COVAX Mechanism. END
  • 06 of Outubro of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 6th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 6th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the Draft Law Proposal for the General State Budget (GSB) for 2022, presented by the Minister of Finance. The 2022 GSB has an amount of USD 1.675 billion and is composed of the Central Administration Budget, the Oe-Cusse Ambeno Special Administrative Region Budget and the Social Security Budget. The 8th Constitutional Government defined six national priorities for the 2022 GSB: 1) human capital development (education, vocational training and health); 2) housing and social inclusion; 3) productive sectors (agriculture and tourism), environment and connectivity; 4) private sector development; 5) rural development; and 6) good governance.
    The draft resolution regarding the authorisation to enter into two financing agreements with the Asian Development Bank under the Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Expansion Project was approved. This draft resolution had already been subject to resolution at the Meeting of the Council of Ministers of September 15th, 2021, however due to the introduction of some amendments in the final drafting phase, it became necessary to submit it to a new resolution.
    The draft Government Resolution on the National Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities 2021 - 2030, presented by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos, was also approved. The National Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities 2021 - 2030 aims to ensure the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities in the decade 2021 - 2030, in accordance with the guidelines set by the National Policy for Inclusion and Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, approved by Government Resolution No 14/2012 of May 9th, through a set of actions to be developed in an articulated manner by a wide range of public entities.
    The Council of Minister deliberated to authorize the opening of procurement procedures to award two public contracts for the execution of works related to the Laivai irrigation projects, in the Municipality of Lautem, and of Galata, in the Municipality of Baucau, according to the deliberation project presented by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Pedro dos Reis. The Galata irrigation project will cover an area of 600 hectares and will benefit 750 families. The Laivai irrigation project will cover an area of 300 hectares, which includes 176 hectares of existing rice fields and will benefit 434 families.
    The Council of Ministers decided to approve the procurement procedure for the award of a public contract for the acquisition of three x-ray machines for vehicle, hand luggage and people inspection for use by the Customs Authority in the Integrated Border Posts of Batugadé and Salele, according to the project presented by the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes.
    A presentation of the Third Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of the application of human rights in the national territory was given to the Council of Ministers by the Vice-Minister of Justice, José Edmundo Caetano. The Universal Periodic Review is a mechanism of the Human Rights Council, established in 2006, which covers the 193 Member States of the United Nations. This will be the third time that Timor-Leste undergoes this evaluation mechanism, with the last Universal Periodic Review of Timor-Leste having taken place in November 2016. In each cycle, progress in the human rights situation in each country since the first review is analysed and each State has the possibility to highlight concrete actions and measures taken to implement the recommendations received in the previous review cycle. It is expected that in January 2022, Timor-Leste will submit the report regarding the progress and challenges of the human rights situation in the country for the period 2017 to 2021.
    The Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, and the National Commissioner for the Rights of the Child, Dinorah Granadeiro, presented to the Council of Ministers the Fourth Periodic Report on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, on the Optional Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and on the Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict. The report covers the period from 2015 to 2019 for the Convention and the period from 2008 to 2019 for the optional protocols. For the collection of information, present in this report, on the implementation of the various recommendations made by the Convention, a broad public consultation was carried out with relevant ministries and other State institutions. After finalizing the first draft of the document, the National Commission on the Rights of the Child also heard the views and comments of national and foreign civil society organizations and the various United Nations agencies.
    The Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Víctor da Conceição Soares and the heads of ANPM, Timor Gap and IPG made a presentation on the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals for the period 2021 to 2030 and on the redefinition of the petroleum sector. The Plan presents a set of intentions for the strengthening of the national petroleum industry, namely with the efforts to optimize the Bayu-Undan field with new drilling and to accelerate new oil and gas exploration activities in the country.
    Lastly, the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak and the spokesperson of the inter-ministerial committee for the COVID-19 vaccination plan, Danina Coelho, made a general presentation on the COVID-19 vaccination. During the presentation, an update was given on the latest information on the vaccines against COVID-19 in terms of distribution, implementation, effectiveness, side effects and the need for a booster dose. The latest data on vaccination in the country was also presented. 463,644 people throughout the country have received at least one dose of the vaccine, which is equivalent to 61.4 per cent of the population over 18 years old. 38.3% of the adult population in the country has already completed the vaccination. Recommendations were also presented for strengthening prevention of severe cases of COVID-19 and increasing the national vaccination percentage. END

