Media Releases

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    24 of June of 2009Meeting of the Council of Ministers of 24 June 2009

    IV Constitutional Government


    24th JUNE 2009

    The Council of Ministers held a meeting on Wednesday, 24th June 2009, in its room in the Government Building, Dili where it approved:

    1. Decree-Law that changes the Legal Regime of the Notary

    Five years after the publication of the Legal Regime of the Notary, and in an attempt to harmonise the language and the technical terms in order to help in the interpretation to the ones that apply the law. Some changes have been proposed to simplify and legitimise administrative procedures, as well as the introduction of justification and acquisition mechanisms for fixed assets, as well as the authorisation for temporary notarial activity for non Timorese notaries.
    This Decree regulates the intervention of the notary in actions subjected to restrictions and prohibitions, and it also establishes criteria to avoid the adoption of different procedures in each notary office.
    This decree, since there not enough technical staff in the notarial and registry areas, notaries from civil law countries are authorised to practice in Timor-Leste.
    These changes legitimise several practices which are in force and make the notarial regime compatible with the national reality, and by doing this implementing one of the goals of the IV Constitutional Government, i.e. the  consolidation of the notary and the access to justice.

    2. Decree-Law that creates the Notarial Regulations


    The Legal Regime of the Notary establishes the political orientations for the notarial system in Timor-Leste and bestows upon the Government the responsibility to regulate the political orientations defined in this legal diploma. Thus, the diploma regulates the Legal Regime of the Notary, more precisely their writing, keeping and archiving, the notary acts and the issuing of copies and certificates.
    It is also important to mention that is was drafted based on the legal system applied in the country as well as based on the laws that are already in force . These are related to the Civil Procedure, Commercial Societies  and Commercial Registry, the Legal Regime for Non Profit Organisations  and the draft for the Civil Code.

    With this law we intend to use IT means as a way to streamline the feedback that is to be given to users electronically.

    The Council of Ministers also analysed:

    1. The Ministerial Diploma that creates the Social Electricity Tariff

    The members of the Council of Ministers had the opportunity to consider the creation of a social Electricity Tariff, since it is common practice to have subsidised electricity in the most needy countries. In these countries the State contributes to the energy costs, thus benefiting society .
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  • 05 of November of 2008Meeting of the Council of Ministers 05 November 2008

