Media Releases

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    19 of August of 2009Meeting of the Council of Ministers on 19 August 2009
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on August 19th 2009

    The Council of Ministers holds a meeting this Wednesday, August 19th., 2009, in it Room, in the Government House, in Dili, and has approved:

    1. The Decree-Law that approves the Remuneration Regime for the members of Anti-Corruption Commission.
    The Decree-Law approved today in the meeting of Council of Ministers, has established the remuneration for the members of Anti-Corruption Commission. Therefore, the Commissioner for the Anti-Corruption Commission will gain the monthly salary of $4000 (Four Thousand American Dollars) and the Assistant Commissioners $3.500 (Three Thousand and Five Hundred American Dolars). Regarding to subsides, the Council of Ministers has decided that the members of the Commission, accomplishing the charge travel, are entitled to a food and lodgment allowance equivalent to a member of National Parliament.

    2. Law Proposal for Domestic Violence
    The State is entitled to establish a prevention system intended to eliminate or reduce the consequences from social or family life from which emerge from the domestic violence, to provide assistance to the families and to the peoples under risk or worry as it effect can be bounded. By this way, this Law Proposal intended to implement the effective means to prevent and promote the right and assistance, as an adequate legal protection, for the victims/survivors of domestic violence in conformity with International Human Right Conventions.

    3. The resolution that approves two enterprise projects
    The Council of Ministers approved the resolution which approves two enterprise projects one in Taci-Tolu and another one in Dili. For conducting the process of negotiation, it was appointed the Vice-Prime-Minister Mr. Mário Carrascalão, the Coordinator for Public Administration.
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    12 of August of 2009Meeting of the Council of Ministers on 12 August 2009

    PRESS RELEASEMeeting of the Council of Ministers on August 12th.,2009
    The Council of Ministers held a meeting on this Wednesday in its Room, in the Government House, in Dili, and approved:
    1. The Decree-Law which approves Remuneration Regime for the members of Public Service Commission.
    The Members of the Council of Ministers have approved today a Decree-Law which regulates the monthly payment and subsidy for the members of Public Service Commission. Thus, the members of the Commission will be entitled to a monthly payment, if they are appointed under regime of an exclusive dedication, or to subsidy for session of work if appointed under regime of partial dedication.
    2. The resolution which approves the personnel who will be integrated in the Public Service Commission
    Libório Pereira is assigned to become the president of the Commission, Abel Ximenes and Olandina Caeiro as its members. These are the names that have been approved by the Council of the Ministers to be integrated in the Public Service Commission.
    The Council of Minister has analyzed:1. Proposal on the National Priorities
    The Ministry of Finance has proposed, during this Meeting, the implementation of the National Priorities related to the Second Trimester. It is obviously the continuity of the progress, even though there are purposes to be achieved and they will be accomplished until the end of this year. In this perspective, some of the Priorities are well developed than others. Having in mind the National Priorities, namely: Alimentary security and Agriculture, Rural Development, Human Resources Development, social protection and social services, public security, clean and efficient government and access to justice, the next activities initiate with the identification of the two main goals and objectives in the framework of the National Priorities of 2010. It needs to take into consideration the budget and co-financing of donators, the activity to be developed in order to avoid the weaknesses and/or instability of the programs and to establish a starting point for the multiannual accomplishment of the Strategic Development Plan.
    2. The resolution which approves the Preparatory Commission for the Municipalities
    In its meeting today, the Council of the Ministers has discussed the possibility of establishing a National Preparatory Commission (NPC) and a District Preparatory Commission (DPC). The NPC and DPC will assist the Government, and particularly the Ministry of State Administration and Territorial Management (MSATM/MAEOT) for the establishment of the new Municipalities. The role of coordination for the implementation of the process of decentralization is under the responsibilities of the MSATM/MAEOT and it was in this point of view that this Ministry has discussed with other Government members, the possible responsibilities of each one of these Commissions to be approved later.
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    10 of August of 2009Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on August 10, 2009
    IV Constitutional Government of Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão reaches two year milestone
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    15 of July of 2009Meeting of the Council of Ministers on 15 July 2009

