Media Releases

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    02 of February of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 2nd, 2022

    1 - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), in Jakarta;

    2 - Resolution of the National Parliament proposal was approved, for the ratification of the accession of Timor-Leste to the treaty on the Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
  • 31 of January of 2022Day Off on the February 1st 2022 on the occasion of the Chinese New Year's Day celebrations
    The Government decided to grant a Day Off on the February 1st, on the occasion of the Chinese New Year's Day celebrations.
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    27 of January of 2022Government promotes general cleaning campaign throughout the country
    The Government will promote tomorrow, January 28th, 2022, throughout the day, a nationwide general cleaning action.
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    26 of January of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 26th, 2022

    1 - Executive Director of the National Agency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (Portuguese acronym - ANAPMA).


    1 - The status of the implementation of the projects funded by the infrastructure fund.
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    21 of January of 2022Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers of January 21st, 2022

    1 - the dismissal of Lieutenant General Lere Anan Timur from his post as Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces;

    2 - the dismissal of Major General Falur Rate Laek from his post as Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces;

    3 - the appointment of Major General Falur Rate Laek as Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces;

    4 - the appointment of Brigadier-General Calisto dos Santos Coli (Coliati) as Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces;

    5 - maintain the appointment of Commodore Pedro Klamar Fuik as Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.
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    19 of January of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 19th, 2022

    1 - Renewing the mandate of the members of the Board of Directors of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS – Portuguese acronym); and

    2 - Remuneration of the presidents and sole auditors of the Institute for the Defence of the Rights of the Child, (Instituto para a Defesa dos Direitos da Criança I. P.) and of the National Institute for the Fight against HIV-AIDS (Instituto Nacional de Combate ao HIV-SIDA, I.P.).
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    12 of January of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 12th, 2022

    1 - Land Registry Code;

    2 - Executive Director of the Investment and Export Promotion Agency of Timor-Leste, I.P. (Trade Invest).
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    05 of January of 2022Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 5th, 2022

    1 - first amendment to Government Decree No. 5/2017, of February 27th, which regulates campaigning and election propaganda;

    2 - first amendment to Government Decree No. 6/2017, of February 27th, which regulates the organization and operation of the polling centre and voting stations;

    3 - first amendment to Government Decree No. 7/2017, of February 27th, which regulates voting procedures, vote counting and tabulation of results;

    4 - first amendment to Government Decree No. 8/2017, of February 27th, which approves the technical procedures for holding presidential elections abroad;

    5 - first amendment to Government Decree No. 9/2017, of February 27th, which regulates the elections' observation activity;

    6 - First amendment to Government Decree No. 10/2017, of February 27th, which approves the technical procedures for carrying out the activities of news coverage of the presidential election;

    7 - first amendment to Government Decree no. 12/2017, of February 27th, on the exercise of voting rights in hospital and prison establishments;

    8 - first amendment to Government Decree no. 13/2021, of February 27th, which regulates the supervisory activity of the electoral process;

    9 - regulations on the submission of candidatures for the election of the President of the Republic;

    10 - voting rights of voters who are in compulsory prophylactic isolation centres, compulsory therapeutic isolation centres, or in compliance with compulsory prophylactic isolation or compulsory therapeutic isolation in their homes or in a legally admitted location for that purpose.

    11 - rules regarding the execution of the 2022 General State Budget.
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