Media Releases

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    04 of January of 2022The government of Timor-Leste extends its condolences for the loss of the Parliament Member Silvino Adolfo Morais
    Silvino Adolfo Morais, Member of the National Parliament, died on January 3rd, 2022, at the Guido Valadares Hospital, in Dili, at the age of 65.
  • 29 of December of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 29th, 2021

    1 - remuneration of workers, coordinators and members of the bodies of the National Development Agency, I.P. (ADN – Portuguese acronym);

    2 - extend the deadline for provision deposit for the State's contribution under the Special Investment Agreement signed with TL Cement, Lda until December 31st, 2022; and

    3 - temporary and extraordinary financial support to be granted to employing companies and individual workers who do not work as employees and who are registered in the social security system. This diploma aims to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic, as well as to contribute to the maintenance of jobs and the survival of companies.
  • 27 of December of 2021Vote of Condolences for the Death of Desmond Tutu
    South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner and symbol of the struggle against apartheid died on December 26th, 2021, at the age of 90, in Cape Town, South Africa
  • 22 of December of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 22nd, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 22nd, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, replacing the Minister of Planning and Territory, José Maria dos Reis, which aims to establish the Legal Regime of Building and Urbanization, namely regarding allotment operations, urbanization and construction works, and use of buildings. This diploma guarantees legal support for the set of procedures essential to the prior control (licensing) and subsequent control (supervision) of private building and urbanization works.

    Also approved was the draft Government Decree, presented by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, which sets the value of the monthly mobile communications subsidy for members of the Government, in accordance with the Remuneration Statute for Holders of Political Positions.

    The Council of Ministers decided to approve a proposal foramendment to the grant and implementation agreement with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), as well as to empower the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, to sign this amendment. With this, the grant to be provided by MCC, for the implementation of the development of the sanitation network and education sectorprojects, will be increased by three million US dollars, to total fourteen million and fifty thousand US dollars.

    The draft Government Resolution, presented by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral and the Secretary of State for the Environment, Demétrio do Amaral de Carvalho, approving the National Policy on Climate Change, was approved. This policy establishes a clear statement in accordance with the political principles that determine the mechanisms, in light of which the laws to be adopted in response to emerging situations of climate change, will be read and interpreted. The adoption of this policy will not only strengthen the coordinated articulation between Ministries and avoid the duplication of measures and the implementation of outdated policies, but will also allow the establishment of the basic structure on which future climate change policies (sectorial and transversal) will be identified and prioritized.

    Lastly, the Council of Ministers, attendeda presentation by the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral, and the Executive Director of the National Agency for the Promotion of Investment and Exportation - TradeInvest, Arcanjo da Silva, on the state of play of the negotiation and approval process of the Special Investment Agreement between the State of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Pelican Paradise Group Limited. END
  • 15 of December of 2021The Government welcomes the classification of Tais as Intangible Culture Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO
    Timor-Leste praises the approval of the classification of Tais, the national traditional textile, as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
  • 15 of December of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 15th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 15th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the draft Decree Law establishing the organic structure of the Civil Protection Authority and makes the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 47/2020 of October 7th, which approved the Organic Law of the Ministry of Interior, presented by the Minister of the Interior, Taur Matan Ruak, and the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Joaquim José Gusmão dos Reis Martins. This project aims to establish the structure of the entire Civil Protection System, headed by the Civil Protection Authority, as the national executive entity, regulating all Civil Protection activities, which will have the President of the Civil Protection Authority as its focal point for liaison at the political level, and which will carry out the operational, administrative-logistic and financial management of the entire Civil Protection System. With this project, the conditions are created for the harmonization of procedures and the definition of the competencies of each entity, in order to avoid overlaps or gaps and to provide the Civil Protection System with coherence, full articulation, rapid response, constant flow of updated information and robustness, opening the way for the establishment of a structured and organized Civil Protection, in accordance with the real needs of the country.
    The Council of Ministers also approved two draft resolutions presented by the Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes.
    The first project aims to approve the Project Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Korean International Cooperation Agency, regarding the Project "Say No to the 5S (Hunger, Soil-borne Helminthiasis, Skin Diseases, Smoking and Sugar/Alcoholic Beverages) in Schools", as well as giving the Minister of Finance the power to sign this agreement. This four-year Project's main objectives are to provide school children with a Primary Health Package and health education in a safe and healthy school environment, in order to mitigate the risks of priority diseases in school, and to improve schools to provide a safe and healthy environment as well as safe and nutritious school meals. The implementation of this Project will take place in three municipalities: Baucau, Bobonaro and Manufahi, and will primarily involve the government departments responsible for the areas of education and health.
    The second project aims to authorize the signing of the Financing Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Asian Development Bank regarding the project to improve the reliability of power supply and the financial performance of Eletricidade de Timor-Leste, E. P., and to grant full powers to the Minister of Finance to sign this agreement on behalf of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. The four-years project's main objectives are to strengthen the provision of services to consumers, upgrade the distribution network and construction and/or rehabilitation of regional offices, and strengthen institutional and community capacity in the areas of electrical safety and operations. This project will be implemented by the state-owned company Eletricidade de Timor-Leste, E. P.
    Lastly, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Decree approving the model of the special identification card of the members of the Government, presented by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães. This project aims to comply with the provisions of paragraph d), No. 2, of Article 26th of the Statute of Holders of Sovereign Bodies, approved by Law No. 7 / 2007, July 25th, which establishes the right of members of the Government to a special identification card that will allow them to move freely in public places of conditional access, in the exercise of their duties or because of them. END 
    available soon
  • 10 of December of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 10th, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 10th, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the draft Government Decree that proceeds to the sixth amendment to Government Decree No. 2/2007, of August 1st, which regulates the Statute for Holders of Sovereign Bodies, presented by the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães. This project aims to clarify the regime of access to medical assistance for members of the Government, thus, facilitating, its practical implementation.

    The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Government Resolution on National Policy for Higher Education, presented by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, Longuinhos dos Santos. This project proceeds to the creation of a policy that aims to consolidate, stabilize and harmonize the national higher education sector, allowing, therefore, to fulfil the State's duty regarding the right to quality education and enhancing a more sustainable growth of this sector for the future development of the country. It is, therefore, essential to promote a higher education policy that can pursue the principles of equality, universality and, above all, the achievement of the national public interest. END
  • 01 of December of 2021Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 1st, 2021
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Eighth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 1st, 2021
    The Council of Ministers met, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved, with amendments, the draft Government Decree on the Internal Regulation of the Sea Affairs Committee, presented by the Minister of Defence, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus.
    This draft Government Decree follows the approval of Decree-Law No 39/2020, of September 23rd, which created the Maritime Authority System (SAM), and provides for the Sea Affairs Committee, as a body endowed with powers to exercise effective political control over the actions of the National Maritime Authority.
    The Council of Ministers approved the draft deliberation presented jointly by the Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak and the Minister of Defence, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, regarding the dismissal and appointment of the Chief of Defence Staff (CEMFA) and the Commanders of the F-FDTL Components.
    These proposed dismissals and appointments shall be submitted to His Excellency the President of the Republic for approval.
    Lastly, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Decree-Law on Multifunctional Shelter Centres (CAMF) presented by the Minister of State Administration, Miguel Pereira de Carvalho. These shelters are intended for the temporary accommodation of victims of serious accidents and catastrophes. END

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