  • 29 of September of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 29th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 29th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and after analyzing the presentation of the  epidemiological situation of the country, carried out by the coordinators of the Situation Room of the Integrated Center for Crisis Management (ICCM), decided:
    -  Not to renew the imposition of a sanitary fence in the Municipality of Dili, which ends today at 23:59 hours.
    The draft Government Decree on measures to implement the Declaration of the State of Emergency, carried out by Decree of the President of the Republic No. 81/2021, of September 28, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, was approved. The state of emergency, now renewed, covers the entire national territory and will be in force between 00:00 hours on September 30, 2021 and 23:59 hours on October 29, 2021.
    Regarding the implementation measures of the previous declaration of the state of emergency, there are three changes, and it is now established that:

    The entry into national territory of those who have completed vaccination, including those who come or have passed through countries that have notified the Delta variant of SARS-COV-2, is no longer subject to quarantine, maintaining the obligation of prior presentation of a negative COVID-19 detection result and within 48 hours after arrival in the country, they must perform a new COVID-19 diagnostic test.

    In the event of an outbreak of COVID-19 anywhere in the country, all individuals residing in Timor-Leste are required to undergo COVID-19 diagnostic medical examinations or submit full vaccination certification.

    All public administration employees must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

    The remaining rules maintain, namely, the obligation for all individuals residing in Timor-Leste to maintain a distance at least one meter from other individuals with whom they do not live in the same residence. They are also still required to wear a face mask that covers the nose and mouth when they have to access or remain in public or private places of collective use and to sanitize their hands when they intend to enter commercial, industrial or service establishments or buildings where functioning public administration services.
    During the duration of the state of emergency, licenses, permits, visas and residence permits and other administrative acts and documents remain valid regardless of the period of validity. The draft Bill of Law, which has as its object the approval of the Civil Registration Code, presented by the Minister of Justice, Manuel Cárceres da Costa, was approved.
    The aim of this project is to create the necessary procedures for the registration of birth, adoption, marriage and death, thus allowing the realization of the rights, freedoms and guarantees contained in the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. The Law Proposal also aims to provide a legal framework for the possibility of registration supports being drawn up in a computer system and provide the civil registry services with a normative framework that fills the existing gaps and provides regulatory instruments for the procedures necessary for the execution of registration acts related to the state and capacity of individual people.
    The draft Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Longuinhos dos Santos, was approved. Which revokes Decree-Law No. 30/2008, of 13 August, regarding the regime for attributing scholarships for study abroad.
    The attribution of scholarships abroad will be regulated by a Ministerial Diploma of the MESCC, under the Regulation of the Human Capital Development Fund (HCDF).
    Therefore, it is intended, to guarantee the correct application of the HCDF regulation, to improve the protection mechanisms of Timorese students abroad and to clarify, improve and modernize the legal system in the higher education sector.
    The draft Government Resolution approving the Pelican Paradise Group investment project and the Special Investment, Agreement Draft, presented by the Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral and the Executive Director of the Agency for the Promotion of Timor-Leste Investment and Export, IP – TradeInvest Timor-Leste, Arcanjo da Silva. This project foresees an investment of 700 million US dollars for the development of a tourist complex, in an area of ​​approximately 558 hectares, in the area between Tasi Tolu and Tibar, which includes, in addition to the hotel units, a golf course, residential lots, a youth development center, an international school, an international hospital and shopping malls. This tourist complex will create around 750 posts during the construction phase and 1300 permanent posts after construction is completed. It is also expected that 80% of the project area will be designated for reforestation and restoration of flora and fauna.
    The Council of Ministers decided to grant full powers to the Minister of Transport and Communications, José Agustinho da Silva, to sign two Air Services Agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. These agreements aim to boost connectivity between Timor-Leste and the rest of the world, allowing for the creation of conditions for the operation of more regular flights in the country, as well as to increase the options for flight destinations.
    Finally, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Planning, José Maria dos Reis and the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, presented to the Council of Ministers the options of locations for the implementation of multipurpose reception centers to provide response to emergency situations and serve as a temporary shelter for victims of serious accidents and natural disasters. The Council of Ministers did not present any objections to the continuation of the process. THE END
  • 24 of September of 2021Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 24th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of September 24th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved a vote of regret and decided to declare national mourning for the death of the Commander Ma’Huno Bulerek Karathayano, former Commander of the Armed Forces for the National Liberation of Timor-Leste (FALINTIL), former Secretary of the FRETILIN Board of Directors and currently First Vice President of the CNRT Party, throughout the national territory, for a period of national mourning, the national flag is hoisted, at half mast or half-halyard, throughout the country, in places of mandatory use, including in diplomatic missions.
