Media Releases

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    11 of Outubro of 2009Statement by the Spokesperson of the IV Constitutional Government on October 11, 2009
    Fretilin Fat Cats mislead the people of Timor-Leste
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    30 of September of 2009Meeting of the Council of Ministers on 30 September 2009
    The Meeting of the Council of Ministers, on September 30th 2009
    The Council of Ministers held a meeting on this Wednesday, September 30th. 2009, in its Meeting Room, in the Government House, in Díli, and approved:
    1. The Decree-Law which approves the Special Procurement Regime for the Prioritized Projects
    The Government of Timor-Leste pledges to improve the procurement system of physical projects in course, especially in the districts and sub-districts. It is also making effort to promote the capacity building for national private sector, by empowering and entrusting the businessmen from the district with the facility and ability to set up relationship with local enterprises (from sub-districts).
    The “Referendum Package”, as an especial initiative, is consisting of the small projects undertaken in sub-districts, giving priority to the districts, which are already identified by the Government and to be implemented by the local enterprises. Through this Decree-Law, the Government establishes an especial procedure of requesting the quotations for the projects being identified in this diploma based on the criteria of priority and importance for national development which allows the Government to promote the appearance and reinforcement of the small and middle average of Timorese entrepreneurs. It was also identified the prioritized activities in the scope of controlling of flood and urgent rehabilitation of parts of roads which are in very bad conditions.2. The Decree-Law on Allowances for Official Travel in the Country
    The diploma, which is in force on January 1st. 2010, will regulate the attribution of allowances for official travel in Timor-Leste, and to update the respective amount. These allowances have an exclusive conditions and objective for covering the accommodation, foods and other kinds of expenses, due to the extra official duty.3. Licensing and accreditation of the Tertiary Education Institutions
    After hearing the reports of the Ministry of Education and its conclusions, the Council of Ministers decided to review the resolution on the admission of new students by the tertiary education institutions which could not satisfy the requirements for its accreditation. Thus, the UNDIL (Universidade de Díli) and UNITAL (Universidade Oriental) are allowed to precede their academic process, including the admission of new students.However, the testing period, of one year, remains as already decided, as well as the possible supports by the government, through the Adviser Office of the Prime Minister for Civil Society, to both institutions so they can achieve the minimum requirements for their revalidation and accreditation, in the next year.It remains, equally the decision on AKAKOM (Academia Computer Klik) to coordinate with the Secretary of State of Vocational Training and Employment and to adjust the courses to the level of professional capacity building, according to the criteria and parameters fixed by the Secretary of State of Vocational Training and Employment. To make these adjustments, the AKAKOM can, at the same time, get access to Government’s help, as provided by the Office of the Adviser to the Prime Minister for Civil Society. Secretary.
    4. Financial support to the Philippines due to the Floods
    Replying to the appeal launched by the Philippines Government to the international community to deal with the catastrophe faced by the country since Saturday morning, the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, in solidarity with the people and the Government of the Philippines, decided to provide financial support for helping the country to overcome one of the worse floods in the last 40 years.
    The Council of Ministers also analyzed:
    1. Discussion on the Costumes Procedure
    The process of the implementation of the investment projects, related to delaying faced by Costumes Office, especially the projects in connection with the foreign investments.
    2. Resolution on the Creation of Youth Parliament/ FOINSA’E
    More than a half of the population of Timor-Leste is less than 30 years old. An important portion of the society which has demonstrated to be fundamental for the development of the Country, and deserved to obtain an especial focus in National Youth Policy of Timor-Leste (PNJ) leading to incentivise the youth to exercise their rights and duties that are inherent as citizens of clearly and responsible form. This is the fundamental basis for the sustainable development.Considering that the role of youth is essential for the future of the Country, the Timor-Leste State, through its prominent leaders of organs of sovereignty, intended to create a space of learning and practicing the democracy with the main objective to sensitize and initiate the youth in the democratic and civic participation, by encouraging them to exercise their political rights and duties in the future, through the identification and understanding of the problems of timorese society
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    23 of September of 2009Meeting of the Council of Ministers on 23 September 2009
    The Council of Ministers held a meeting this Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009, in its Room, in the Government Palace, in Dili, and has approved:
    1. Government Resolution that approves a Commission to review the ISF mission
    In view of Timor-Leste’s steady security situation. Considering its social and political stabilization, the country security and defense forces now able to accomplish their mission, the Government has decided to appoint a Commission to conduct an assessment over the needs to sustain ISF in the territory.The ISF statutes were established in May 2006, through an agreement signed by the Government of Timor-Leste and Australia, with the aim of restoring the national security in country. According to this agreement, an Australian military commander should control all the military and police forces, both national and international.By August 2006, the United Nations Security Council has partially revoked this agreement through UNMIT’s mandate ad to restore and maintain public order in Timor-Leste.In December 2006, both national and international Police Command has been handed over to the United Nations after celebrating an agreement with UNMIT to adjust the relationship between UNPOL and the State of Timor-Leste.In January 2007, a trilateral agreement between Timor-Leste, Australia and the United Nations sets a new path and the powers conferred through the May 26 agreement loose their applicability.Hence, vis-a-vis the changes regarding the ISF Mission, based upon the Constitution of the Republic of Timor-Leste and the recent High Defense and Security Council decision, the Government has decided to appoint a Commission to conduct an assessment over the ISF Mission in Timor-Leste.
    2. Decree-Law that approves the Organic of the Migration Service
    The establishment of a Migration Service – separated from PNTL – represents an opportunity to develop an organization which enables professional services to reach out the goals set by the Government for migration affairs.The Migration Service assumes the general responsibilities provided by the Immigration and Asylum Law to take control over the movement of people from the moment they arrive in country to the moment they depart. It also allows the control and monitoring of foreigners inside national territory.The organic law of the Migration Service was developed to ensure managerial and legislative conditions needed to accomplish a good migration administration.
    3. Decree-Law which approves the Statute for Migration Service Staffs
    The Migration Service (MS) was established as an independent body; dependent of the Government Member Responsible for Migration, hence its statutes should be regulated separately.The implementation of the Organic Law for Migration Service demands a special carrier regime (having in mind the Public Servants laws) that fits the new MS structure.
    4. Resolution which approves Cultural National Policy
    “Using Culture towards the Nation and the Timorese State” is one of the priorities defined by the IV Constitutional Government in its program.The preservation and dissemination of both Timor-Leste’s patrimony and cultural values are set in this policy through a sum of action lines, which includes the making of legislation, investigation support, education and training programs, and the creation of infrastructures.Thus, the Government shall coordinate and execute the policies by now defined for the preservation of cultural patrimony, as well as by increasing the support to cultural institutions and performances. It will also support the publications that allow cultural information to propagate countrywide, as well as the cooperation with other organizations which unsure relevant actions in cultural areas.The foregoing Organic Law of the Ministry for Education regulates and defines the future National Bibliotheca as a Public Institute and assumes responsibility for its management.
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    5 of August of 2009Meeting of the Council of Ministers on 5 July 2009