    V Constitutional Government
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers 05 November 2008
    The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 05th November 2008, in the Council of Ministers meeting room, Government Palace, in Dili where it approved:
    1. The Draft-Resolution that approves for ratification the Cooperation Agreement between the CPLP Member States to fight Malaria/Paludism.
    The Cooperation Agreement between the Portuguese Language Speaking Countries (CPLP) to fight Malaria/Paludism aims to establish the general terms for a future cooperation in order to implement national programs to fight malaria/paludism.
    2. Draft-Resolution that approves for Ratification the Cooperation Agreement Between the CPLP Member States in the Cinematography and Visual areas.
    This Agreement aims to establish cooperation mechanisms between the Member States and joint actions so as to promote, develop, produce, distribute and exhibit cinematography and films, as well as recover, preserve and value cinematographic and audiovisual patrimony. Another aim is to adapt to new technologies so as to contribute to the development of this media sector within and outside the Portuguese speaking countries. The means used to disseminate the productions will be a Cinema Festival organised by CPLP.
    3.Draft Resolution to Ratify the adherence to the Statutes of the Community of the Portuguese Speaking Countries.
    The Statutes establish legal norms that should discipline and regulate both the relationships between the Member States of the CPLP and the goals of this international organisation, its headquarters, its principles and its organs.
    4. Draft Resolution that approves for Ratification the Consular Cooperation Agreement between the Member States of the CPLP.
    This Agreement establishes the consular protection to the citizens that are nationals of the Member States if requested, in the countries where they do not have consular representation. It should be implemented without prejudice of the disposed in other International Agreements that are celebrated between the Member States.
    5. Draft Resolution that approves for Ratification the Visa Granting Agreement for Students that belong to the Member States of the CPLP.
    Considering that one of the main goals of CPLP is the reinforcement of the friendship ties between the Portuguese speaking countries, this Agreement adopts common rules to grant Visas for Students that belong to the Member States, thus promoting measures that simplify the Citizenship and Circulation of people within the CPLP space.
    6. Draft Resolution that approves for Ratification the Cooperation Protocol between the Member States of CPLP in the area of Public Security.
    The protocol has the intention of promote, strengthen and make cohesive the cooperation in the area of policing; the dissemination of relevant informations on criminal activities, that are deemed necessary to control crime in the State Members; analyse common strategies to fight crime and promote the exchange of experience; the promotion of joint training and capacity building strategies and also multilateral cooperation strategies on specific issues.
    7.Decree-Law that approves the Special Procurement Regime Autonomous Medical Stores (SAMES), EP
    The aim of this Decree-Law is to establish the special procedures to acquire medication, medical consumables and medical equipment that is necessary to the the good working of the health system, as well as the execution of works that fall within the competences of SAMES.
    The Council of Ministers also analysed:
    1.Presentation by the World Bank of the survey: “Timor-Leste: poverty in a poor nation”
    The purpose of this survey was to present the key-factors related to the poverty in Timor-Leste. Some of the streams connected to the basic needs are used to measure the definition of poverty. Poverty is measured in accordance to the per capita of each household. The poverty line is established at an energy intake below a specified threshold, such as 2100 kilocalories/capita/day, and this is the sum of what is established as “food” and “non-food”.
    This report was based on the living standards survey and it is comparable to the survey that was done in 2001.
    2. Decree-Law that creates the National Centre for Training and Employment (CNEFP) in Tibar
    This Diploma creates the National Centre for Training and Employment, which in nature is a Public Institute with the aim to promote professional training, namely in the Construction Sector, and will be recognised as a reference centre in Timor-Leste, without prejudice of the Centre growing to include other other sectors. O CNEFP will have administrative and financial autonomy so that it can perform its duties with independence and exemption so as to ensure transparency and the sustained development of the Centre. It will be under the portfolio of the Member of Government responsible for Professional Training.
    3.Decree-Law that approves the Organic Law of the Ministry of Finance
    The organic law of the Ministry of Finance defines the structure, competencies and attributions of each of the Services in the Ministry of Finance, its approval will take place in the next Council of Ministers.
  • 09 of July of 2008PRESS RELEASE
    Díli, August 4, 2008
    Secretary of State for Natural Resources, Alfredo Pires, opens the National Petroleum Authorithy
    Today, the Secretary of State for Natural Resources, Alfredo Pires, officiated over the inaugural launch of the National Petroleum Authority (NPA). The newly established independent body charged with the regulation of the petroleum sector marks the end of the Timor Sea Designated Authority, which was operated jointly for the past six years by Australia and Timor-Leste.
    The event was celebrated as a milestone for the nation in protecting and preserving the natural resources for future generations. The NPA, which is totally run by timorese, is the first of three professional organizations to be launched as part of the Government’s institutional reform program for the petroleum sector. The Institute of Petroleum and Geology and the Timor-Leste National Oil Company will be established to provide the nation with the strong foundations needed for sector growth.
    Alfredo Pires opened by saying “today we can define the terms and conditions of our growth and success, working together with our partners in the Timor Sea to establish a new working benchmark for collaborative participation in development”.
    “In Timor-Leste we do not speak of the Petroleum sector in terms of revenues, profits or loss, we speak in terms of infrastructure, education, agriculture and national stability; in the purest terms, our stakeholders are the Timorese, the beneficiaries of the natural resources”.
    Timor-Leste’s economy depends heavily on the revenues generated from the oil and gas interests to fund the General State Budget. Timor-Leste, the poorest nation in Asia, averages 200 million in revenues per month from natural resources.
    Alfredo Pires continued his address by noting that the Timorese have many options in development, “take Greater Sunrise by example, there are many options, but each option needs to be in consultation with, and in the best interest of, our citizens; which means we are charged with getting as much comprehensive and detailed information available to make appropriate decisions”.
    “Take Greater Sunrise by example, there are many options. There is the Timor option, the Darwin option, the floating LNG option and the fourth option is to preserve the resources for another generation of Timorese”.
    Alfredo Pires stated he is confident that the new vehicles to promote sector best practice will empower Timor-Leste to navigate the complexities of the international oil industry, while maintaining the national objectives.
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