    The Council of Ministers also approved the aggregate and disaggregated expenditure ceilings to be considered in the General State Budget (GSB) for 2022, presented by the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes.
    The Aggregate Ceiling has a total amount of US$ 1.675 billion, in view of the execution of the Government’s program and the national priorities defined by the 8th Constitutional Government.
    The 8th Constitutional Government defined six national priorities for the 2022 General State Budget: 1) human capital development (education, vocational training and health); 2) housing and social inclusion; 3) productive sectors (agriculture and tourism), environment and connectivity; 4) private sector development; 5) rural development; and 6) good governance.
    The total amount of the 2022 General State Budget, 233 million correspond to salaries and wages, 449.8 million refer to goods and service, 565.9 million are public transfers, 24.4 million correspond to minor capital and 401.7 million refer to the development capital.
    The Council of Ministers approved, with amendments, the draft Decree-Law regarding the new remuneration regime for FALINTIL –Timor-Leste’s Defense Forces (F-FDTL), presented by the Minister of Defense, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus. The project proceeds with salary increase of around 5% in all military posts and the updating of salary supplements.
    This legislative intervention aims to make the military career more attractive, with a salary condition consistent with the modernization and growing professionalization of the armed forces. It is also intended to harmonize this statute with the proposed amendment to the F-FDTL Military Statute.
    The Draft Decree-Law on the new remuneration regime for the Timor-Leste’s National Police of (PNTL) presented by the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Taur Matan Ruak and Vice Minister of the Interior, António Armindo, was also approved, with amendments, With this project, global remuneration increases in the order of 5 %of the base remuneration are carried out and the remuneration supplements are updated.
     The Council of Ministers decided to declare its non-objection to the exchange of diplomatic notes regarding the agreement with the Government of Japan on the Japanese State’s support for the implementation of the President Nicolau Lobato International Airport expansion project. The deliberation project was presented by the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Julião da Silva. With this agreement, it is expected that the President Nicolau Lobato International Airport will benefit from a modern passenger terminal with an area of 11,653 square meters, and a building suitable for a power station.
    Finally, the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, made a presentation regarding the options for measures for the population resettlement affected by the floods of April 4th 2021.
    Of the 15,876 people housed in 57 reception centers in the Dili, more than 15,000 have already returned to their homes and their families. The presentation described the options and the respective existing socio-economic impacts for relocating the 765 people (137 families) who are housed in seven centers that still active.
    The Council of Ministers will continue the analysis of the options and respective deliberation at a subsequent Executive meeting. END
  • 24 of September of 2021Note of Condolence on the death of Comandante Ma'Huno Bulerek Karathayano
    Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministrus
    VIII Governu Konstitusionál
    Dili, loron 24, fulan-setembru, tinan 2021
    Komunikadu Imprensa
    Votu Pezar ba Komandante Ma'Huno Bulerek Karathayano nia mate
    Governu Timor-Leste, lori nasaun nia naran, hato’o nia profundu pezar ba saudozu komandante Ma’Huno Bulerek Karathayano (Bukar), antigu Komandante Forsa Armada ba Libertasaun Nasionál Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) no sobrevivente ida husi Komité Sentrál  FRETILIN, hakotu-iis iha loron 24 fulan-setembru, iha Hospital Nacionál Guido Valadares.
    Governu mós deside ona hodi dekreta lutu nasionál iha teritóriu nasionál tomak, durante loron tolu, husi tuku 8:00 loron 25 fulan-setembru to’o tuku 07:59 loron 28 fulan-setembru, hodi hanoin ba eis-Komandante nia mate.
    Saudozu Ma’Huno Bulerek Karathayano, moris iha loron 14 fulan Abril tinan 1949, hetan knaar ida importante iha prosesu reorganizasaun rezisténsia nian, hahú iha loron 3 fulan-marsu tinan 1981.
    Nu’udár Sekretáriu ba Komisaun Diretiva FRETILIN no lidera FALINTIL hafoin Komandante ein Xefe FALINTIL, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão tama tiha prizaun, iha fulan -novembru tinan 1992, kargu ne’ebé nia okupa to’o fulan-abril 1993, iha momentu ne’ebé maka nia mós ema kaptura.
    Iha tinan 2017, Ma’Huno Bulerek Karathayano eleitu ba Vise-Presidente Partidu CNRT.
    Iha tinan 2018, Komandante Ma’Huno hetan agradesimentu husi Prezidente Repúblika ho Orden Timor-Leste ba ninia kontribuisaun iha luta ba libertasaun nasionál. Iha tinan 2006 nia simu ona Orden Guerilla nian no Orden Dom Boaventura
    Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, iha seremória hahú lutu nasionál loron tolu ba omenajen Komandante Ma’Huno Bulerek Karathayano, afirma katak, “ita lakon erói nasionál ida no fundadór Repúblika Demokratika Timor-Leste” no rekoñese “ninia kontribuisaun bo’ot ba luta autodeterminasaun” saida mak halo  ona “hamoris fila-fali ita-nia nasaun hanesan nasaun livre no independente.
  • 22 of September of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 22nd, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 22nd, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and, after analyzing the presentation of the national epidemiological situation, carried out by the coordinators of the Situation Room of the Integrated Center for Crisis Management (ICCM), decided:
    to propose to His Excellency, the President of the Republic, Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, the renewal of the state of emergency, for another thirty days. Given that the determining causes that justified the declaration of the state of emergency and its renewals remain, in order to avoid and neutralize the risks of spreading new strains of SARS-CoV-2 and thus to protect public health and capacity of response of the National Health System, the Government proposes to the President of the Republic that, with the renewal of the state of emergency, the suspension or restriction of some fundamental rights and guarantees be allowed.