    The Council of Ministers held a meeting on August 5th, 2009, in its room, in the Government Building, in Dili, and has approved:
    1. The Decree-Law which approves the Judicial Regime for Staffs of Justice, Secretariat Services of the Court, the Office of Attorney General and the Office of Public Defender.
    The Judicial Regime for Staffs of Justice, Secretariat Services of the Court, the Office of Attorney General and the Office of Public Defender has been approved by the members of the Government. This Decree-Law will allow to respond to the urgent needs of the Courts, Office of the Prosecutors and Public Defenders concerning the professional assignment of their staffs, as well as the regulation of materials related to the organization of the Secretariat services of these entities, by promoting their capacities of internal organization and budgeting.

    2. Draft of Law which approves the Civil Code
    The Council of Ministers has approved today the Draft of Law which approves the Civil Code that represents an important sign in the future on judicially-private relationship in the Country. The legal proposal translates the work of the Committee that has been established since 2004 into that purpose, which intended to collect the questions that could be the subject of adaptation or modification of Timor-Leste’s realities. Thus, the Civil Code allows the judicial actors and community in general, to have the great certainty and stability relatively the regulation of social relations in community life. The Indonesian Civil Code has been restricted to the applications in the Courts which can reduce the daily activity of Public Administration and the community and limit the development of judicial deal. The Draft of Law approved today, as a result of a period of Public Consultation that has collected relevant academic contributions, which deals with these issues, as well as from the civil society and relevant representative organizations in the Country in order to safeguard a variety of East Timor’s culture and Tradition.

    The Council of Minister has also analyzed:
    1. The presentation of the activities of the Installing Commission of the Coordinating Committee of Operations of Border
    The State Secretariat for the Security, after being identified the difficulties faced by the agencies which undertake their jobs in the management of the Borders and after being established the installing Commission of the Coordinating Committee of Border (FCCCBC), presented in the meeting today the work schedule until October 31st. Thus, to start developing the activities of cooperation and coordination among all agencies, it is fundamental to appoint the focal points of the agencies during the 3 months period of Installing Commission. It needs also to have a plan of defining the objectives that could be accomplished at short, middle and long terms, and to define a budgetary plan to be foreseen in the budget of each agency. The FCCCBC has also fulfilled the realization of the protocols among all agencies involved in this Committee and the draft of a Decree-Law proposal to be submitted to the Council of Ministers

    2. The Presentation on Timor-Leste’s participation in Shanghai 2010 World Expo
    The Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry proposed mainly the structure and budgetary estimation for feasible participation of Timor-Leste in Shanghai 2010 World Expo.The Shanghai 2010 World Expo entitled “Better City, Better Life” is a world-wide Expo and, to the similarity of other kinds of this event, it is expected to host nearly 70 thousand of visitors as it is a privileged locality for economic, scientific, technological and cultural interchanges which can bring the advantages to the Country. The return of participation in an event on this extent will be always a great benefit.Timor-Leste had participated, for the first time as a Nation, in ‘98 Expo (Lisbon) and it will participate, for the second time as a Nation in Shanghai 2010 World Expo and, in this case, it is the first time as an Independent Country.As “an Invited Participant Country” of the Popular Government of China, Timor-Leste will get benefit of an offer of pavilion and a financial joint venture to use in services and necessary materials for its accomplishment. Agio Pereira was appointed by the members of the Council of Ministers, as the commissioner of Timor-Leste for Shanghai 2010 World Expo.
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