    The Council of the Ministers held a meeting on Wednesday, 15 July 2009, in the Convention Room for the Council of the Ministers, in the Government House, in Díli, and it has approved:
    1. The Resolution endorsing the establishment of an Inter-ministerial Commission for Assisting the Public Infrastructures Projects
    The Council of the Ministers has approved an Inter-ministerial Commission for Assisting the Public Infrastructures Projects composed by all Government Staffs holding the current infrastructures projects and it will be performed under coordination lead by the Vice-Prime-Minister for the Public Administration Management. The Commission is to assist the ongoing works achievement connected to physical projects and under the support lead by Technical Support Department. The last one has to conduct and manage the Inter-ministerial Commission meetings, to establish and to keep up a database concerning to the every ongoing physical projects and to submit recommendations associated to the process of the implementation of the projects at all level (by replacing, improving or to hasten the acts in force).
    2. The resolution endorsing the establishment of an Inter-Ministerial Commission for Rural Development
    The Inter-Ministerial Commission for Rural Development (ICRD), approved today, will coordinate the programs for rural development. It has to identify the priority spot for rural development, to ascertain the right inter-ministerial coordination by identifying, implementing and completing the projects, to set up coordination and assurance with the development partnership. The Commission is composed by the Vice-Prime-Minister for Public Administration Management (coordinator), the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Public Administration and Land Assortment, the Minister of Economy and Development (vice-coordinator), the Minister of the Infrastructure, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and under the support from Technical Support Department. The department which enclose the Minister of Economy and the Development (the State Secretary for the Rural Development), the Minister of the Infrastructure and the minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, will assume its function in providing supports for ICRD when it coordinates the programs, completes the decision, increases the dialogue between VPM and the relevant ministers and development partnership and, at the same time, to support the creation of a database.

    3. Resolution endorsing the Common Agreement on Economic, Trade, Technical, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation between the Republic of Angola and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Additional Protocol on the Creation of a Bilateral Commission respectively.
    The Agreement manages to fasten the friendship and cooperation ties between the two countries and to promote economy and development increasing of the two countries. In case the consult led by the Parties shows benefit for increasing a bilateral relation and cooperation on international issues, according to the principles of the United Nations Chart and conducts of International Law universally recognized, a Bilateral Commission will be established at diplomatic range.

    4. The resolution endorsing the Proposal for CPLP Strategic Plan for Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.
    Concerning to the importance of boosting the cooperation ties with the Lusofonian Countries encompassed in Portuguese Language Countries Community (CPLP) and the government concern associated to the improvement of Portuguese language promotion, dissemination and practice, and the technical upgrading of public institution, under the support from CPLP along with its State Members, the Council of the Ministers has approved the Proposal concerning to the Strategic Plan by CPLP.

    5. The Decree determining the Value of the Variable to estimate the Salary for PNTL
    The Government has determines one dollar for the value of the variable, under the provision of article 7o. of the Decree-Law n.o 10/2009, February 18th., to estimate the basic fees for Timor-Leste National Police Personnel and Officials.
    6. The Decree determining the monthly fees for Feeding Charge to PNTL
    Twenty American dollars were the monthly fees approved by the Council of the Ministers as the cost for feeding charge to PNTL.

    The Council of the Ministers has also analyzed:
    1. The presentation endorsing the Rural Power Policy
    The members of the Council of the Ministers have a chance to listen to the State Secretary for Energetic Policy, the enactment of the Political Plan for Rural Power as one portion of the National Energetic Policy. It has the purpose of reducing the power dependence, by reducing the importation flows, where employment of the alternative and renewal energetic sources is required and bountiful in the country. By this way, the most regions in the Country where the power is like an inexistent resource, they can find in this policy the improvement of life conditions and the creation of new prospect at the range of production activities and social services in educational and sanitation areas. At the meeting today the Biogas System was enacted as a prospect of Biogas production in Timor-Leste and the profitable outcomes from it: to decrease cutting trees, potable water and insects contamination (from the diseases), gas manufacture for kitchen and compressed gas light. Eollyc Power is another resource which can avail Timor-Leste to achieve advantage by taking into account Timor-Leste’s geographical situation and climatic conditions. Although the initial investment should be expensive, but the pollution should be reduced, when renewal energy is in use, and should be applicable a hybrid system at the time the wind power should be insufficient for working out.

    2. Presentation endorsing National Policy for the Culture.
    The Ministry of Education, through it State Secretary for the Culture, has proposed a Resolution for endorsing National Policy for the Culture. The same policy is intended to preserve and disseminate cultural and artistic wealth and values of Timor-Leste through a joint trace of action enclosed the legislation establishment, the support for the investigation programs, education and training and infrastructures construction for the purpose of up holding cultural organization and activities as well as to working together with another relevant entities in cultural periphery.
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