    To approve the draft Government Resolution that maintains the imposition of a sanitary fence in the municipality of Dili until 23:59 hours on 29 September;

    Thus, the imposition of the ban on the movement of people between the municipality of Dili and other administrative districts remains in force, except in duly substantiated cases for reasons of public safety, public health, humanitarian assistance, maintenance of public supply systems or performance public interest. This circulation ban does not cover individuals who can prove complete vaccination (two doses) against COVID-19, as well as children under six years of age who accompany them. not renew the imposition of sanitary fences in the municipalities of Baucau, Covalima and Ermera, which end today at 23:59 hours.

    to approve the draft Government Resolution prohibiting the organization and holding of funeral ceremonies in buildings where bodies or services of the direct and indirect administration of the State are installed, in memory of employees, agents or workers of the public administration.

    The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Armanda Berta dos Santos and the Minister of Health, Odete Maria Freitas Belo, as President and Vice-President, respectively, of the Interministerial Commission for the Elaboration and Coordination of Execution of the Vaccination Plan against COVID-19, made a presentation to the Council of Ministers on the process of implementation and functioning of the electronic vaccination certificate. The system was launched on June 10th, at the time of the launch of the second phase of vaccination against COVID-19 and works through the RSETL mobile phone application of the Family Health Program. The platform that contains the registration of vaccination against COVID-19 and also serves as proof for travel between municipalities covered by the imposition of sanitary fences.

    Finally, those responsible for the Preparation and Coordination of the Implementation of the Vaccination Plan against COVID-19 also made a presentation on the preparation for the introduction of the Pfizer vaccine in national territory, aimed at allowing the vaccination of young people aged between 12 and 17 years. The COVAX Mechanism has already confirmed its availability to send 100,620 doses, which should arrive in the country soon. According to the plan presented, vaccination will be carried out in schools and the first 50,000 young people to receive the vaccine will be students from the 6th to the 11th of high school, from pre-selected municipalities. In the second phase, the remaining students and young people who are not registered in schools will be vaccinated. The two doses of this vaccine will be given 21 days apart. The preparation of the necessary storage conditions for the vaccines is being carried out at SAMES with the technical and financial support of UNICEF. The operational procedures for the storage, transport, management and application of the vaccines have already been prepared, which will be ensured with the technical support of the World Health Organization. The Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 is 95% effective against the infection symptomatic by SARS-CoV-2. The End

  • 20 of September of 2021Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 20th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of September 20th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approve the draft Decree-Law that aims to create the monthly food subsidy, presented by the Ministry of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes.
    This subsidy will be attributed to public servants, takes the nature of a benefit in kind and aims to reduce expenditure on the purchase of food and preparation of meals, and, simultaneously, to promote the purchase of agricultural products from national producers, encouraging increasing the productivity of the the agriculture sector. The National Logistic Center is responsible for the acquisition, management, stroage of products, as well as their distribution to the respective bodies and services.
    Monthly, the public servants will have the right to 35 kg of rice, five kg of corn, five kilos of beans, five kilos of mung beans and two kilos of soybeans. In case of unavailability of any of the aforementioned products, they can be replaced by others with the same value. Delivery is made quartely by the agencias by the agencies and services in which the beneficiearies exercise their functions.
    The draft Decree-Law project for the creation of a monthly transport subsidy for holders of management and leadership and leadership positions and for employees of the Public Administration was also approved, replacing the attribution of State vehicles. The creation of this subsidy aims to offset the regular costs of beneficiaries related to transport and minimize the expense associated with the allocation of State vehicles and promote the rationalization of the public car fleet. The monthly grant amount is US$ 25 for civil servants, US$ 50 for Heads of Section, US$ 75 for Heads of Department, US$ 100 for National Directors and US$ 150 for Directors General. It is estimated that this measure will allow saving of over 700 thousand US dollars in relation to the current cost of acquisition and maintenance of vehicles and fuel.
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution on the management and reallocation of State vehicles, also presented by the Minister of Finance. This resolution introduces a set of management measures for State vehicles to minimize the expense associated with their allocation and to promote the rationalization of the public car fleet. As a result of this Government Resolutin, among other measures: a) the aquisition of State vehicles is suspended in 2022; b) the Minister of Finance, by order, will set the limit number of vehicles assigned to each agency and service; c) any acquisition of State Vehicles must be offset by the sale of the same number of vehicles; d) and all State vehicles must be registered in the national database.
    Ministry Council the Draft decree- Law project, Presented by The Prime-Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, the propose is for the creation of The National Planning Agency, Monitoring and Evaluation (ANAPMA Portuguese Acronyms).
    With approval of this Diploma, The Planning Unit, Evaluation and Monitoring (UPMA) is Extinct, Being replaced by National Planning Agency, Evaluation and Monitoring (ANAPMA) Portuguese Acronyms, Which constitutes with the Central Administration directly from State, Endowed with Administrative and Financial Autonomy.
    This Agency’s Mission is to Provides technical and administrative support to the Prime-Minister in order to strengthening the competence of the state’s institutional and Coordinating the actions of various members of Government, In particular for the achievement of the objectives and targets set out in the government’s programs goals.
    The ANAPMA is Responsible for the organization, Coordinating and Supervision of medium term multi-year planning administrative procedures and Processes, Corresponding to a period of five years, and monitoring and evaluating the respective implementation.
    The agency is headed by an executive director, hierarchically subordinated to the Prime Minister and Assisted by three Deputy Directors responsible for the areas of Administrations and finance, planning, monitoring and evaluation.

    The Draft decree-law, also presented by the Prime Minister, was approved for the Creation of the Civil Society and Social Audit Support Services (SASCAS Portuguese Acronyms).
    With the approval of these Decree- Laws, The Civil Society Support office and the Social Audit unit are extinguished, from the prime-minister’s office, Being created, in its replacement, the service of support to civil society and social audit, which also built a central service of the direct administration of the state, Endow with administrative and financial autonomy, in order to ensure a majority of speed and responsiveness of the public administration service responsible for meeting the requests addressed to it by civil society organizations.
    The SASCAD is headed by an executive Director, hierarchically reporting to the Prime-Minister and assisted by a deputy Director for Public Grants and Deputy Director for Administration and Finance.
    Finally, the Council of Ministers decided to declare its non-objection to the approval, by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, of the list of candidates approved in the preliminary stage of the written test and to the oral test/interview of the aforementioned candidates, for the hiring of 93 technicians to fill existing vacancies at the level of the central services of this Ministry. END
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